Originally posted by rewak
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RE4 Tells A Better Story than RE5
Originally posted by LVL100 Merchant View PostWhile neither game has a good story, RE5's is at least entertaining to watch unfold and it features genuinely dramatic moments with existing characters we actually care about.
However, I think RE5's "filler" characters were worse than RE4's. The minute I saw Irving appear, I wanted him to die - he was annoying beyond all belief. The same goes for Excella, too. Hell, I didn't even care about Sheva, Josh, or any of the other non-Chris-or-Jill BSAA members, either. They were no comparison to S.T.A.R.S.
Originally posted by himher_elle View Posthow the f***k did wesker obtaine the plagas sample???Mass production? Ridiculous!
I have uuuuh two things. One an opinion and one a question.
I know people have voiced upset with Sherry-related things, and that RE5 failed in not mentioning her. But it's far from the only one to do so! By the time-line of RE5, Sherry would be old enough to do things on her own. Her story isn't out of the picture, and I don't see how, even with Wesker's Reports in mind, anything in RE5 slashes that hope? yes, it's insinuated she was at one point in Wesker's care. But whichever way you look at it, she's old enough in current canon timeline to do things alone, be it brainwashed by Wesker, or maybe even having figured out hey let me gtfo of this!
And for the question: ... honestly guys. What were you expecting from Wesker? Through the whole RE series, he's been doing the whole lol ninja antagonist gatherin' virus thing. And many people mentioned wanting to see his motives for being the way he is and why he is doing all of that. I'd love to hear what other ideas you had in mind when you thought about this.
RE 4 really tells no story at all. If fact 95% of the story is top in Separate Ways. RE 5 wasn't the best story but it I think capcom did the best the could do with what they was left with the original story.
Something I'm not clear on, however, is the effects of this "mutation stock virus" on specific subjects. Was it developed to only work for "Wesker children," or would it work on anyone? I do know that it wouldn't always give the user increased strength and speed; I believe there was a 70% chance.Last edited by Stars1356; 10-19-2009, 04:38 AM.
Well, I was expecting Wesker to end badly. He'd been too built up, partially by Capcom and partially by us fans. So nothing was ever going to really meet the standard. Personally, I'd have preferred it if Wesker's God Complex was focused inwards. That everything he had done, all the power he had attained, all the virus' he'd stocked up, all the money he had was aimed at making himself as close to a living, breathing God as he could. The idea that he was trying to force the evolution of the human race seemed a cheap copout, a way of making him seem a bit of a nicer person. He's not nice. He's not nice at all. Having him want to basically alter himself into an invulnerable, ageless being and willing to screw over every other person on the planet fits him better.
Of course, I'd actually have prefered it if his ambition had nothing to do with making himself any more super than he already is and his motives were simply more power and more money. There are plenty of real people like that. No matter how much of either they acquire someone else always has more and there's always a thread, so you have to get more yourself. But that would be a more difficult portrayal and a more difficult end boss scenario.
Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View PostIt turned Chris from a mindless "MUST STOP UMBRELLA" prototype hero into a "MUST FIND JILL" action hero who punched the heads off of Africans.
The Rockfort Island part of the game starts with "Don't worry Claire, I’m coming to get you." and ends with "Hold on Claire, I'll save you.". He even tells Wesker "You attacked the island! And my sister!" as if Wesker deliberately attacked Rockfort because Claire was there and people who died on the island didn't matter. Sure, you don't hear constant "Claire, Claire, Claire" from him, but that's only because there's less people Chris can talk to in RECV than in RE5. Instead Chris started talking to himself. How is this any different than RE5 Chris? He's just caring about those he loves, that's all.
If anything I would say that Chris is the only character out of those that appeared in new RE games (RE4/RE5) that stayed true to his previous incarnations.Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 10-19-2009, 05:17 AM.
Originally posted by himher_elle View PostI compleatlly agree with you.
The onlly thing that intriges me is: how the f***k did wesker obtaine the plagas sample??? I REALLY hope they explaine that in RE dark side chornicles... I know it's not likelly, but I sure hope so
RE5 does indeed show that Wesker does NOT have the Master Plaga, as the Master Plaga is engineered to control every last Plaga on the globe (on the other hand, the natural equivalent is a Control Plaga which allows the recipient to control all Subordinate Plaga within a certain range). The Master Plaga is essentially a genetically modified Control Plaga.
Capcom however got their details messed up and said that Wesker got the Plagas from Ada after RE4. They went with Assignment Ada instead of Seperate Ways. Assignment Ada is canon to the degree that Ada collected other Plaga variant samples, but its ending is not canon as depicted by Seperate Ways (and RE4's main game actually, Ada leaves during the night in AA but it is clearly dawn in the main game and Seperate Ways).
it's insinuated she was at one point in Wesker's carePROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
There is some debate as to the exact translation of Ada's Report. I've been told that the Japanese version states Ada gave Wesker 'Another present' as opposed to a 'different present'.
This could imply that she gave him a plaga sample and something else, rather than something different altogether.
Then again, it could be nothing at all."I've got 100 cows."
"Well I've got 104 friends."
There's too much hatred in this thread...
I don't think either game has a great story. If you want a deep and meaningful story, sadly, video games aren't usually the place to find them.
I can enjoy RE4's story, in a ridiculous, science fiction kind of way. It's entertaining and maybe I don't take this shit as seriously as some of you.
I also think it's a bit better and deeper than some of you are giving it credit for. There are even parallels with current events: America policing the world, Al-qaeda and the Taliban/ the cult and Mendez (the Bin Laden lookalike).
The origins of the Plagas and history of the village is interesting. Leon finding the fossilized plaga specimen and wondering "how old are these things?".
The showdown between Leon and Krauser is very 80's style BS macho (like a lot of the game) and it's fun.
Sure Leon acts like a dick head but I don't get angry about it. In Separate Ways Ada refers to him as Mr.Cool (sarcastically) and in those Degeneration 'bloopers' Capcom pokes fun at the whole 'Leon is too cool' thing.
It's a side story but contains many of the traditional RE elements. 'Biological evil' attracting the attention of competing organizations and RE characters like Ada and Wesker.
Ada is great in RE4.
RE5's story is better in some ways but worse in others. In trying to provide answers and tying up loose ends, it actually seems to create more confusion. I've been playing the series from the start and I was struggling to work out what the hell was going on at times. I think it sinks into a very messy sea of complex, elaborate plot revelations, which only made things worse.
I don't like Wesker. I don't like or dislike Chris but I do find him rather boring. Jill's appearance and actions are just weird and have nothing to do with the character 'Jill' from earlier games. New character Sheva was probably my favorite in the game (but I've always been more into the creatures and monsters than the characters).
I like RE5 but I think it could have been better. Hopefully this new scenario they are making will improve the overall story. As a concept, it sounds like it will.
Originally posted by Skunky View PostI don't think either game has a great story. If you want a deep and meaningful story, sadly, video games aren't usually the place to find them.
The main point of video games is to just have fun playing them....not to entirely focus on whether this charcter or that character has a realistic personality or not. Now, I'm not saying none of that stuff matters, but to me it's definitely not something to be that overly concerned about. Character development and good storytelling are things movies and books specialize in, not video games.Last edited by CODE_umb87; 10-19-2009, 03:59 PM.
They haven't removed anything. Capcom simply omitted Wesker's last line regarding Sherry out of the 10th anniversary version of Wesker's Report leading some people to believe this potential plot line has been discarded. Its still in the original versions of course, so believe what you wish."I've got 100 cows."
"Well I've got 104 friends."