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Operation Javier

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  • #16
    When do they say the crash Krauser died in is an helicopter crash ? I've read this several times but actually Krauser just said "I died in a crash", could be anything : plane, train, car, etc.


    • #17
      it's in Ada's report I guess

      EDIT: no it's not maybe it's from Guide book for RE4 or something like this
      Last edited by Dark_Chris; 09-20-2009, 02:07 PM.


      • #18
        Has it actually been confirmed this is when Krauser "dies"? I sort of hope he doesn't, even though the timeline is about right, but since it's confirmed this is Leon and Krauser's first mission together, it sort of lessens the extent of Krauser's "betrayal" to Leon, after knowing him for just one mission. I guess I always thought they had known each other for a long time, even trained together or something, so I'm little disappointed.


        • #19
          I never remember anything specifically about a helicopter; Krauser simply said "I died in a crash two years ago. Is that what they told you?" So I agree with Sly... it could be a chopper, boat, plane, train, car... the list goes on. I think people just tend to assume it was a helicopter because there's at least one in every RE game.
          Mass production? Ridiculous!


          • #20

            KRAUSER: Been a long time, comrade.

            LEON: Krauser!

            KRAUSER: I died in the crash two years ago. Is that what they told you?

            Good point. It doesn't have to be a chopper, but, probably is.
            Last edited by Vector; 09-20-2009, 03:39 PM.


            • #21
              I think people just tend to assume it was a helicopter because there's at least one in every RE game.
              Yeah, me too actually, but I just wanted to point out that it was never stated as such

              The controlled fight between Krauser and Leon in Resident Evil 4

              In fact he says "a crash" and not "the crash", I believe. "The crash" would suppose that Leon was there or at least knows what crash he's referring to. "A crash" on the contrary means nothing. Either Leon doesn't know a lot about this crash, either he knows it very well but Krauser is just reporting what people have been saying to Leon, as if it was his official death everyone knew about, you know what I mean ?

              xdeadpan : Well, when Ada asks Leon if they knew each other, he answers "More or less" so I guess they were not close friends. I know it sounded like he was just avoiding the question but eh, he probably meant it, in fact.


              • #22
                After you win the fight with Krauser--Leon does seem a bit shocked about him turning to the darkside, though. I can't remember exactly what he says; but it's along the lines of: "What happened to you? You were supposed to be one of the good guys!" and his attitude towards Saddler when he mentions he was contemplating on how he would get rid of Krauser. The former was just dialogue from pressing X near the layed out Krauser, while the latter actually shows some sort of anger when he mentions Saddler "using him from the start", or whatever he says.

                I dunno. His attitude just seemed to hint at him knowing Krauser long enough to not expect that from him. Guess not.
                Last edited by Wesker_101; 09-20-2009, 05:30 PM.


                • #23
                  "Krauser, what happened to you? You used to be a good guy." is what he says.

                  Leon's anger and confusion at Krauser turning to the darkside can largely be chalked up to Leon having a great first impression of Krauser. Check Leon's earliest Twitter comments about Krauser. Krauser most likely represented something Leon admired, and when Leon thought he died a tragic death only to come back working under a leacherous scumbag it must've struck quite the cord.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • #24
                    I expect to see some back ground it Leon and Krauser, probably threw files but not sure if they will show how Krauser "died" in this scenario.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Ridley W. Hayes View Post
                      I bet the operation's name was Leon's idea...
                      Actually, Leon thought it was "Operation: Joto," thus he quickly signed up.


                      • #26
                        I just can't get over Leon's hair in this scenario. Seriously, can't they make him look normal just once?!
                        Mass production? Ridiculous!


                        • #27
                          why?! this is just Leon's hairstyle


                          • #28
                            He has a point, it looks really weird.

                            Leon in general looks really weird in this scenario.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by BadWolfX View Post
                              Leon in general looks really weird in this scenario.
                              Looks the same to me.

                              Krauser: "Jack Krauser. Good to meet you, comrade."

                              Leon: "I came here to shoot zombies and flip my silky-soft mid-90's hairdo...and I'm all out of conditioner."


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                                Krauser: "Jack Krauser. Good to meet you, comrade."

                                Leon: "I came here to shoot zombies and flip my silky-soft mid-90's hairdo...and I'm all out of conditioner."

                                I don't know, he seems to look different somehow. It's like his hair is too puffy or something. Way more puffy than in RE4.
                                Mass production? Ridiculous!

