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Could it be... RE4... ignored???

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  • #31
    What is with Weskers new Umbrella? Someone an idea why this was ignored in RE5?
    Wesker's plans changed completely after he met Spencer in 2006.


    • #32
      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
      Wesker's plans changed completely after he met Spencer in 2006.
      Exactlly, that's why I didn't put that info as an ignored fact, though they could have sed something about that (with what purpous did he want a new umbrella? and what "significant changes in our world" did he mean on the ending of Assignament Ada) on Weskers file (RE5); but I'm ok with that


      • #33
        Originally posted by himher_elle View Post
        and what "significant changes in our world" did he mean on the ending of Assignament Ada)
        That was "changing the balance of the world" in the Japanese version. Taking Irving's last words into account ("The balance of the world will change soon"), it almost seems like Wesker always had the Uroboros Plan in mind. However, the term "balance" is also used in the opening of BIOHAZARD 5, referring to bioterrorism in conflict areas to destroy the "balance of these countries".

        Curiously enough, the line "Six billion cries of agony will birth a new balance" dillutes the original meaning of "The world will begin anew with six billion screams!"


        • #34
          Wow, Ada really is a shitty human being hahaha.

          What about her lines about a game of cat and mouse with Wesker, and the "battle is just beginning"? Those make her sound like she's actively opposing him.

          Have you ever considered making a topic about all of this stuff, Prime Blue? It would really help clear up an enormous amount of inconsistencies in the series and help us understand it a lot more. Most of the plot holes seem to arise from translation error rather than poor writing.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • #35
            Originally posted by News Bot View Post
            Wow, Ada really is a shitty human being hahaha.

            What about her lines about a game of cat and mouse with Wesker, and the "battle is just beginning"? Those make her sound like she's actively opposing him.
            It really makes me wish they had just simply made her a villain than someone who apparently plays both sides to, as she said at the beginning of Separate Ways, achieve "her own objective," which we still have no idea what that is. Unless that was another translation error. I have a feeling, too, that it's a plot thread that will never be revisited. Heck, The Organization probably won't be either.

            I think having her be a villain would have also actually made the whole Leon/Ada "relationship" somewhat interesting, as contrived as it is.
            Last edited by Archelon; 11-08-2009, 01:31 PM.


            • #36
              One more thing:

              The organization needs samples of the parasite to confirm or disprove these theories. That is the main objective of my mission and the only way to prove my loyalty to the organization.
              This contradicts what eventually happens, as the Organization also wants the Plaga samples for their own needs... so why do they instead order Ada to give them to Wesker, thus screwing over their own goals? There isn't really any way Ada could have gotten TWO Control Plaga samples.

              This is just so fucked up and contrived, haha.
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #37
                Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                It really makes me wish they had just simply made her a villain than someone who apparently plays both sides to, as she said at the beginning of Separate Ways, achieve "her own objective," which we still have no idea what that is. Unless that was another translation error. I have a feeling, too, that it's a plot thread that will never be revisited. Heck, The Organization probably won't be either.

                I think having her be a villain would have also actually made the whole Leon/Ada "relationship" somewhat interesting, as contrived as it is.
                I agree. I've been avoiding any and all spoilers for Darkside Chronicles within the last week, but based on Umbrella Chronicles closing the other portion of the series' plotholes, it's not absurd to believe DSC will do the same. There's a lot of potential with Ada's character and all the relationships she has with others. I wish The Organization would play a part in RE6, but alas, we will most likely get something entirely different.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                  One more thing:

                  This contradicts what eventually happens, as the Organization also wants the Plaga samples for their own needs... so why do they instead order Ada to give them to Wesker, thus screwing over their own goals? There isn't really any way Ada could have gotten TWO Control Plaga samples.

                  This is just so fucked up and contrived, haha.
                  Depends i suppose. If Assignment Ada is canon then there were multiple samples she collected, plus the master and/or control plaga. Also The Organisation could have done their own work on them before handing them over to Wesker. It's a mess alright.
                  Though i have a feeling we will see more topics similar to this once Darkside Chronicles comes out. Alexander Ashford anyone...
                  "I've got 100 cows."
                  "Well I've got 104 friends."


                  • #39
                    You probably can't really say Assignment Ada by itself is canon now, but at the end of Separate Ways, Ada has all of the plaga samples she collects during Assignment Ada.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                      You probably can't really say Assignment Ada by itself is canon now, but at the end of Separate Ways, Ada has all of the plaga samples she collects during Assignment Ada.
                      Assignment Ada takes place in-between the two final chapters of Seperate Ways, or just before them (can't remember how the island is actually laid out). Probably minus the whole Krauser battle.

                      Also, I looked over the Biohazard 4 Kaitaishinsho guide and found some interesting stuff. The guide also has a pretty large "EPILOGUE", so I'll work on getting it all translated. Hopefully it will iron some stuff out.
                      Last edited by News Bot; 11-08-2009, 04:17 PM.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • #41
                        Yeah the Kaitaishinshos epilogues for both RE4 and 5 could go someway to answering this riddle. Don't forget about the 'Report about Ada' from page 470-471. I can't tell from the wording if this is Ada's Report as we know it or something entirely new.
                        "I've got 100 cows."
                        "Well I've got 104 friends."


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          What about her lines about a game of cat and mouse with Wesker, and the "battle is just beginning"? Those make her sound like she's actively opposing him.
                          "Me and him, though we're swimming against each other, we are made to swim together. At the moment, there's still some pleasant leeway. I safely made one step forward to my true end. One thing can be said for sure...the battle has not ended yet."

                          Just as cryptic.

                          Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          Have you ever considered making a topic about all of this stuff, Prime Blue? It would really help clear up an enormous amount of inconsistencies in the series and help us understand it a lot more. Most of the plot holes seem to arise from translation error rather than poor writing.
                          There are some ten people in the world that actually care about these things, so it would be a massive waste of time.

                          Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                          This contradicts what eventually happens, as the Organization also wants the Plaga samples for their own needs... so why do they instead order Ada to give them to Wesker, thus screwing over their own goals? There isn't really any way Ada could have gotten TWO Control Plaga samples.

                          This is just so fucked up and contrived, haha.
                          That's how it goes:
                          Including those verifications, the acquisition of Plagas samples is a matter that takes precedence over everything else in this mission. It is also a proof of my trust that I have to fulfill to the 'organization'.
                          The term "Plaga sample(s)" is used, not stating whether samples of the dominating species or of the parasite bodies are meant (however, we do know that it was both from Ada's attaché case). Neither does it say that she has to deliver the sample(s) to the "organization", their acquisition is the goal.

                          As said before, until a future game sheds more light on Ada and the "organization", we can only assume that Wesker ended up with the dominant species sample, and probably at least one of the others as well.


                          • #43
                            There are some ten people in the world that actually care about these things, so it would be a massive waste of time.
                            I highly disagree. All of our most popular articles on Project Umbrella are mythos/plot-related. Not to mention the amount of visitors the Wikia attracts, and that is barely accurate in the slightest. Just because there aren't many vocal people about it does not mean that barely anyone is interested, because quite the opposite is true.

                            But I suppose if thats what you think its your choice.

                            I see her handing the Plagas over to the Organization was also a mistranslation. Dear god.

                            @TheBatMan; I think my guide is different from yours, mine ends on 464. You must have the newer guide they released based on the PS2 version, mine is the one related to the Gamecube version. Would it be possible for you to scan all the interesting pages you know of?
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • #44
                              I agree with Newsbot. Prime, as you already know i have bugged you with countless PMs regarding to Japanese RE mythos {what happened to Angela's Diary...haha!}. This sort of content is what a lot of people are looking for. RE5 largly ended the complete storyline so all we have left is to go back and examine all the little things that don't add up - the answers to which if there are any, must lie within the japanese text.

                              My guide has a report for each chapter by a fellow called Benny Matsuyama

                              Chap 1 - Murder's Nest
                              Chap 2 - Hideous Hallucination
                              Chap 3 - Lose Piece
                              Chap 4 - Plague Origin
                              Chap 5 - Fiery Justice

                              Then in the extras section he wrote a two page article entitled 'Report about Ada', it is not split into 5 parts like the game, just one continuous piece so i'm assuming the content is new. I can scan it for you but it will be tomorrow sometime unfortunately as i'm not at home.
                              "I've got 100 cows."
                              "Well I've got 104 friends."


                              • #45
                                Yeah Benny Matsuyama writes most of the "overview" pieces for the guides I've found. He's worked on almost every Biohazard Kaitashinsho guide thus far, including RE5. Report about Ada sounds like a Seperate Ways overview.

                                Please do scan it as it might hold *something*, and yeah don't worry, no rush.

                                Oh and about Angela's Diary, we're working on getting that translated soon. It'll be our latest "featured" article on Project Umbrella. Its our next big project.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

