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Operation Javier

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  • #76
    Plus if Krauser did indeed have a modified control plaga, then why doesn't he just go straight back to Wesker if he is carrying in his body what Wesker and The Organisation are seeking in the first place?
    Because it isn't a subordinate Plaga or a control Plaga.

    He couldn't have been implanted with a subordinate plaga as he wouldn't be in control of his own actions, let alone control his own mutation. Saddler always had a mis-trust of him so if anything he would want Krauser to have a sub-ordinate plaga, so he could keep him in check.
    If you'd noticed, the laboratories on the island are filled with countless Plaga experiments and variants. It is not impossible for Krauser to have one developed for himself.

    There's nothing to suggest she hasn't seen his arm before if say it was Wesker who did something to him.
    Aside from the fact that his mutation in RE4 is the only time he's mutated, and he can't revert back to his original form.

    His Plaga bears traits of the modified subordinate Plagas (he can control his mutation, but can't control other Plagas). Until someone can outright prove that he has a virus, I'm sticking to this since its the most plausible explanation with a fair amount of evidence. Randomly stating he has a virus with no real way of telling is grasping for straws.


    • #77
      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
      Aside from the fact that his mutation in RE4 is the only time he's mutated, and he can't revert back to his original form.
      One could argue it's just for gameplay reasons, but in Mercenaries his arm conveniently changes back 'n forth.

      (Much like how it's often presumed that Leon's arm probably would've done in 3.5, and how Dante changes between human and Demon form in DMC. Just mentioning those two, as they most likely take root in some of the same elements of RE4's troublesome development history that Krauser's arm probably stems from. Making it not unreasonable to think it's possible that Krauser's arm can regenerate/shapeshift. During his fight, he changes shape of it several times as he performs actions such as deploying his shield shield or striking at you, and when Ada's fight with him is over -- his gigantic mutated arm also shrinks down a little, although it does not entirely regain its human form.)


      • #78
        Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
        One could argue it's just for gameplay reasons, but in Mercenaries his arm conveniently changes back 'n forth.

        (Much like how it's often presumed that Leon's arm probably would've done in 3.5, and how Dante changes between human and Demon form in DMC. Just mentioning those two, as they most likely take root in some of the same elements of RE4's troublesome development history that Krauser's arm probably stems from. Making it not unreasonable to think it's possible that Krauser's arm can regenerate/shapeshift. During his fight, he changes shape of it several times as he performs actions such as deploying his shield shield or striking at you, and when Ada's fight with him is over -- his gigantic mutated arm also shrinks down a little, although it does not entirely regain its human form.)
        Ahh...gotta love that shield arm.
        Either way, a deffinitive answer must be around somewhere. (i mean as to if its a plagas, t-veronica mutation, or a mix of the two them)
        Last edited by Andyfer_Ruu; 12-03-2009, 06:04 AM.


        • #79
          I guess one way to see it would be to consider Operation Javier a test ground to see how much of an interesting character people think Krauser is. If feedback is good, we might get to see more of him and know more about his "story," I suppose


          • #80
            Originally posted by News Bot View Post
            Because it isn't a subordinate Plaga or a control Plaga.

            If you'd noticed, the laboratories on the island are filled with countless Plaga experiments and variants. It is not impossible for Krauser to have one developed for himself.

            Aside from the fact that his mutation in RE4 is the only time he's mutated, and he can't revert back to his original form.

            His Plaga bears traits of the modified subordinate Plagas (he can control his mutation, but can't control other Plagas). Until someone can outright prove that he has a virus, I'm sticking to this since its the most plausible explanation with a fair amount of evidence. Randomly stating he has a virus with no real way of telling is grasping for straws.
            1. Fair enough

            2. Yes i'd noticed. But what makes Krauser so special that Saddler would develop a modified one just for him?

            3. How do we know this exactly? Ada says she can deal with 'that arm of his' if necessary so she obviously knows what it can do. If she was just referring to his fighting style she would not specifically mention his arm.
            And if he can't revert back to his original form why would he mutate at that moment? He wasn't injured, he wasn't near death, Leon didn't have any particular advantage. Krauser willingly mutated to demonstrate his power. What if he had killed Leon? He'd be a bit in the shit then having to walk around with a big claw sticking out of his arm for the rest of his life. It would honestly only make sense if he mutated as a last resort.

            4. I'm not randomly stating he has a virus, i'm simply implying its perfectly plausible to argue that Wesker did something for his arm and it has nothing to do with Las Plagas. Darkside Chronicles leans towards this a little. I mean, if Krauser's arm is just Las Plagas, why would they use a plot device in Darkside for his arm being injured and his career being over? Surely it was done as a means for him to seek out Wesker and lo and behold, by the time RE4 comes round, he's fighting fit again.
            But as you said, hopefully Bio 4 guide will clear this up. All i'm saying is the Las Plagas angle seems a little thinner after Darkside Chronicles.
            Last edited by TheBatMan; 12-03-2009, 02:01 PM.
            "I've got 100 cows."
            "Well I've got 104 friends."


            • #81
              I didn't want to start a new thread, but I have a quick question about the OJ 4/6 boss Hilda. I know you have the hit her brain to stop the needle attack, but it's very hard to do it when she's above you in the start of the fight. Any tactics to cancel just this first attack (I can deal with her just fine after the first scripted attack)? What weapons work best? Thanks in advance. =)


              • #82
                I was wondering why shooting the needles didn't work.

                My best bet would be the grenade launcher or submachine gun.


                • #83
                  I actually think that you have to shoot her in the neck (under her face). I also think that the submachine gun is the best for this task.
                  Mass production? Ridiculous!


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
                    I actually think that you have to shoot her in the neck (under her face). I also think that the submachine gun is the best for this task.

                    Hmm, thanks for the tip. I guess I've been making the battle harder for myself the whole time.


                    • #85
                      Did anyone notice that Wesker had blue eyes in the good ending?


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Blacktail View Post
                        Did anyone notice that Wesker had blue eyes in the good ending?
                        Yes, many have, and there has been much discussion about it.

                        In my opinion, I think his eyes only grow red and cat-like when angered. This can be seen in much of 5 and parts of UC, where his eyes glow when his emotions are fired up. I'm not sure if this is positive, though.

