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Ada and Leon : hard to believe?

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  • Ada and Leon : hard to believe?

    I create this topic because there is one thing I really don't understand:

    Why people find Ada's love for Leon so hard to believe?

    Most of the time I read : It's fucking stupid to fall in love in just one day.

    Under normal circumstances I would agree, but in Ada's case, that's completely different!
    First of all, you're surrounded by death and monstrosities and at any moment you can die. So, naturally, your emotions are more likely to show up brutally.

    Then, you have a spy, who is used to live alone, to hide her emotions and to remain cold. When Ada meets Leon, she acts like a bitch, she doesn't want to listen to him, she keeps running away from him, etc....But, by his, oh god, stubborn will to be a good guy with anyone, Leon follows her and protects her all the fucking time and even if that means losing his life. Therefore, Ada really doesn't understand at all how someone can be THAT good with her.

    Seeing a man so innocent and so caring changed her profondly to the point that she cannot hurt him at all and I think that's what made her fall in love with him.

    I just wanted to clear that up, because I'm getting sick of people who reduces the situation to only : "You cannot love a person in one day, that's ridiculous!" even if the guy saves the woman twice by taking a fucking bullet for her and, then, by killing a giant crocodile motherfucker in disgusting sewers while losing a lot of blood from the bullet I mentioned earlier. Not to mention the high probability of sexual attraction between the two, but whatever...
    Last edited by Grem; 11-21-2009, 07:08 AM.

  • #2
    i guess its love at 1st site


    • #3
      I totally agree with you!!! There's definitely something between them, despite others think.

      Although, I'm not that sure about the love part, maybe she felt it as love, but there was maybe a really strong infatuation/crush or whatever, that was so close to love.

      I'm studying Psychology; and everything you said about dead and emotions were pretty accurate, that's a good analysis.


      • #4
        Originally posted by RE-Hiro
        I'm studying Psychology; and everything you said about dead and emotions were pretty accurate, that's a good analysis.
        hey, I'm quite happy to hear that! Thanks mate

        Yeah, it's definitely not that simple to say if she was really in love for Leon or if she just thought she was at that moment. When she's lying on the bed of the security office, she says that she's not capable of caring about anyone. Perhaps, it's the first time she really started to care for someone and took it for love. Feelings are such a complicated thing, aren't they?

        But, in the LeonB scenario she reveals her love to Leon, and her epilogue from RE3 (if correctly translated from the japanese) says something along those lines : "she got her scar to protect the man she loves"

        Anyway, my point here was not to say "yeah, she's really in love", but just that it's not impossible nor stupid.
        Last edited by Grem; 11-21-2009, 01:05 PM.


        • #5
          Let's be honest, to be a spy you have to be gifted at manipulation and Leon's a potential prime sucker. Ada'd been a fool not to use him hahahahahaha
          Last edited by The_15th; 11-21-2009, 01:13 PM.


          • #6
            It's not that they fell in love in a single day. It's possible for that to happen. It's that they met and fell in love in maybe 30 minutes of actual interaction, assuming you take a while to get through the sewers, to the point where Ada will throw her life away for Leon. Many people who've been in love for years would pause at the idea of dying, even for a loved one.

            Plus, despite what people think, while a massively emotional situation such as a zombie invasion while trying to recover a deadly virus for a mad man can lead to fox hole's more like fox hole lust. An inbuilt desire to procreate, rather than love. In essence, you wanna rip the pants off someone, not spend the rest of your life with them. That might come in time. But time is not in this scenario.


            • #7
              Ada is a professional spy first & foremost. She infiltrated the Arklay Research Facility and was romantically involved with the head researcher, John, if you recall. So, she has to be a master manipulator and a little bit of a whore. Plus, if she can shut off her personal standards to fool around with a researcher (for her own gain), she can do the same for a carrot-topped, emo fop-haired naïve geek that looks like this:

              The ultimate point is that Ada uses people, and in the context of the events of RE2, there just isn't enough substance to see these 2 people actually falling in love. But it is written in as a part of the plot, so why even debate it? Capcom has implied they are in love during the events of RE2, so psychology or not, that's what you're supposed to believe.

              Just like you're supposed to believe that Ada can ninja her way around Spain, doing Matrix-flips and Spider-Man swings via a Batman grapple-gun. In a form-fitting mid-thigh evening dress. In Autumn. Near-to-after sunset.

              The final point being that these romantic pairings (another example is Claire & Steve) are completely forced into the narrative by RE writers, and in true RE storytelling, they are poorly done.
              Last edited by Jill's Boob; 11-21-2009, 04:17 PM.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                Just like you're supposed to believe that Ada can ninja her way around Spain, doing Matrix-flips and Spider-Man swings via a Batman grapple-gun. In a form-fitting mid-thigh evening dress. In Autumn. Near-to-after sunset.
                In high heels.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                  Ada is a professional spy first & foremost. She infiltrated the Arklay Research Facility and was romantically involved with the head researcher, John, if you recall. So, she has to be a master manipulator and a little bit of a whore. Plus, if she can shut off her personal standards to fool around with a researcher (for her own gain), she can do the same for a carrot-topped, emo fop-haired naïve geek that looks like this:

                  The ultimate point is that Ada uses people, and in the context of the events of RE2, there just isn't enough substance to see these 2 people actually falling in love. But it is written in as a part of the plot, so why even debate it? Capcom has implied they are in love during the events of RE2, so psychology or not, that's what you're supposed to believe.

                  Just like you're supposed to believe that Ada can ninja her way around Spain, doing Matrix-flips and Spider-Man swings via a Batman grapple-gun. In a form-fitting mid-thigh evening dress. In Autumn. Near-to-after sunset.

                  The final point being that these romantic pairings (another example is Claire & Steve) are completely forced into the narrative by RE writers, and in true RE storytelling, they are poorly done.
                  Beat me to it JB. And I also agree with Darkmoon. There's definitely some lust there but I doubt there is any love.

                  Ada is a spy. Spies are supposed to be emotionally detached and trained to not allow their emotions to get involved. As JB pointed out, she was involved with John for most likely an extended period of time. Long enough to where he was even more in love with her than Leon. And she's probably been doing it for years. And then AFTER what happened in RE2...if she truly loved Leon, why didn't she make any effort to find him? If she cared so much about Leon, why then did she allow herself to continue being a spy?

                  Then let's look at Leon. Leon was very young and naive. He wanted to save every single person he saw. Capcom even came out and said he was very easily manipulated by women. A woman like Ada, who has no doubt become very accomplished in the art of seduction, would make easy work of him. And obviously Leon wasn't too upset about Ada after RE4 either. Angela was fawning over him and he obviously enjoyed it.

                  Let's examine RE2 a little closer. Ada didn't even develop her feelings for Leon UNTIL he saved her. For half the time she was using him. For half the time he was trying to play the gallant knight. Leon may have risked his life to protect Ada...but didn't John do the exact same thing? Didn't John's risk COST him his life? Funny how Ada seems to disregard that, a man she must have been with for at least a few months. And yet she's suddenly supposed to be devoted to Leon after 30 minutes.
                  Are you tired, Rebecca?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                    Ada is a professional spy first & foremost. She infiltrated the Arklay Research Facility and was romantically involved with the head researcher, John, if you recall. So, she has to be a master manipulator and a little bit of a whore. Plus, if she can shut off her personal standards to fool around with a researcher (for her own gain), she can do the same for a carrot-topped, emo fop-haired naïve geek that looks like this:

                    The only emo Leon was RE2 Leon. You know when he was constantly crying and whining like the little bitch he was.

                    Thank God he became awesome and non-emo in RE4.

                    Also you don't need to be jealous of the fact Leon is better looking than you.
                    Last edited by Becky's Butt; 11-21-2009, 04:44 PM.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Becky's Butt View Post
                      Also you don't need to be jealous of the fact Leon is better looking than you.
                      That was unnecessary. Why do you get so damn butthurt when people talk about Leon?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Becky's Butt View Post
                        Thank God he became awesome and non-emo in RE4.
                        Really, did he not pine for Ada in RE4? Did he not scream "Luuuuuiiiiisssssss!" and "Miiiiiikkkkkkkkke!" in RE4? Did he not wear eyeliner and have emo hair in RE4? He seemed to be the same character to me, as the one in RE2, barring some more combat training and an overzealous attempt by the development team to emphasize how cool everything he did was - something which actually made him unintentionally funny.

                        Also you don't need to be jealous of the fact Leon is better looking than you.
                        Seriously...this thread is about a fictional relationship, between fictional video game characters. And that's what you wanted to chime in about? This is your contribution to the thread?

                        The way you throw shit fits anytime someone says something negative about your precious Leon (I've seen your NUMEROUS pro-Leon tirades on the IGN RE boards...they're littered with them, "Nikkolas"), makes me think you actually do think Leon is great looking. Are you into a video game character? Does Leon get your "motor running?"

                        Jesus Christ, get a grip. Or at least start a NikkolasxLeon relationship thread.
                        Last edited by Jill's Boob; 11-21-2009, 04:54 PM.


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Jill's Boob
                            Ada is a spy. Spies are supposed to be emotionally detached and trained to not allow their emotions to get involved. As JB pointed out, she was involved with John for most likely an extended period of time. Long enough to where he was even more in love with her than Leon. And she's probably been doing it for years. And then AFTER what happened in RE2...if she truly loved Leon, why didn't she make any effort to find him? If she cared so much about Leon, why then did she allow herself to continue being a spy?
                            What you have to understand is that Ada is not going to choose an happy life with Leon. Why? Because she was given a second chance, she's alive thanks to Wesker and because she obtained the G-virus. She owes Leon for saving her life, but she also owes Wesker and, therefore, she cannot escape her job.

                            OK, let's see what Ada herself has to say "It is important to remain calm and collected, even in the most extreme situation. In the Umbrella underground laboratory I FORGOT that wisdom. Something about the meeting with Leon CHANGED me"

                            That's interesting, she admits clearly that she failed as a spy and Leon changed something in her. That pretty much means that she didn't use him during the events of RE2.

                            Then let's look at Leon. Leon was very young and naive. He wanted to save every single person he saw. Capcom even came out and said he was very easily manipulated by women.
                            Capcom also said that Leon looks naive, but is far from it. So which one you want to believe? My guess is that Leon is not really naive, but that he is rather inexperienced with women and that's why he acts as if he was a total fool towards Ada, even if he knows very deep inside that she's not "clean". Well, that's how I see it.
                            Last edited by Grem; 11-21-2009, 05:48 PM.


                            • #15
                              Ada let her guard down around Leon in RE2. She renounced this after her "death" and resolved to never make the same mistake. Hence why she uses Leon's affections to her advantage in RE4 rather than let her guard down again.
                              PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

