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Just because Saddler and his cult used their own biological weapon (instead of purchasing it off the black market) doesn't really make it any different from what Degeneration and RE5 did and what Operation: Javier is presumably doing. The only real difference is that Las Plagas wasn't provided by the remnants of Umbrella. Aside from that, it's still essentially the same theme and idea.
If anything, RE4 gave a face to the terrorists that would be using biological weapons, while in RE5 it was more of a "we know they're out there, we just don't know who they are or where they're hiding" type deal. RE4 also showed that there were still very real threats out in the world, completely independent of Umbrella and its research. Degeneration and RE5 kind of mucked that up by basically saying everything had to connect back to Umbrella somehow.