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Resident Evil Fan Collaborations

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  • #61
    Still, very impressive sprites.


    • #62
      ^ Thanks lol, Krauser was a pain in the ass. Maybe someday I'll make many more, but I'll just take requests for now lol.
      "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
      Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


      • #63
        Hilarious video...It's a spoof of a spoof.

        It's a Garry's mod of Wesker taking on the Audio of the Self-Spoof of "D.C. Douglas" as Wesker in the so called "Deleted Scenes". xD

        A recreation of an out take from Resident Evil 5's end scene between Wesker, Chris and S


        • #64
          Here some KOF sprites that i edited

          I made them for a fighting game altho i never finish them all
          i am also edited someones from metal slug sprites, you can see them in my signature
          Last edited by LeigiBoy; 05-18-2010, 02:22 PM.


          • #65
            I've made this one myself, involving the lovely Claire Redfield.

            Please go easy on the criticisms, since it was my first attempt.
            Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 12-10-2010, 02:51 AM.


            • #66
              Haha! That's really cool. It would also be pretty cool if you did it with Jill.


              • #67
                ^ I could do that fivebyfive. Thanks for your compliments on my RE-related demotivational pic. Cheers!


                • #68
                  Yeti112's Resident Evil Stories 6 has just been put up.

                  There's also been Stories 5, Outbreak parodies uploaded by him as well.
                  Non-blurry Signature Version
                  Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


                  • #69
                    Very funny Resident Evil video, revolving around a song duet between Chris Redfield and Albert Wesker.



                    • #70
                      RESIDENT EVIL: FORSAKEN

                      + I posted this on Biohaze, so I thought I'd post this here as well +

                      Hello, I'm Geekums! I'm a long time reader, first time poster. I've been a hard-core fan of Resident Evil since about.... A while ago, hahaha. I visit about five Resident Evil fan sites every day to see what's going on with the series.
                      A little about me; I'm a voice actress and producer (Mysterious Geek Productions). I write a lot of scripts, and I came up with a Resident Evil one about a year and half ago.
                      It takes place on the day of the T-Virus leak in the Arklay Mansion. I was thinking about what the people inside the mansion must have gone through and discovered. What would happen as they watch each other diminish into a mindless, slobbering shadow of their former selves (ehehehe)?

                      I wrote the script and worked on it for over a year. I wanted to make this a live-action movie, but resources are scarce around here, so I decided to change the script around and make it into an audio drama.
                      This past May/June I got a cast and began producing this audio drama dubbed "Resident Evil: Forsaken". I basically threw my summer out and sat down working on this thing for about ever. This drama is basically for fans by fans (I've included some tid-bits of things from S.D. Perry's books as well. I didn't want to skimp out on the fans of the novels), so hopefully you'll enjoy listening to my vision of what may have happened on that night that the leak happened. It's about 50 minutes long, full of conspiracy, betrayal, and plenty of gore . Without further ado, here ya go:

                      Here's a link to the drama:
             ... SAKEN.html

                      And here's a link to my website:
                      http://mysterious-geek-productions.webs ... rsaken.htm

                      Please give a nice warm round of applause to this awesome cast. They did a very splendid job and it shows immensely!
                      Thanks so much . I hope you enjoy it!!


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Geekums View Post
                        RESIDENT EVIL: FORSAKEN

                        + I posted this on Biohaze, so I thought I'd post this here as well +

                        Hello, I'm Geekums! I'm a long time reader, first time poster. I've been a hard-core fan of Resident Evil since about.... A while ago, hahaha. I visit about five Resident Evil fan sites every day to see what's going on with the series.
                        A little about me; I'm a voice actress and producer (Mysterious Geek Productions). I write a lot of scripts, and I came up with a Resident Evil one about a year and half ago.
                        It takes place on the day of the T-Virus leak in the Arklay Mansion. I was thinking about what the people inside the mansion must have gone through and discovered. What would happen as they watch each other diminish into a mindless, slobbering shadow of their former selves (ehehehe)?

                        I wrote the script and worked on it for over a year. I wanted to make this a live-action movie, but resources are scarce around here, so I decided to change the script around and make it into an audio drama.
                        This past May/June I got a cast and began producing this audio drama dubbed "Resident Evil: Forsaken". I basically threw my summer out and sat down working on this thing for about ever. This drama is basically for fans by fans (I've included some tid-bits of things from S.D. Perry's books as well. I didn't want to skimp out on the fans of the novels), so hopefully you'll enjoy listening to my vision of what may have happened on that night that the leak happened. It's about 50 minutes long, full of conspiracy, betrayal, and plenty of gore . Without further ado, here ya go:

                        Here's a link to the drama:
               ... SAKEN.html

                        And here's a link to my website:
                        http://mysterious-geek-productions.webs ... rsaken.htm

                        Please give a nice warm round of applause to this awesome cast. They did a very splendid job and it shows immensely!
                        Thanks so much . I hope you enjoy it!!
                        wow geekums, I can't get away from you lol. I'll say it as I said before, loved working on the project and it was a blast!

                        oh yeah guys im a amateur va


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Daargoth View Post
                          wow geekums, I can't get away from you lol. I'll say it as I said before, loved working on the project and it was a blast!

                          oh yeah guys im a amateur va
                          ^^ Ahahaha, small internet I guess!


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Geekums View Post
                            ^^ Ahahaha, small internet I guess!
                            very small lol.


                            • #74
                              This is a video I've made of me reading out the Wikipedia article on the Resident Evil series. I know that some people may not like Wikipedia to it's "anyone can edit" policy, but then again so is Project Umbrella. (I don't mean to brag, but yes, it's official: I do have a YouTube account of my own)


                              EDIT: Please be mindful that due to my Australian accent, some of you might not understand half of what I said in this video.
                              Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 10-23-2010, 03:15 AM.


                              • #75
                                funny stuff for sure

