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Replaying: Resident Evil 1 (Original)

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  • Trying to figure out Chris' path changes at the moment, its really annoying because some of the things you can possibly do in the mansion lead to stuff way into the guard house, after the Plant 42 battle. Very long and tedious work


    • Look on the bright side Dot.

      We wuuuv you.


      • I just played through Chris' scenario today.

        Things I did include...

        Obtained Armor key first and ignored the save room where Rebecca sprays you.

        Met Rebecca with Richard on the 2nd floor outside the snake room.

        Saved Richard with serum.

        When Rebecca practices on piano I told her she couldn't play a little longer. Of course the little bitch ignored me. ;)

        When I fought Yawn he bit me. Wasn't planning it that way but he did! Got to play as Rebecca to get the serum for Chris.

        In the Guardhouse I opened the room where you mixed the chemicals and examined everything. Picked up the Plant 42 report and examined the roots in the basement. Looked at V Jolt report also.

        Went to fight the plant and Rebecca ran in and Chris gave her the V Jolt report. Got to play as Rebecca to mix the V Jolt.

        After that I never met Rebecca again returning to the mansion. Finally she caught up with me in the lab.

        Game played as normal.


        • Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
          Trying to figure out Chris' path changes at the moment, its really annoying because some of the things you can possibly do in the mansion lead to stuff way into the guard house, after the Plant 42 battle. Very long and tedious work
          I feel your pain, John

          What I do remember about Chris' adventure
          - Allow Rebecca to play piano/not to play piano
          - Find Rebecca in her save room/find her with Richard
          1) will influence where Rebecca will die in the Mansion (2 possible locations)
          2) will influence if Rebecca is killed by Wesker in the final lab or not
          3) will influence if Rebecca helps you with the V-Jolt or not

          At one point, I was very positive on how to get her to die either in the library or in front of her save room, in the Mansion; but then other people said that they achieve the same result by doing other things.
          So I won't tell you anything, as I don't want to confuse you ^^
          Last edited by imacwesker; 04-03-2011, 06:15 PM.
          Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


          • I think most of the alternative cutscenes happen if you work your way up to the 1st floor instead of going accross the 1st floor dining room to go up and down the stairs to the ground floor.
            I remember Barry meeting me on the landing to give me some ammo as I didn't go into the Forest room and he met me again in the store room before buggering off. Replacing the broken shotgun instead of letting him save you may also effect it.
            Last edited by kevstah2004; 04-03-2011, 06:47 PM.
            If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



            • 2) will influence if Rebecca is killed by Wesker in the final lab or not
              Wha!? This can happen?? I've NEVER seen it! Now I'm really curious.

              The parts I'm confused on right now are when Rebecca will help you with the V Jolt, right after you fight it you get a scene with her if she rescued you. As near as I can tell:

              As you leave the P42 Room, Rebecca is there. (unless you told her to stay in the mansion, or richard died when not returning in time)
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If Rebeca saved you from the Yawn poisoning, this scene changes with Chris saying "saved again!" (CONFIRM THIS)
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              If you let Richard die, she hands you his radio here.

              -ALTERNATE SCENE 3-
              If you didn't do either, this scene plays normally.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 4-
              Saved from poison, and richard died (CONFIRM THIS!!!)

              I'm pretty sure one of these doesn't exist (probably Alt 3) but I cant confirm it cause things get too muddled. It seems like theres an alternate decision which I'm missing that triggers one, maybe its the - Allow Rebecca to play piano/not to play piano? I've never heard of that, any idea what it influences specifically?

              As for the blue line up top, I know its wrong because:

              -PLANT 42-
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If you chose to let Rebecca follow you, she will hear Chris' screams as Plant 42 grabs him. She will then have to make Vjolt.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              If you chose no to Rebecca, or let Richard die (CONFIRMED), Plant 42 will drop Chris and you will have to kill it twice.

              I just confirmed that earlier yesterday.

              Heres my whole list, maybe you guys can correct some mistakes. I am missing a few scenes here and there, but I've been only adding scenes to this as I find them, so any input is very helpful:

              Main Hall
              Chris, Wesker and Jill arrive at the mansions hall. They attempt to regain their bearings when a shot rings out. Chris heads to the dining room to investigate.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              Main Hall with Wesker
              If you head back to the main hall, Wesker tells Chris to investigate the gunshot.

              Kenneth FMV
              Kenneth is getting eaten by a zombie.

              Wesker, Jill?
              Chris returns to the main hall only to find that Jill and Wesker are missing.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If you open the door to the main hall, a cerberus FMV plays.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If you go to the 2F balcony, Forest's body will be there. If you examine it, crows will attack.

              -PATH 1-
              If you go to the 1F West save room, Rebecca will meet you and you have a choice to make, which will impact the games progression.
              *If you do this, Richard will already be dead in the 2F.

              -Path 2-
              Do not enter the 1F West save room, and unlock Richards hallway and Rebecca will be tending to Richard.

              -Checking Rebecca-
              If you followed Path 1, you can check on Rebecca and she wonders if everyone is dead.

              -COME WITH ME?-
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If you followed path 1, Rebecca will ask if you want her to follow you. Picking YES means she will accompany you to the Guardhouse when you go there.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              If you choose no, she will remain in the mansion, and will be attacked by a Hunter when you re-enter the mansion.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If you tell rebecca to stay while on path 1, checking on her will have her repeat her last line.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              Check on richard if you followed path 2 and rebecca and him will tell you to hurry.

              -RETURNING TO RICHARD-
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If you return within 10~15 minutes with the serum, Richard will be alive. He will die shortly after though. Chris will tell Rebecca that he needs to stick with her now (the game acts as if you chose YES to her following you now)
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              If you return after 10~15 minutes, Rebecca is gone and Richard is dead.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If you followed path 1, Richard will already be dead in the hallway and a short scene will play with Chris finding him.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              Checking on richard after he is dead (only if you encountered him alive) produces a slightly modified scene from above (no music)

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              Checking on richard after he is dead while rebecca is in the room is also slightly different (rebecca is there).

              -KEEPER CLOSET-
              Checking on the file on the desk in the Keepers room reveals a zombie coming out of the closet for CHris.

              Chris attempts to play the piano, but cannot read sheet music. Rebecca enters the room and offers to play.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              Chris says yes, and Rebecca starts playing.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              Chris says no, but Rebecca starts playing anyway.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If you said no, as you start to leave, Rebecca asks for more time to practice.

              After you re-enter the piano room, Rebecca plays the piano for Chris, revealing the secret room.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              Checking on Rebecca, she tells Chris to be careful.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              After getting the Gold Emblem, speak with Rebecca to hear her ask if Chris is alright.

              Yawn appears, ready to eat your face!11

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If you took damage from Yawn, and leave the room, Chris will be poisoned
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If you had Rebecca follow you, or saved Richard, she will come in and get Serum for Chris (she is playable).
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              If you let Richard die, she will not come to your aid. You have to get the serum yourself.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 3-
              If you said no to her following you, she will save chris after he faints.

              -REBECCA CURE-
              Rebecca returns with the Serum.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              Rebecca returns with the serum within 10~15 minutes and heals Chris.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              Rebecca returns with the serum after 10~15 minutes and laments that Chris has died.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              Checking on Rebecca after she has cured you reveals a scene where she is glad she helped.

              Chris faints and is transported back to the save room where he met Rebecca.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              Checking on Rebecca after she helped you to the room reveals a scene where she urges chris to take care.

              -HEALING REBECCA-
              If you told Rebecca to stay in the save room, she will now offer to heal you up to 3 times. She will explain about the chemicals in the room and talk about Umbrella briefly.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If you go to get healed again, she will say different things

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If you go to get healed the third time, its the final dose.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If you tried to help richard, and he gave you his radio, you will get a call from brad upon exiting the mansion.

              -CRANK TIME-
              Chris cranks the crank, revealing the pool drain FMV.

              -PLANT 42-
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If you chose to let Rebecca follow you, she will hear Chris' screams as Plant 42 grabs him. She will then have to make Vjolt.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              If you chose no to Rebecca, or let Richard die (CONFIRMED), Plant 42 will drop Chris and you will have to kill it twice.

              If Rebecca came to your aid, she douses the roots in Vjolt and watches as it shrivels.

              Plant 42 shrivels, dropping Chris. It returns and you must fight it again.

              As you leave the P42 Room, Rebecca is there. (unless you told her to stay in the mansion, or richard died when not returning in time)
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If Rebeca saved you from the Yawn poisoning, this scene changes with Chris saying "saved again!" (CONFIRM THIS)
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              If you let Richard die, she hands you his radio here.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 3-
              If you didn't do either, this scene plays normally.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 4-
              Saved from poison, and richard died (CONFIRM THIS!!!)

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If Rebecca is following you, shes in the Guardhouse VJolt room. She offers to heal you, and gives you a small talk about Umbrella.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              CHecking on Rebecca after she heals you reveals this small TAKE CARE scene.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If you go back to get healed, Rebecca heals you without giving the Umbrella speech.

              Chris meets Wesker as he is leaving the Guardhouse.

              Brads tries to contact Alpha team on the radio.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If you made Rebecca stay in the guardhouse, and let Richard die, you find his radio in the crest hallway.

              Hunter FMV

              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If you had Rebecca follow you, After killing the Hunter, Chris just goes away.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              If you had Rebecca stay in the mansion, Chris will be worried about her safety.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 3-
              If you let Richard's time expire and he died, You will hear Rebecca scream on the 2F library (CONFIRMED)

              -SAVING REBECCA-
              If you had Rebecca stay in the mansion, she is on the 1F, where the save room is.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If you take long (10~15 min), Rebecca will be in the hallway, being attacked by a hunter.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              If you take less than 10~15 min, Rebecca will be inside the save room, safe.

              -Live or Die-
              If you take too long, and Rebecca is being attacked, you can either save her from the hunter (kill it) or leave her (she dies).
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              Have Chris kill the hunter, and he saves Rebecca.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              Leave the room and you hear rebecca scream. Return, and chris finds her dead body.

              Rebecca is safe in the cabin, she thanks chris.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If you check Rebecca, she repeats her last line.

              -YAWN Pt2-
              Yawn attacks!

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              Chris spies a heliport.

              -STAIRS ZOMBIE-
              FMV of zombie on stairs

              Enrico almost shoots Chris before getting shot himself from a mysterious third party.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              -CHECKING ENRICO-
              Chris checks Enricos wounds.

              -BLACK TIGER-
              Chris enters a web covered room, to find a giant spider.

              -FOUNTAIN DRAIN-
              The fountain drain FMV

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              -CHECKING ON JILL-
              You can check on Jill if you have the MO disc passwords before entering the B4 elevator.

              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If Rebecca is alive, she heads down to B4 with Chris. They encounter Wesker, and Rebecca is shot before Wesker leads Chris to the Tyrant room.

              -TYRANT FMV-

              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If Rebecca was shot, she is shown to be alright (bulletproof vest). She heads to the B3 and offers to set off the triggering system.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If Rebecca went to set the triggering system off, as soon as chris enters the main B3 O hall, the system is turned on.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              Chris rescues Jill
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              Chris rescues Jill after having checked on her.

              -LETS GO!-
              Jill urges chris to go.

              Jill once again says CMON.

              -FINAL TRANSMISSION-
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If Chris didn't rescue Jill, he is alone.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              If Chris did rescue Jill, he is with her.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 3-
              If Rebecca died via the Hunter, there will be no triggering system music. (with jill)
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 4-
              If Rebecca died via the Hunter, there will be no triggering system music. (without jill)

              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If Chris is with Jill and Rebecca, they are here.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              If Chris is with Rebecca.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 3-
              If Chris is alone
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 4-
              If Chris is with Jill

              Tyrant bursts out of the ground as Chris uses the flare.

              -OPTIONAL SCENE-
              If time runs out, Chris blows up.

              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              Rebecca & Jill saved.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              Rebecca saved.

              -ALTERNATE SCENE 1-
              If Rebecca is alive the normal scene plays.
              -ALTERNATE SCENE 2-
              If Rebecca is dead, the credits play with no scenes.
              Last edited by Dot50Cal; 04-03-2011, 08:21 PM.


              • Sorry John, I misspoke - I meant that Wesker shot Rebecca and she is believed to be dead, but came back later as wearing a bullet proof vest or something like that.

                I never got the "saved again" line from Chris.
                Not sure what alternate scene 4 should be, either.
                Sorry, but it as been a long time since I played as Chris. I can't stand his macho attitude and Rebecca's voice breaks my ears, so I usually play as Jill

                Now, I may have read it wrong but you don't seems to talk about Rebecca being saved/killed from the Hunter in the library, after the Hunter FMV (after Chris must go back in the Mansion after defeating Plant 42).
                You also say that Rebecca can be found inside the safe room, but I always found her threatened by a Hunter, either in the library or in front of the safe room.
                Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                • Inside the safe room - if you tell her NO to coming with you after finding her in the safe room (she sprays you with F-Aid). You need to make it to her within 10 minutes in order to get that one, otherwise she is outside this room, being attacked by the Hunter, but unlike the Library, she is still save-able.

                  I think he just says "Saved again! Thanks!" and she says "You'd do the same for me, right?" I assumed this was a reference to when she saved him with the Yawn poisoning, but I just got it after I was not poisoned at all too, so maybe its just a screw up on their part.

                  I agree with you on Chris, I never really played his scenarios, I would always play as Jill so getting her stuff was pretty easy for me. Its only this Chris stuff which is giving me trouble.

                  I think I figured out the fastest cutscene route for Chris for speedruns. I believe finding Rebecca in the Save Room first, then telling her NO are the best options. This way, you skip having to get Richard the Serum, and you also skip having to make V Jolt. This would cut down on a huge number of time wasting quests.

                  For anyone just reading, I'm still trying to figure out if you've ever got these scenes:
                  Here are 5 audio clips which I can't find in-game. If anyone knows how to activate the scenes associated with them, please let me know! The files were found ...

                  I believe the Jill radio one COULD still be in the game, but the others are unlikely.
                  Last edited by Dot50Cal; 04-03-2011, 10:30 PM.


                  • Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
                    Inside the safe room - if you tell her NO to coming with you after finding her in the safe room (she sprays you with F-Aid). You need to make it to her within 10 minutes in order to get that one, otherwise she is outside this room, being attacked by the Hunter, but unlike the Library, she is still save-able.
                    Either I run to the library or to the safe room, she is always threatened by a Hunter, so I never found her safe inside the safe room. Weird.
                    You can also decide to save her or let her die in the library. If you save her, Chris says something like "stay in this room/don't move" but as soon as you exit and come back in the library, she disappeared.
                    Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                    • I just realized..I've never played through with Rebecca getting threatened by a hunter and just completely overlooking those rooms..It would fit with that scene we heard, since if you ditch Barry in the catacombs you find him dying in the labs.

                      I just tried this with finding her on the 1st floor and it just defaulted to her being dead. I wonder if you "save" her, then just dont talk to her afterwords (You have to press X on her to have the scene play out where she thanks you and Chris says to proceed with your own judgment).


                      Rebecca on 1st floor
                      -Completely overlook the room (She winds up dead)
                      -Kill the Hunter threatening her, but don't click her

                      Rebecca on 2nd floor
                      -Never enter the Library

                      So two more play throughs to test that theory.

                      So yeah, if you follow through with overlooking her on the 1st floor and then come all the way back just before going to confront Wesker, her body is there, dead. Gonna try the 2nd option for the first floor.

                      Option 2 doesn't do anything different either. Rebecca just joins you in the labs as if nothing else occurred. So I'm pretty sure this doesn't trigger anything different. Darn.
                      Last edited by Dot50Cal; 04-03-2011, 11:45 PM.


                      • One other thing I noticed was if you don't have a weapon aimed at a Hunter, they generally play with you a lot more. They simply slash rather than leaping into the air. I don't know if its only certain rooms or if it is indeed because I don't have a weapon equipped though.

                        Also, Rebecca won't heal your poison status. If shes in the guard house chemical room, its infinite heals. The mansion chemical save room is only 3.
                        Last edited by Dot50Cal; 04-04-2011, 01:44 AM.


                        • About the leaping/beheading Hunter: Hunter behead me only when my character is already wounded. Some people claimed that they were beheaded even with full health but this never happened to me.

                          I didn't know about Rebecca infinite healing in the guardhouse, that's interesting
                          Bloodborne: my Facebook page and my Youtube page


                          • Found another if you don't go into the BAR / Piano room before seeing Richard when you goto the room after Richard, Rebecca says "I've decided not to grieve any longer".
                            If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                            • Originally posted by imacwesker View Post
                              About the leaping/beheading Hunter: Hunter behead me only when my character is already wounded. Some people claimed that they were beheaded even with full health but this never happened to me.
                              I've had it happen, and more than once. The issue I believe isn't that it's "full" health, but that you've taken some small damage or healed only with a single green herb but registers as "Fine" on your status (when you're somehow only 85-90% of the total 100% healed). I think some of the stats in the Japanese guidebooks explain this idea somewhat by breaking down all attacks and health items into a percentage marker.

                              It seems more frequent in the Director's Cut than the original, so I think it's something else they tweaked with in that. Might be something else to try out.
                              Last edited by Rombie; 04-04-2011, 09:54 PM.


                              • I certinaly remember getting instant KO'd when I was Fine before. It's a long time since I've played RE1 properly but I remember it happening. If my memory serves me correctly, more so in the Saturn version (I personally think it's harder), but that could just be me.
                                Last edited by Guest; 04-04-2011, 10:32 PM.

