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Could it be... RE4... ignored???

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  • #46
    Sounds good, I shall look forward to that then. It would be great to get all these 'image stories' translated from the various guides. Could be a treasure trove of info waiting to be uncovered. Let's just hope Benny Matsuyama knows his stuff!
    "I've got 100 cows."
    "Well I've got 104 friends."


    • #47
      The plot thickens?

      Irving Transformed

      When facing Chris and Sheva, Irving injected himself with the "Control Plagas" parasite in the way of solution, and transformed into a giant aquatic creature. Because it has obvious difference in appearance with the parasite used by the chief plotter in the South Europe Incident, it is believed to be a modified subordinate Plagas parasite similar to those in that incident. However, it also has some characteristics of the Master Plagas. Injecting the parasite won't make the host lose his mind, and makes it possible to control the parasite with the host's will. The new type of Plagas have had other ways to control and command, so the purpose of its development is only to improve its fighting abilities.
      Control, Subordinate and Master all mentioned in the same piece. Much thanks to BioTech for the translation. The article also implies that Mendez and Salazar had modified Subordinate Plaga, not Control Plaga. So in the end, we are now left with 4 different types of Plaga. Subordinate, modified Subordinate, Control and Master.

      Once we start translating more and more, hopefully we'll solve the matter.

      Oh, and BatMan, the texts by Benny Matsuyama are just summaries of events. No new info. They are quite well-written and detailed though.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #48
        I suppose that might explain why everyone made such a big deal about the Master Plaga sample in RE4, and how the villains referred to it as their "lifeblood." They probably wouldn't be as concerned about a Control Plaga, I imagine.

        Though that still begs the question: just what is so special about a Master Plaga? And was Saddler infected with a Control or a Master?

        Back after RE4 was released, I toyed with the notion that maybe the Master Plaga was necessary for the survival of all other plagas. Similar to the wasps and larvae in Dead Rising, where if you killed a wasp, the larvae in the zombies' heads would go ballistic, killing their hosts and then eventually dying on their own after separating from their hosts. I don't really have any proof to back up that hypothesis, other than the importance all the cult members placed on the Master Plaga and the fact that they referred to it as their "lifeblood."
        Last edited by Archelon; 11-14-2009, 02:57 PM.


        • #49
          Its quite possible that Ada wasn't lying about "a different/another present" too. If she sent the modified Subordinate Plaga or something instead of the Master Plaga, it still seems plausible.

          I'm going to scan the RE4 guide now and see what we can gleem from it.
          Last edited by News Bot; 11-14-2009, 03:30 PM.
          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • #50
            Wherever that was from, it doesn't make sense since there are only parasite bodies and dominant species. As mentioned before, the terms "Control Plaga" and "Master Plaga" are just two different translations of "Shihaishu Plaga".


            • #51
              Originally posted by Prime Blue View Post
              Wherever that was from, it doesn't make sense since there are only parasite bodies and dominant species. As mentioned before, the terms "Control Plaga" and "Master Plaga" are just two different translations of "Shihaishu Plaga".
              Biohazard 5 Kaitashinsho. I sent you the scans before I believe.

              I asked for BioTech to take a closer look at it. In the meantime, mind showing me the exact symbols for "Shihaishu Plaga" and I'll quickly scan through the RE4 and RE5 guides for any mention?
              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


              • #52
                Originally posted by News Bot View Post

                Oh, and BatMan, the texts by Benny Matsuyama are just summaries of events. No new info. They are quite well-written and detailed though.
                Well that's a shame, even epilogue RE5 no new info? Id suggest getting ur translators to work on the files analysis from each game. The Kaitashinso guides each have a little box analysing each file so they could provide some much needed info. Also, im gonna assume u have it, but if not, these translations are from the INSIDE OF BIOHAZARD BOOK.

                1. The Case of Biohazard File

                S.T.A.R.S. Informal document

                "This brochure is the textbook that was prepared for S.T.A.R.S. staff before the bio-hazardous incident in Raccoon City. Although it seems just a common manual, there are some descriptions on enemies which have superhuman ability; the fact is a kind of direct evidence that S.TA.R.S. staff and bio-organic weapon were plotted to encounter each other. For your reference, a prologue by S.TA.R.S. chief Albert Wesker follows.

                {Previous sentences are omitted}...This manual explains technical skills which our S.T.A.R.S. staff should master. But it contains the minimum standards and you should recognise that more skills should be learned through actual fighting.
                You should pay attention that S.T.A.R.S. is one division of the Police Agency, and is not troops. From the point, the skills of investigation and first aid for wounds are, indeed, preference to those fighting and shooting. In other words, relief of citizens and prevention of criminal acts are preferred to elimination of perpetrators and terrorists.
                Though the skills are explained in the following sections as i mentioned, the skills of evasion and/or prevention of fighting should be attached more importantly than those of fighting itself. I hope this manual is helpful for your dignified efforts that defend the security of Raccoon's citizens."

                S.TA.R.S. Alpha Chief; Albert Wesker.

                More to come if you need it.
                "I've got 100 cows."
                "Well I've got 104 friends."


                • #53
                  Inside of Biohazard is for the original RE1, isn't it?

                  And yeah we're going to do the File Analysis (along with full translations of the files themselves) after we have all of the character and enemy information.
                  PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                  • #54
                    Yes it is. The most interesting extract is as follows:

                    "In 1998, early summer, merciless incidents were occuring. All members of one family were slaughtered by an unknown intruder and these incidents continued to take place in quick succession. These succeeded murder cases, the authorites believed, 'were done by stray doberman dogs escaped from the Umbrella facility' and it seems to have calmed down for the time being. However, some commercial press are saying that these were 'invincible demon's deeds and/or alien abduction', but these rumours shall be forgotten/ If it is needed, WE ARE ABLE TO ARRANGE TO LEAK THE SCANDALS BETWEEN THE DRUG MAFIA AND THE CONGRESSMAN 'K', BUT SUCH A DRASTIC MEASUE ISN'T THOUGHT TO BE NEEDED."

                    Very cryptic. Who the hell is congressman K? This book was written in 1997 and I believe tis extract refers to the original plot of 1.5 when Umbrella had effectively been taken down after the events of the mansion incident.
                    Last edited by TheBatMan; 11-14-2009, 11:13 PM.
                    "I've got 100 cows."
                    "Well I've got 104 friends."


                    • #55
                      BioTech cleared it up for me. As it turns out, Control and Master are still the same. However, the Plaga Irving injects himself with is a subordinate Plaga that has been modified by Tricell to carry some of the characteristics of the Control Plaga. At least thats what I gathered.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        BioTech cleared it up for me. As it turns out, Control and Master are still the same. However, the Plaga Irving injects himself with is a subordinate Plaga that has been modified by Tricell to carry some of the characteristics of the Control Plaga. At least thats what I gathered.
                        Since the dominant species sample by Saddler was also a normal parasite body that was "raised", I guess they applied about the same procedure there. Don't know, they probably needed more of those dominant species anyway to get their genes for Type 3. Or not. Whatever.

                        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        Biohazard 5 Kaitashinsho. I sent you the scans before I believe.

                        I asked for BioTech to take a closer look at it. In the meantime, mind showing me the exact symbols for "Shihaishu Plaga" and I'll quickly scan through the RE4 and RE5 guides for any mention?
                        "Shihaishu Plaga" is written "支配種プラーガ".

                        You sent me the scans some time ago, but I didn't feel like taking an in-depth look yet since the first two files didn't contain any interesting new information.


                        • #57
                          You sent me the scans some time ago, but I didn't feel like taking an in-depth look yet since the first two files didn't contain any interesting new information.
                          Yeah that was a particularly bad idea since we have dug up some of the most interesting information possible. The enemies section is ripe with new information the game makes absolutely no hint at.

                          I had a look at the Irving Transformed bio and the characters for Shihaishu Plaga are indeed there. I guess that seals the deal on the Control Plaga and Master Plaga being one in the same, but the Control Plaga in RE4 used by Mendez and Salazar is different as they are simply modified Subordinate Plaga, while the "sample" in the game is the raw unfiltered Control Plaga. The ones used by Salazar, Mendez and Irving are modified so that the host retains control over the parasite, along with some mutative properties. Saddler on the other hand has an original Control Plaga, which the Irving Transformed article makes pretty clear.


                          This also means that Ada could still have kept the original "sample". But gave Wesker the other modified Subordinate Plaga which are identical to Control Plagas. Hence, "different/another present". Wesker would never have noticed, Ada would still be "good" as portrayed in Seperate Ways, and The Organization would get the sample they needed and wouldn't be helping out a traitor. I find that this makes the most sense out of anything else presented in this topic thus far by either myself or Prime Blue.
                          Last edited by News Bot; 11-15-2009, 09:30 AM.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • #58
                            Thank you guys! I've been reading almost all of what you guys sed (got bored on one point and skiped some posts, hehe) and now it's all making more sence, though I still have a problem with all this: could capcom have really made such a twisted and complicated plot???

                            Oh! and what's that book you talk about?? the: Biohazard 5 Kaitashinsho; where can I see scans of it? seems like it contains some good info left out in the game, is there any translation?


                            • #59
                              Yeah I've got scans, and we have the translations now. They'll be up on Project Umbrella soon.

                              And yes, Capcom did make a twisted and complicated plot. However, it isn't twisted or complicated for the Japanese audience, because Capcom seem intent on keeping a lot of story details exclusive to them, while others are simply lost in translation as Prime Blue has kindly shown.

                              Read 'em and weep.
                              Last edited by News Bot; 11-15-2009, 10:39 AM.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                              • #60
                                Cool! hey, and have the books been translated (oficially)?

