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Replaying: Resident Evil 1 (Original)

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  • #16
    No love for Deadly Silence?


    • #17
      I don't have a reliable way to capture that right now, so for the time being its being left out.


      • #18
        So let me get this straight you are going to capture every play through from each version. Consider your server bandwidth dead when I download all of these. What sparked your interest in RE all of a sudden? RE: DC dual shock got me on my survival horror kick but as of now I'm playing Parasite Eve 2. Anyway, have you gone though all of your copies of RE before or will this be a first?
        Last edited by alf717; 08-28-2009, 08:35 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Vixtro View Post
          Jill gets a Mac 11 whilst Chris gets a SAW M249 light machine gun.
          Oh Man! HAHA An M249, that would take all the challenge out of the game though. It's got like a 100 bullet drum mag. it would blow everything away. I guess a MAC 11 would be ok though, since it would be just like the RE2 machine gun.

          Can't wait to see all this Dot.


          • #20
            I have only occasionally played some bits of the games I have. I'm really anticipating the Saturn releases, since the Battle Game is something I've only played once or twice.

            I beat my first game tonight at around 4 hours and 30 minutes. I kept dying too. This game is quite hard, especially when Hunters corner you . Thankfully, that play-through has pretty much all the item/enemy locations for the site, so I don't have to go to every single room multiple times anymore ;). Now its just a matter of finding all of Jill's scene variants.

            One cool thing I found that I never saw is when you are on the 2nd floor East Wing. When you are at the point where you can walk down the stairs to the first floor (the Botany Book room is next door), theres a zombie thats on the 2nd floor near the one room that leads to the bedroom and the fish tank room. I left him alive this time, and ran into the room. I read the Researcher's Will, where he explained that he'll be taking his own life in an effort to stop becoming a zombie. I guess it failed, because as soon as I left the room and headed for the bedroom, he opened the door (the zombie near the stairs) and came in for me. Pretty cool thing that I never noticed.

            I always thought the zombie that comes into the dining room was the only one that opened a door at you.

            Another thing I noticed was Plant 42 is incredibly hard to hit with any kind of Bazooka round. You are supposed to use Flame Rounds on him, but only his tentacles can be hit by them and they move around a lot. I died 2 times on it

            In one of the researcher letters, its mentioned that "a man with sunglasses" stopped him from leaving the grounds. Was it ever mentioned that Wesker was head of security for the Arklay facility? Might just be a coincidence, but it seemed to imply that Wesker was on-site during the outbreak, handling security.
            Last edited by Dot50Cal; 08-29-2009, 02:46 AM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
              I have only occasionally played some bits of the games I have. I'm really anticipating the Saturn releases, since the Battle Game is something I've only played once or twice.

              I beat my first game tonight at around 4 hours and 30 minutes. I kept dying too. This game is quite hard, especially when Hunters corner you . Thankfully, that play-through has pretty much all the item/enemy locations for the site, so I don't have to go to every single room multiple times anymore ;). Now its just a matter of finding all of Jill's scene variants.

              One cool thing I found that I never saw is when you are on the 2nd floor East Wing. When you are at the point where you can walk down the stairs to the first floor (the Botany Book room is next door), theres a zombie thats on the 2nd floor near the one room that leads to the bedroom and the fish tank room. I left him alive this time, and ran into the room. I read the Researcher's Will, where he explained that he'll be taking his own life in an effort to stop becoming a zombie. I guess it failed, because as soon as I left the room and headed for the bedroom, he opened the door (the zombie near the stairs) and came in for me. Pretty cool thing that I never noticed.

              I always thought the zombie that comes into the dining room was the only one that opened a door at you.

              Another thing I noticed was Plant 42 is incredibly hard to hit with any kind of Bazooka round. You are supposed to use Flame Rounds on him, but only his tentacles can be hit by them and they move around a lot. I died 2 times on it

              In one of the researcher letters, its mentioned that "a man with sunglasses" stopped him from leaving the grounds. Was it ever mentioned that Wesker was head of security for the Arklay facility? Might just be a coincidence, but it seemed to imply that Wesker was on-site during the outbreak, handling security.
              That's some pretty interesting stuff. I never knew the 2nd floor zombie did that. I heard a rumor that there are loads of hidden little cutscenes in RE1/Remake though if you leave some things alive.

              Ive never played the Saturn Battle game. So that should be interesting to hear about.

              And I always assumed that it was Wesker who was mentioned in that file. As a kind of way to let you know he was evil. Who else had sunglasses on? I think he was head of security too, Wesker's report 2 said something about it IIRC.


              • #22
                In one of the researcher letters, its mentioned that "a man with sunglasses" stopped him from leaving the grounds. Was it ever mentioned that Wesker was head of security for the Arklay facility? Might just be a coincidence, but it seemed to imply that Wesker was on-site during the outbreak, handling security.
                Doesn't one of the files in the lab mention Wesker by name as being a part of the goings-ons? Plus isn't there a picture in the slide show that shows a group of the mansion team and a guy who pretty much looks just like Wesker is in it? I seem to remember these.


                • #23
                  I think it is Wesker. Remember that if you enter the study too late, the top part of the letter containing Wesker's description is missing, as if he has gone round removing the evidence, or more likely he had Barry do it as you catch him in the study with the file.
                  "I've got 100 cows."
                  "Well I've got 104 friends."


                  • #24
                    The zombie in the kitchen also opens a door to get you.
                    That zombie is actually alot tougher in later releases (Directors cut and on IIRC).

                    And you should knife plant42. It's very easy.
                    Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 08-29-2009, 06:02 AM.


                    • #25
                      What the hell @ Plant42 knifing.

                      Ahah, that zombie should be fun to get to in the Directors Cut. I never did play the original Biohazard DC release with the screwball music.


                      • #26
                        Huh, I'm not sure if that zombie comes through the door in REmake, but I definitely remember what you're talking about.

                        Of course the sunglasses guy is Wesker, plus that burnt file after fighting Plant 42 mentions 3 people at one point...E. Smith, S. Ross, A. Wesker. I'll venture to guess it has to do with security. This is one of my most crackpot and useless "theories" but I also believe "Alias from security" from the Keeper's Diary refers to Wesker. Unless it was a misspelling of Elias that stuck, the name always seemed weird to me. Of course there's nothing to suggest it's Wesker, beyond my idea of someone from security withholding his name and calling himself "Alias."


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
                          One cool thing I found that I never saw is when you are on the 2nd floor East Wing. When you are at the point where you can walk down the stairs to the first floor (the Botany Book room is next door), theres a zombie thats on the 2nd floor near the one room that leads to the bedroom and the fish tank room. I left him alive this time, and ran into the room. I read the Researcher's Will, where he explained that he'll be taking his own life in an effort to stop becoming a zombie. I guess it failed, because as soon as I left the room and headed for the bedroom, he opened the door (the zombie near the stairs) and came in for me. Pretty cool thing that I never noticed.

                          I always thought the zombie that comes into the dining room was the only one that opened a door at you.
                          I think I'll try to do this myself next time I play. I never knew you could trigger this event. The one event I have trouble accessing is the one where Jill over hears a conversation in the guardhouse were Barry is talking to Wesker. From what I remember it is the door that is closest to the statue you push back to get three green herbs, what I can't remember is if you trigger this scene with or without the key that unlocks this door.


                          I think it would be a pretty fun idea to put together a list of how to trigger all of the random events throughout the RE series.
                          Last edited by alf717; 08-29-2009, 05:26 PM.


                          • #28
                            Dot, will you record all your playthroughs? Hell, that's a lot of video hours. Wouldn't it be easier to check the placement of the enemies and the list of events directly from the japanese guides?

                            And btw, starting the playthorugh means that you have already finished the beta section? =O


                            • #29
                              Dot - Those Hunters, especially in the DC version but overall, are still probably one of the hardest common enemies in the entire series (I think Crimsons in the Remake and the Reapers in RE5 are probably the closest). Anywhere there is two, that tag teaming claw thing is annoying as crap, and then to top it off, they have those one hit death swipes when they take your head off. I'm always excited if I manage to time it to shoot one out of the air as it launches at my head, but most of the time I either miss or shoot too late.

                              Jill's scene variants are much easier than Chris' to get overall, most are triggered by simple changes in base decisions with Barry (ie. say yes or say no only) - Chris has far more alternates that require multiple decisions to change the scene or outcome, just a lot more work overall.

                              Plant 42 still takes the same level of damage from the Bazooka rounds no matter where you hit it as I recall, but I also remember moving from corner to corner, pointing the bazooka upwards, and firing to shoot the bulb and that usually worked well. Still surprises me that some people don't know Jill can also make the V-Jolt like Rebecca but it only weakens it, not kills it.

                              Wesker is never mentioned as head of security, but in one of the files of the lab he is listed as a consultant researcher and has access to prison area in the lab complex. Considering in the slide photo he's wearing the glasses as well, I've always assumed that the person mentioned in that file was intended to be Wesker.

                              Gene - I'm so surprised to see that in the English version, I was expecting that video to be of the Japanese edition. It's default difficulty is lower than the US/PAL editions. Thats why there is also that video of someone knifing the Tyrant as well, but that was in Biohazard.

                              alf717 - That scene is triggered entirely based on if you got the Shotgun by yourself or not at the start of the game. If you don't and Barry saves you then you meet Barry out on the 2nd floor balcony of the mansion because he's shadowing Jill around the mansion looking after her after she almost died. Because of that he's constantly 1 step behind and not doing his own thing.

                              If you use the Broken Shotgun and get it yourself, then instead you find him doing his own thing constantly - which includes destroying a file in the researchers bedroom on the 2nd floor of the mansion, and then finally when you reach the Guardhouse - having that conversation with Wesker.


                              • #30
                                Should I be ashamed at the fact that I can't beat this game? D= It's so hard. ><

