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need help with my RE5 4 sec video

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  • need help with my RE5 4 sec video

    does anyone know how to take words out of videos?

    Check out my myspace ha

    thanks :/ if you can ill send you the file

  • #2
    Why not just zoom into the video?

    You lose the a bit of the edges, but you're just trying to focus on the middle anyways.

    (btw, if you're using vegas, go to 'video event pan/crop' and zoom into the video with that)


    • #3
      no then the size reduces and i cant use it, also the quality becomes deminished too :/

      oh hey there jeffrey XD


      • #4
        What does "take the words out of videos" mean?

        If i'm understanding what you're trying to's a youtube video...those SUBTITLES are hardcoded into the video, it's not like a layer you can just lift off?

        Can't you just type the words out yourself?


        • #5
          You could either letterbox the video to hell and back again, cropping off (from bottom and up) to the point where the text is gone, you could try to hunt for the text in the game and edit it out yourself and re-record the scene... or you could try to use some "logo removal filter" in a video editing application (wont look super pretty, but it works better with text than it does with huge fat logos.)

          Either way, as Stu said, there's no way to just "remove" the text from the video at the click of a button.
          Last edited by Carnivol; 12-07-2009, 08:38 AM.


          • #6
            well someone who knows how to do it would be nice, i dont even know where to begin.

            ive seen it done before


            • #7
              Feel free to ignore the two pieces of advice you've already been given.

              Want to tell us WHERE you saw it done before? Might give us an idea of the process you're looking for?


              • #8
                im not sure where i saw it but ive seen it, if you know of a software program point me in the direction (name and product version) ill just torrent it


                • #9
                  Ooooh piracy. Good move!


                  • #10
                    XD lol if it was piracy then the govt would have blocked all the download sites

                    or unless im just really dumb cause no one ever told me what piracy really was or how you get it, i always though it was just stollen builds :/


                    • #11
                      FYI, piracy is a big no-no here and results in a lot of infraction points. The government have no control over stuff like that really, otherwise 4chan would have been shut down long ago. It's illegal.


                      • #12
                        I'm very confused, may I ask why you need to get rid of the text?

                        You can't in the game because its not subtitles (like speech from characters), its examining so the whole point of it is reading the text it gives you to examine the object, in this case the mummy. You also can't edit it out from the video (as people have already said) without cropping it.


                        • #13
                          no like i've said, i've seen it done, and i wanted it edited out because im an AMV maker, im sure that most people here know that already but seeing as you look new i guess you didnt know :/


                          • #14
                            It can't be done.

                            And it might not be him being new that he didn't know.


                            • #15
                              It CAN be done, but would be a VERY BIG job.


                              Rip all of the frames out of the video with something like movie 2 jpg,

                              Photoshop EVERY letter in EVERY frame,

                              rip the sound (if any),

                              Re-compile frames with a jpg 2 mpg program,

                              re-compile movie and sound,

                              job done, about two months later.

