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Through the Years - Resident Evil PSX

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  • Through the Years - Resident Evil PSX

    I wanted to start this topic to discuss about the saga because i thought it would be a good idea to share our opinions about all the games from the series. We can make our own reviews and post how we feel now about it and how we felt when we were playing them back in the past.

    The first of them is : RESIDENT EVIL. No matter for what console (Saturn, PC, PSX) But it has to be dated back in 1996.

    What do you think about this game now? What things you thought about it that now have changed?
    Be sure to share your experience, funny situations.. or whatever you want to add for the game.

    Last edited by Jill Lover; 12-08-2009, 06:57 PM.

  • #2

    Wasn't this done there?


    • #3
      Oh I see... but It won't be the same one. This is going to be about all the games from the series. Every topic from here has been made before... even your comments... i remember seeing them on other many topics.
      Last edited by Jill Lover; 12-08-2009, 06:58 PM.


      • #4
        I would suggest that the survival horror, notwithstanding the corny bits, still surpasses the dread of RE5. The music is sufficiently atomospheric to avoid feeling too dated, and it stands up extreamly well for a game now nearly 15 yrs old! I wonder what ever happeend to those wooden actors at the start?!


        • #5
          I must admit, to this day, I STILL haven't beat the original game yet. I've gotten to the part after you get the helmet key and return to the mansion, but for the most part, all my experiences with the first RE are from the REmake, which, is simply such a magnificently crafted piece of gaming, it leaves the orignal as more of a novelty, and a historical perspective on how the original RE changed gaming in general, along with Metal Gear Solid. It's quite the accomplishment that such a B-movie esque game, with it's terrible voice acting, and not so pretty graphics, help launch 3 of the most endearing characters in video games. And I"m of course talking about Chris, Jill, and Wesker, in no paticular order. I think in some ways, RE to RE5 will represent in ten years what people might view as the "golden" years of Resident Evil's story, since who knows where exactly RE6 and the future will take the series that once started out with static camera angles and the moaning undead.

          In the end, I suppose the first RE in it's original form will one day end up viewed as a very outdated and stone-age game to some, and a irresitable classic to others. But that's always been the dilemma for people in the end. Those they had no problem with the tank controls and wonky camera angles, and those that absolutely loathed such gameplay mechanics. But it will always be apart of the original's Playstation's legacy, along with the other titular titles that the Playstation is remembered for.
          Last edited by valentinesdead?; 12-08-2009, 07:19 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by 5TH SURVIVOR View Post
            I wonder what ever happeend to those wooden actors at the start?!
            Unfortunately Barry (whose real name is Barry!) has passed on now. What happened to Jill (Inezh) is anyone's guess really. I'm not convinced of any of the theories of her identity.

            I still love the original though it's pacing and control make it harder to endure given how far gaming has come in the years since. I remember my flatmates (particluarly the girls) being totally freaked out by the game when I first played it. It seems pretty tame today, but the slow building suspense and shocks made it a pretty fresh experience back in the day.

            The voice acting and opening FMV are just pure gold. Timeless classics.
            Last edited by consoul; 12-08-2009, 08:27 PM.


            • #7
              Barry Gjerde hasn't "passed on" at all.


              • #8
                Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


                • #9
                  I remember when I thought that intro was awesome.

                  ... And thinking back, I must have been *really* desensitized... I watched that intro when I was like 6 or 7... uncensored...

                  I still remember freaking out after Barry leaves you. It took me forever to gather enough courage to pass that point...

                  (interesting note, maybe it's just the Japanese version, but if you wait long enough eventually Barry just freezes and stops investigating the main hall if you don't go under/up the stairs)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
                    Barry Gjerde hasn't "passed on" at all.
                    He hasn't? Good! Thanks for me setting me straight on that.

                    A while back I read on another board that he was dead, but I'm glad to hear he's not. Undead Barry FTW.


                    • #11
                      Resident Evil was one of the first games that I played on the playstation. I remember playing it for hours and really getting into the story. It's also one of the few games that I can play over and over and not get bored with it. I also recall checking all the RE fan sites at the time and hearing about the opening being cut. Eventually capcom offered the uncut version for download but with dial-up at the time it took about 3 hours for it to load.

