Using Nicholai and his trusty handgun + knife, he didn't use any healing items, barely got damaged, rescued everyone, finished with over 10:00 minutes, and got a B rank...
Honestly, is the RE3 Mercenaries game that broken or what? I remember one time rescuing everyone as Mikhail and getting something around 500 points barely. Despite the unfair grade he got for a splendid job well done, this video is well worth the watch if you're looking for tips on playing as Nicholai.
Before watching this video (all 4 parts), I couldn't even make it past the 2nd Nemesis encounter. Now it's at least somewhat more of a breeze.
Honestly, is the RE3 Mercenaries game that broken or what? I remember one time rescuing everyone as Mikhail and getting something around 500 points barely. Despite the unfair grade he got for a splendid job well done, this video is well worth the watch if you're looking for tips on playing as Nicholai.
Before watching this video (all 4 parts), I couldn't even make it past the 2nd Nemesis encounter. Now it's at least somewhat more of a breeze.