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Chances of games like Darkside Chronicles being ported to the PS3 and 360?

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  • Chances of games like Darkside Chronicles being ported to the PS3 and 360?

    WHAT?! Okay, hear me out. Before you start bugging out and wondering what kind of hallucinogenic drugs I am on, just...hear me out. I understand. The PS3 and Wii-Mote, no nunchuk, I get it. But stop and think for a second.


    E3 2009 ring a bell?

    Sony unveiled their own motion controller. It currently has no title, but at the same time, it is due for a Q2 2010 release. Check out the video in case you haven't seen it, and see some of the really cool things it can do. I don't think it's unheard of for this controller possessing the ability to control the 'light-gun'-type games like Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles.

    Sony wasn't the only cool kid at the show, though...

    ...Microsoft also unveiled their own type of motion control, codenamed Project Natal, but with a catch: no controller. Well, your body is the controller. The footage from E3 was quite impressive, without even taking into account Milo Molyneux. This is clearly quite a different beast from the Wii-mote and PS3's motion controller, but if Natal is as amazing and groundbreaking as we are lead to believe, could a light-gun-type game be possible? Just, you know...point and shoot?

    So, I pose the question: in the light of the new motion control technology due out for the PS3 and 360, is there any chance...any chance at all, that a port of DSC and OTHER Wii titles to the other current-gen consoles, is possible? I mean, if it sells well...pretty much anything is possible, right?

    I'm just thinking out loud right now. Maybe I'm crazy, maybe it's not possible, maybe it'll never happen, but I figured this topic might be worth making...if not for Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles, then for the future of motion control in general. I'm hoping at the very least, this topic will kick-start a gaming discussion.

    Last edited by Vector; 09-03-2009, 09:46 PM.

  • #2
    Well, your body is the controller.
    This is why I don't care for motion controllers. I play games to unwind. Dancing infront of my T.V. isn't unwinding. It's annoying.

    Wait...Kinda off topic.

    Anyway... I would like to see a port though. Even if I'm not going to buy it.


    • #3
      Ports? Not a chance in hell (there's a load of resons, but I'm too damn lazy to think about it). Similar games? Now that'd be more like it.


      • #4
        I kind of doubt it. Unless they decide to do an HD double pack of both the Chronicles games. I can see that happening.


        • #5
          Originally posted by jagger916 View Post
          This is why I don't care for motion controllers. I play games to unwind. Dancing infront of my T.V. isn't unwinding. It's annoying.
          Couldn't agree more. That's why I don't really care for the Wii. If it wasn't for the Umbrella Chronicles, I wouldn't have bothered buying one.
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          • #6

            From the developers point of view: "It could happen."

            "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


            • #7
              Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
              WHAT?! Okay, hear me out. Before you start bugging out and wondering what kind of hallucinogenic drugs I am on, just...hear me out. I understand. The PS3 and Wii-Mote, no nunchuk, I get it. But stop and think for a second.


              E3 2009 ring a bell?

              Sony unveiled their own motion controller. It currently has no title, but at the same time, it is due for a Q2 2010 release. Check out the video in case you haven't seen it, and see some of the really cool things it can do. I don't think it's unheard of for this controller possessing the ability to control the 'light-gun'-type games like Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles.

              Sony wasn't the only cool kid at the show, though...

              ...Microsoft also unveiled their own type of motion control, codenamed Project Natal, but with a catch: no controller. Well, your body is the controller. The footage from E3 was quite impressive, without even taking into account Milo Molyneux. This is clearly quite a different beast from the Wii-mote and PS3's motion controller, but if Natal is as amazing and groundbreaking as we are lead to believe, could a light-gun-type game be possible? Just, you know...point and shoot?

              So, I pose the question: in the light of the new motion control technology due out for the PS3 and 360, is there any chance...any chance at all, that a port of DSC and OTHER Wii titles to the other current-gen consoles, is possible? I mean, if it sells well...pretty much anything is possible, right?

              I'm just thinking out loud right now. Maybe I'm crazy, maybe it's not possible, maybe it'll never happen, but I figured this topic might be worth making...if not for Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside Chronicles, then for the future of motion control in general. I'm hoping at the very least, this topic will kick-start a gaming discussion.

              Project Natal looks amazing .

              Anyways i think its possible that capcom will make ports, why not, it wouldnt cost so much money and would open up the games to a wider comunity. So it could happen but then capcom could decide to try something completely different and make a new game for the PS3 and the 360 (maybe another light gun game or something a bit more like RE archives/RE 4). So really its to early to be sure yet but it is quite possible that it will happen, after all look at Archives and RE4, The ports of these games shows that capcom arent shy of making ports of a game that is a few years old


              • #8
                If Nintendo drops off of the hardware race. Look for Mario and the gang to head to the Xbox. Cause Sony has bad blood with the big N. "Super Mario X" will be a smash hit. lol

                Capcom should re-make Resident evil 2 with Sony's machine. Not a clone of Resident Evil 4 or 5. But a straight up re-make like they did for zero and 1. It would make sense to update the mechanics and game-play. Still even so, I'd pick it up, so will everyone on this blog. Unless they cut the crap and go back a few steps. They won't realize if it ain't broke. DON"T FIX IT !!! The formula was perfect. Fumball Capcom.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rock it. View Post
                  Ports? Not a chance in hell
                  Why would you say such a stupid thing? THIS. IS. CAPCOM.

                  Well just being from Capcom, I can tell you that we have a lot of good ideas on how to make use of that technology and we're looking forward to putting them into practice. However, speaking to other developers in Japan, I've heard a few of them say they were delighted by the Sony motion controller because they can just port over their Wii titles to the PS3.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by A-J View Post
                    I kind of doubt it. Unless they decide to do an HD double pack of both the Chronicles games. I can see that happening.
                    I hope for this!!!


                    • #11
                      I hope they port them to the PC. You can point and shoot very easily with the mouse, and Project Natal will work for the PC too.


                      • #12
                        Official PlayStation Blog for news and video updates on PlayStation, PS5, PS4, PS VR, PlayStation Plus and more.

                        Awesome video showing off Sony's motion controller. Looks awesome.


                        • #13
                          That was amazing. Did they say how soon this would be on the market for purchase??


                          • #14
                            Q1 2010


                            • #15
                              TGS 2009

                              There may not have been much happening at Sony's Tokyo Game Show opener, but we're hoping the Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Press Conference has more meat to it. Yes, Sony has two opportunities to speak to captive audiences today.

                              Capcom just used sony's motion wand to demonstrate RE5.

