I visited this forum many times over the last year and read many threads with interest. Now I'm officially registered
and have one or two questions about action replay codes for Resident Evil 2 and 3 for the Nintendo Gamecube.
I beat Resident Evil: Directors cut on advanced mode without any cheats, RE2 on normal and RE3 on hard. But after some time (I started back in 1996), you get a little bit used to the difficulty setting (mostly).
Now to my questions:
Resident Evil 2 (it's the uncut european version which also contains german subtitles if you switch the gamecube to german language):
Is there any way to make this game harder via action replay? The version for the gamecube sadly hasn't got the nightmare mode the dreamcast version has. I did discover the codes for extreme mode and nightmare mode, but they prevent me from playing the game. That's because not only the enemies respawn when you re-enter a room, the items do as well. So some scripted events don't occur if the game thinks that I haven't taken some items like keys for example.
Is there maybe a method to modify the enemies hitpoints or attack strength? Or would it be possible to make ammunition more scarce?
Resident Evil 3 (it's the uncut european version which also contains german subtitles if you switch the gamecube to german language)
Same question as #1 above. I tried it out just yesterday. I wasn't able to leave the police station because the lockpick I had taken had respawned in the S.T.A.R.S.-office after I left it. So the encounter with the nemesis wasn't triggered.
Questions regarding both games:
I saw some hacks on youtube (a shoot hack for example). Is this possible via action replay?
Maybe anyone of you has an idea.
I visited this forum many times over the last year and read many threads with interest. Now I'm officially registered

I beat Resident Evil: Directors cut on advanced mode without any cheats, RE2 on normal and RE3 on hard. But after some time (I started back in 1996), you get a little bit used to the difficulty setting (mostly).
Now to my questions:
Resident Evil 2 (it's the uncut european version which also contains german subtitles if you switch the gamecube to german language):
Is there any way to make this game harder via action replay? The version for the gamecube sadly hasn't got the nightmare mode the dreamcast version has. I did discover the codes for extreme mode and nightmare mode, but they prevent me from playing the game. That's because not only the enemies respawn when you re-enter a room, the items do as well. So some scripted events don't occur if the game thinks that I haven't taken some items like keys for example.
Is there maybe a method to modify the enemies hitpoints or attack strength? Or would it be possible to make ammunition more scarce?
Resident Evil 3 (it's the uncut european version which also contains german subtitles if you switch the gamecube to german language)
Same question as #1 above. I tried it out just yesterday. I wasn't able to leave the police station because the lockpick I had taken had respawned in the S.T.A.R.S.-office after I left it. So the encounter with the nemesis wasn't triggered.
Questions regarding both games:
I saw some hacks on youtube (a shoot hack for example). Is this possible via action replay?
Maybe anyone of you has an idea.