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  • Originally posted by rewak View Post
    I believe it was Mikami's decision to scrap 1.5, but lets keep discussion of that to the 1.5 thread.
    Fair enough. But I'm pretty sure it was Capcom that wanted the game scrapped and restarted from scratch. Mikami had no choice but to go along with it, but he was happy with the final result. Alzaire would know.
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    • Think about it from the companies point of view, why would they allow a game that's so far along in production and has so much hype around it to be scrapped? It costs them a lot of money to do that, so they most likely didn't want it scrapped. In the case of 3.5, it wasn't as far into production as 1.5 was, and stuff got rehashed from it for 4 and also DMC.
      Last edited by rewak; 09-20-2010, 06:44 PM.


      • I asked Kamiya one more time. I wonder why does he hate Biohazard 1.5!

        PG_kamiya It was junk. RT @ashukan_san @PG_kamiya You said you like the first Biohazard. Biohazard 1.5 was very simillar to the first one. So why did you changed it?
        Last edited by ashkan; 09-21-2010, 03:38 AM.


        • Originally posted by ashkan View Post
          I asked Kamiya one more time. I wonder why does he hate Biohazard 1.5!
          You need to pressure him more!


          • Originally posted by ashkan View Post
            I asked Kamiya one more time. I wonder why does he hate Biohazard 1.5!
            It's probable that there were a few issues with the game. We know some of the staff felt the RPD wasn't right, and that was where the biggest changes took place (in comparison, the Labs are very close to each other in both versions) so it was probably a number of things like that, plus some executive decisions to change things.

            Of course, it's also possible the dude is sick of talking about 1.5 and tells everyone it's crap out of frustration. Or that he feels it was crap because it got cancelled, not that it was cancelled for being crap. It's part of the Japanese mindset...if a product is changed, the newer version is the better.

            Or at least, so I'm informed.


            • Well its obvious that there is something inanely wrong with the Prototype Resident Evil 2 that could make it worse than the retail RE2 but it doesn't mean that its bad or the worst game ever.

              I can't stand Jackson Pollock's works of art. Doesn't mean they are bad (though to me his work looks like he left a rabid badger and a load of paints in a box and let nature take its course) as to some people they are great masterpieces. Its all subjective.

              But I probably would suggest to not pester the guy any more about 1.5 since its obvious, for whatever reason, he does not wish to discuss it indepth.


              • yeap let him be if he doesnt want to share info with us he might have his reasons!!soooo lets wait for a miracle to happen and an beta version falls from the sky!!!!!


                • Guys, was Roy Dj in the game? Has anyone got an in-game photo of him?
                  Last edited by ashkan; 09-23-2010, 05:30 AM.


                  • I don't think there was a final Roy in anything we've seen as there was a leon place holder for Irons in his office and I vaguely remember seeing a screenshot of a Leon placeholder in a small square room which could have been for Roy.


                    • Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
                      I don't think there was a final Roy in anything we've seen as there was a leon place holder for Irons in his office and I vaguely remember seeing a screenshot of a Leon placeholder in a small square room which could have been for Roy.
                      It would be awesome if you make a Roy Dj mod!


                      • Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
                        I don't think there was a final Roy in anything we've seen as there was a leon place holder for Irons in his office and I vaguely remember seeing a screenshot of a Leon placeholder in a small square room which could have been for Roy.
                        There was that one picture of Leon in a textureless room, and Roy was seen damaged on the floor?
                        I can't remember where the image originated, I'm sure it was one of curators.
                        But don't quote me on that one, I have no idea where it came from, but I remember seeing it.


                        • I was wondering how could PS1 render a lot of zombies at that time?!

                          Last edited by ashkan; 09-28-2010, 04:57 AM.


                          • Damn I love those pictures. THAT is the game I've always wanted to play.


                            • Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
                              Damn I love those pictures. THAT is the game I've always wanted to play.
                              That game is the only game that the loyal Resident Evil fans always wanted to play!


                              • Well, I dunno about that. Personally, I love RE2. I'm just deeply curious about 1.5 and would sell your soul to play.

