Alexia, I've got a lot of old mags with RE2 & RE3 articles including some lengthy guides. Unfortunately, in my younger days, I always cut out most of the pics with anything RE related, so some articles are mutilated. 
But some I've still got intact in a plastic pocket folder and others are still in the mags. Since I collect all this stuff, I'm not really interested in selling but if you want I could scan some.
REmaster, I remember your other topic. It did ring a bell for me but I was too lazy to find it (sorry). But I'm currently moving a few piles of old mags and sorting through some stuff. I had a look for it. Is this the one?

But some I've still got intact in a plastic pocket folder and others are still in the mags. Since I collect all this stuff, I'm not really interested in selling but if you want I could scan some.
I'm still searching for a RE2 ps1 magazine that I read at lunch in middle school, it has a picture of Leon as a zombie on the cover. I made a topic about this awhile back but no one was able to find it