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Ridiculous Moments in Resident Evil!

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  • #61
    What I don't understand is how the virus spread throughout the city so quickly. One minute HUNK is fighting (or avoiding) G-Birkin in the sewers, and the next he is running through the infected police station. But if G-Birkin broke the T-virus tubes in the sewers during the "HUNK and friends" battle, how did the rats spread it all around the city in a matter of minutes?!

    When Leon and Claire arrive, the city is almost completely infected. Unless HUNK was roaming the sewers for a week, I just don't get it!
    Mass production? Ridiculous!


    • #62
      The T-virus had already been released I believe, and the G after HUNK and company met up with Birkin. Because there are only 2 instances of G creatures in the game. Birkin himself and that globby slimy worm thing (the name eludes me at the moment).


      • #63


        • #64
          In RE1 when you first see the zombie and go back to Barry; "Kenneth was killed too, maybe by this creature!" after she had just seen the zombie munch off half of Kenneth's face. MAYBE it killed him? Lolol.


          • #65
            RE4 trying to make another sandwich joke. xD I just realized that the other day and had a mental facepalm. Also Luis, "I said no more than feeeeeeefty people!"

            Any accent in that game is just butchered. xD


            • #66
              I assume you're talking about "Hate to say it but we're sandwiched alright. Quick, into that cabin!"

              That wasn't some attempt to repeat the Jill sandwich line in any way. Hell, it's something I'd probably say it in that situation. It's an expression, not a joke.
              Last edited by DarkMemories; 09-21-2009, 10:22 AM.
              A man chooses...a slave obeys.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
                What I don't understand is how the virus spread throughout the city so quickly. One minute HUNK is fighting (or avoiding) G-Birkin in the sewers, and the next he is running through the infected police station. But if G-Birkin broke the T-virus tubes in the sewers during the "HUNK and friends" battle, how did the rats spread it all around the city in a matter of minutes?!

                When Leon and Claire arrive, the city is almost completely infected. Unless HUNK was roaming the sewers for a week, I just don't get it!
                Hunk's mission was carried out on the late night of sep 22nd, the T-Virus was already seeping out into the city thanks to the troubles at the Dead Factory but Birkin's massacre of Hunk's team is what started the large scale infection.
                He was actually in the sewers for a week though. The 4th survivor takes place on September 30th. Although it is a pretty big stretch to believe he was unconcious for over 7 days and not get eaten/attacked by anything.

                As for my ridicuous RE moment, it has got to be choice dialogue from RE1 when Wesker says to Jill something along the line of;

                "Your a brave girl. Don't worry, all weak people exist to be eaten."

                Best line ever.
                "I've got 100 cows."
                "Well I've got 104 friends."


                • #68
                  I always liked in RE1 where Wesker, sounding like a bully victim, says "Stop it Chris...", then Chris counters with a saturday morning cartoon hero tone, "Wesker you're pitiful". Always makes me crack up.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by DarkMemories View Post
                    I assume you're talking about "Hate to say it but we're sandwiched alright. Quick, into that cabin!"

                    That wasn't some attempt to repeat the Jill sandwich line in any way. Hell, it's something I'd probably say it in that situation. It's an expression, not a joke.
                    I agree.

                    One of my favorite lines from RE4 is when Krauser says to Leon "It pretty much means you're on a tight leash." I don't know why, but it makes me laugh every time he says "tight leash."

                    Originally posted by TheBatMan View Post
                    As for my ridicuous RE moment, it has got to be choice dialogue from RE1 when Wesker says to Jill something along the line of;

                    "Your a brave girl. Don't worry, all weak people exist to be eaten."

                    Best line ever.
                    I don't remember that at all... where did he say that? It's hilarious!
                    Mass production? Ridiculous!


                    • #70
                      When you enter the Tyrant room with Wesker, and not with Barry. After the CGI showing Tyrant the scene goes like that:

                      Wesker: Tyrant virus is a super virus; which creates a monster which is much stronger than human beings. Tyrant is the most powerful biological weapon in the world.

                      Jill: You don't mean you're experimenting on... real people?

                      Wesker: This is really beautiful. All this power will be mine...

                      Jill: For the sake of an awful creature?

                      Wesker: Don't be upset. All weak people exist to be eaten.


                      • #71

                        "He's sleeping with the ultimate failure!"
                        Mass production? Ridiculous!


                        • #72
                          The original resi evil game.
                          where chris and rebecca are standing directly in front of each other in the piano room.
                          Whos there?
                          chris is that you?
                          rebecca, is that your voice?
                          I found that halerious, they must be more blind than Wesker at night time...especialy since he doesnt take his shades off.

                          Other bit i found funny is Rebecca wanting to practise the piano in a mansion full of zombies.


                          • #73
                            Well, cut her some slack. Her interpretation was off a little.

                            Hell, with all the bad quotes in the game, there could even be a thread for that alone. XD

                            Also, a very ridiculous moment. The demon boulder incident. 'Nuff said.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Andyfer_Ruu View Post
                              The original resi evil game.
                              where chris and rebecca are standing directly in front of each other in the piano room.
                              Whos there?
                              chris is that you?
                              rebecca, is that your voice?
                              I found that halerious, they must be more blind than Wesker at night time...especialy since he doesnt take his shades off.

                              Other bit i found funny is Rebecca wanting to practise the piano in a mansion full of zombies.
                              It's even funnier than that:

                              "It's me Chris."

                              Standing less than six feet apart, Chris waves.

                              "Is that you Rebecca?"

                              A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                              • #75
                                I had a long running theory about HUNK/4th Survivor actually. If someone has inside (canon, either in game or in official source material, not interviews, unless it's Shinji-sama himself) info, though, I welcome it.

                                The theory goes like this. Anyone remember the sewer worker with the Eagle Medal? It's in RE2. Right next to him, is his diary. He mentions as far back as July 28th that his co-worker, Don, is acting strangely and seems to exhibit some classic T-Virus symptoms (itchiness, sweating). My theory has always been (held since the RE3 days) that the T-Virus was actually released (on a low level), way back around the timeframe of May 10th (first accident) to July 25th. That Raccoon City was, in reality, already infected with the T-Virus but at too low of a concentration to cause a full scale outbreak due to natural human immunity.
                                Think of it this way. You share a glass of water with three people. One has pneumonia, one has AIDS. You don't get sick (exhibit symptoms) for a week, the guy with AIDS does and soon dies. You meet the guy with pneumonia again. Your body is still fighting pneumonia, and succeeding (as you're not showing symptoms), but the guy with pneumonia coughs on you while you're breathing and you absorb more of the pathogen. Now, you get sick, your immune system gets overloaded with a fresh batch of pneumonia at the same time it's still fighting off the previous contamination. So, in response, your body raises its temperature and so on, to kill the pathogen.
                                When Birkin attacked the USS team, and released that second "dose" of the Virus, it basically kicked everybody off. How? Well, if you're making a battlefield strain virus, it had better be resistant to water treatment methods, or it's not going to do squat. Same idea here. Raccoon City probably recycles a portion of its wastewater, and even if it didn't.. rats to fleas, fleas to transients, transients to "respectable people" (it can be a longer chain, this is just an example).
                                In short, some people in Raccoon were turning way before September 22-25 (a newspaper in Outbreak alludes to this), those with weaker immune systems. Hence why everything seemed to happen "so quickly." Umbrella probably had USS units in the city, quietly disposing of these seemingly random zombies. This is where HUNK comes in. I don't know of any certain proof that says HUNK was actually on the team that grabbed the G sample (the two that shoot Birkin). Even if he was, and managed to escape Birkin's Stage 1 rampage, he might have been in the sewers as little as a couple of days (if the Outbreak started on the 24th, he might have been there on the 26th when Operation Report 2 says the zombies attacked and "another fight broke out" or even during one of the first Monster attacks on the precinct). Not hard to imagine - a well trained and well honed Operator can go without food and water for 48 hours.
                                It boils down to, I guess, a few things.
                                _How much belief are you willing to suspend (he took out how many Mr. X'es)?
                                _Do you believe in the event itself happening in a general sense, or the on-screen content being an exact depiction? If so, which on-screen content?
                                _Which semi-conflicting facts do you accept as being right? This shapes the followig theory you might come up with.
                                I mean, really, HUNK('s model) can't use any of the two-slot weapons, but everyone on the USS team was shown with MP5A3's (or full-auto converted HK-94's with shortened barrels, I couldn't see any barrel lugs) so.. it's really all a matter of what facts you choose to accept, and in what order. I'm merely offering my 2ยข on the matter.
                                Last edited by DanKnyphausen; 09-24-2009, 01:59 AM.

