It's a dead end lead. Already been dealt with.
No announcement yet.
Of course there is. A dead lead doesn't mean you should abadon all hope. There are more than one copy out there, and those copies have copies. Goodness only know how many folks have one somewhere.
This was someone taunting us, and it wasn't exspecially fun to see. But he's not the only one with the game. And I take a certain satisfaction knowing that his copy won't be worth the disc it's printed on when the game does finally leak.
youre right a also have faith that one day the game will leak
why not share with others?!
so many years have passed!
even if capcom decide to publish it we will all pay for a copy!
Its the nostalgia o these old school games,not the new ones with the fancy graphics and no atmpshere!!
Two reasons - some people enjoy having no one else (or at least very few others) can have. Hence why the theft of archaological relics is such an issue.
Secondly, money. Until the disc leaks it can be sold for four figure sums. When it does, as I said before, it'll be worthelss. Which is also likely why we will get it eventually...someone will get nervous that they're gonna be out of there investment and sell first.
I don't mean to interrupt kaka84's posts, but I want to go ahead and say this. I know I'm going to anathematize myself by saying it, nevertheless. I want Dark Biohazard more than I want Resident Evil 1.5 *sigh* and yet still, no updates from Dominion. I wonder if the project is dead. *gulps*
"This message is hidden because Stu is on your ignore list." I wish the Ignore list system was forcibly reciprocal, so that when one person blocks another person, it automatically places both persons on each others ignore/block list. Obviously when you're ignoring someone you don't want to read their posts or for them to read your posts. I'd like to hack Stu's account and place myself on his ignore list.
There are far to many issues when it comes to 1.5. The value placed on the disc, its Status Symbol aspect, the fact that the chain of sales to its current owners could have some kind of NDA and selling it to the community or a community member could be seen as a bad move as it could ostracize themselves from their sources and/or get the original leaker into deep trouble if they still are part of the games industry (all the hidden production/serial numbers could lead back to a person).
But saying that some day it will end up in someones hands that can at least give us a full video playthrough of the game, which will answer most of our 1.5 questions.
I think this is an idea everyone should start getting used to.
Unfortunately the two are completely different situations to compare. RE2 got scrapped and remade so the creators/developers were probably satified with the release where as Thrill Kill ended up complete and being passed around between publishers with neither having the balls to release it. So essentially, more than likely one of the creators released it and if they did so, they probably removed any of the tell tale S/N that goes with it.
Again it is also the culture difference between the US and Japan. The Japanese are big on honour and tradition, and Paradox Games were a US based company.
I'm sure people have tried looking before on Japanese torrent sites, it just isn't out there other than in the hands of collectors who for whatever their reasons, are keeping hold of it (be it greed, honour, or just waiting to trade it for a beta they really want).
I'm afraid its a wait and see job. I've been waiting almost 11 years now and I can wait a bit longer.