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It goes no further than this.

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  • It goes no further than this.

    I bring forth to ye, the public, a probable answer to the "Krauser = Las Plagas?" debate. In the form of an exciting battle!

    Are any of you a bad enough dude to go through these for an answer? Post your translations, no matter how innacurate they may/may not be. The winner will not have their wives violated by me in my future mental breakdown.

    For a teaser; カ means "power". Power of what you ask? Thats for you to try and find out.
    Last edited by News Bot; 12-18-2009, 09:52 AM.

  • #2
    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    For a teaser; カ means "power".
    As a minor correction from the in-house translator; カ is not 力
    Though, it is indeed the latter (力), which can mean power/strength, that is used in the brackets for the first pic's caption and at the bottom of the text in the second scan.


    • #3
      Ah, a minor mistake on my part. Copy and pasted the wrong character haha. Still, they are essentially the same. 力 also means about 20 other words, such as support, assistance, agency or force.
      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


      • #4
        Well, I give up...
        Somehow I don't think that me staring at these scans is going to magically posses me the ability to read Japanese text.

        Do tell.


        • #5
          カ is the katakana syllable "Ka"

          力 is the kanji "chikara" (evt. "ryoko" or "riki", based on context)

          Visually and on paper; they of course look pretty much the same - but as far as writing/reading goes; they're not.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
            カ is the katakana syllable "Ka"

            力 is the kanji "chikara" (evt. "ryoko" or "riki", based on context)

            Visually and on paper; they of course look pretty much the same - but as far as writing/reading goes; they're not.
            I know...

            Well, I give up...
            Somehow I don't think that me staring at these scans is going to magically posses me the ability to read Japanese text.

            Do tell.
            But, but that would ruin the fun!
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • #7
              Okay just to very quickly join in; I don't believe it's a plaga because...

              1. Ada specifically mentions about dealing with 'his arm'. She is not referring to just his fighting style otherwise she would have said just that. She specifically mentions his arm for a reason because she knows it has a past. She has extensively studied his moves so she must have done this long before the RE4 incident - before Saddler even met Krauser.

              2. She only presumes he has succumbed to the plagas. She isn't 100% sure.

              3. If Krauser does have a plaga it is not a subordinate plaga as he is not under control by Saddler. Krauser also clearly has control of the mutation but it cannot be a modified/control plaga because that is the very thing he is there for in the first place. He could just report directly back to Wesker without trying to steal another sample from Krauser.

              4. Yes there are labs and facilites available for Krauser to gain himself a sample without Saddler's knowledge. But again, if this is true, why not report back to Wesker straight away. After all, Krauser was the one who asked Wesker to send in Ada as back-up because he was struggling to get his hands on the sample. Why would he do this when he could just raid the labs himself.

              5. Saddler never trusted Krauser, wanted rid of him. Why would he bother to create a special type of plaga specifically for him - or if he did do do you not think it would have at least been a type that he could control so he could keep him in check? Wouldn't make sense for Saddler to intentionally increase Krauser's power if he wanted rid of him.

              6. Darkside Chronicles would never include his injury if it wasn't relevant to that time. Krauser's injury was career threatening and led to him seeking out Wesker in the first place to 'make him stronger again' - low and behold he turns up two years later looking pretty good.

              7. He has impossible jumping power and super doging speed - traits similar to Wesker and not to other ganado. {Also traits of Type 3 plagas but these were not created yet obviously}

              I'm sure there are more points but basically it doesn't make sense for Krauser to have a plaga inside him. I don't believe he is infected with T-Veronica either. I simply believe Wesker has done something for him. What this is will probably remain a mystery. I don't deny for a second that Krauser was tempted by the power of Las Plagas but if Saddler were to give him any form of the parasite, it would have just been a regular subordinate plaga so he could control him; and clearly in RE4 this is not the case.

              But after all that watch this transcript prove me wrong ha ha! Go on then, finish this once and for all.
              Last edited by TheBatMan; 12-19-2009, 05:58 PM.
              "I've got 100 cows."
              "Well I've got 104 friends."


              • #8
                1. Ada specifically mentions about dealing with 'his arm'. She is not referring to just his fighting style otherwise she would have said just that. She specifically mentions his arm for a reason because she knows it has a past. She has extensively studied his moves so she must have done this long before the RE4 incident - before Saddler even met Krauser.
                She does outright state his general combat style. She mentions his arm as an aside.

                2. She only presumes he has succumbed to the plagas. She isn't 100% sure.
                Sure, in the English script. Its most likely a very, very different case in the actual script. From what I've seen of an in-progress Ada's Report translation, it is likely to be a mistranslated mess.

                3. If Krauser does have a plaga it is not a subordinate plaga as he is not under control by Saddler. Krauser also clearly has control of the mutation but it cannot be a modified/control plaga because that is the very thing he is there for in the first place. He could just report directly back to Wesker without trying to steal another sample from Krauser.
                He has a modified subordinate Plaga. A Plaga without the ability to control, and without the ability to BE controlled. Host maintains total control.

                4. Yes there are labs and facilites available for Krauser to gain himself a sample without Saddler's knowledge. But again, if this is true, why not report back to Wesker straight away. After all, Krauser was the one who asked Wesker to send in Ada as back-up because he was struggling to get his hands on the sample. Why would he do this when he could just raid the labs himself.
                Krauser had his own delusions of power. Raiding the labs would earn him nothing but Saddler's wrath. I highly doubt even Krauser could take on every single Ganado along with Saddler himself. What would Krauser report to Wesker? "Yeah they just injected me with a Plaga but its completely useless to you". Krauser believed in Wesker's goals, but he had his own motives as well. "Power" is a big theme to Krauser's overall character.

                5. Saddler never trusted Krauser, wanted rid of him. Why would he bother to create a special type of plaga specifically for him - or if he did do do you not think it would have at least been a type that he could control so he could keep him in check? Wouldn't make sense for Saddler to intentionally increase Krauser's power if he wanted rid of him.
                Saddler didn't care about Krauser. He wasn't worrying about him and he wasn't going out of his way to get rid of him. He was "contemplating" how to. If Saddler gave a shit about Krauser, he'd have done it already. Krauser was his personal "dog" even though he knew he was most likely a traitor, yet he still used him to carry out the retrieval of Ashley and assassination of Leon. Why wouldn't he give him a slight boost, especially since he had presented Ashley to Saddler in the first place? With that action, Krauser gained access to the Illuminados ranks, and every Illuminados has a Plaga by default. Krauser was Saddler's grunt. There is no reason why he WOULDN'T give him a Plaga. As for not giving him one he could control, why didn't he give Mendez or Salazar ones he could control?

                6. Darkside Chronicles would never include his injury if it wasn't relevant to that time. Krauser's injury was career threatening and led to him seeking out Wesker in the first place to 'make him stronger again' - low and behold he turns up two years later looking pretty good.
                Krauser's injury isn't even that visibly serious. He is kept out of the military because it supposedly never "fully" healed. He is still able to use a gun two-handed rather effectively almost immediately after, it is not surprising in the least that he near completely healed after two years. His injury has NOTHING to do with his later arm mutation, it was merely to give a reason as to why he joined Wesker and left the military.

                7. He has impossible jumping power and super doging speed - traits similar to Wesker and not to other ganado. {Also traits of Type 3 plagas but these were not created yet obviously}
                Maybe not Ganado, but those traits are from the modified subordinate Plaga. Which, funny enough, the Type 3 Plagas is derived from. Krauser just so happens to have one.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • #9
                  It still makes no sense why he would be given a specially modified subbordinate plaga though? Why?

                  He obviously never gave Salazar or Mendez ones he could control because they were true members of the Los Illuminados and had been for a while. They had his complete trust. Krauser was an outsider, knew very little about the parasites and so Saddler could have told him any old bollocks about its 'power' and still injected him with a normal subbordinate sample so he could be kept in check.

                  The thing that troubles me is i cannot think of a viable reason why Saddler would create a specially modified subbordinate plaga just for him.

                  But if you have that translation how's about sharing it so at least we can argue fairly with all the evidence to hand!
                  "I've got 100 cows."
                  "Well I've got 104 friends."


                  • #10
                    How do you know he couldn't control Mendez and Salazar? They had a certain level of free will but we have no way to know if they could be controlled or not. Remember, he intended to have Ashley betray her father and Leon become his bodyguard. Neither willingly, yet he was certain that once the Plagas hatched there opinion would change. We also saw rabble rousing in RE5, which suggests that at least one side effect of Plagas infection is the subject becomes more suceptible to commands from certain people. It might explain how Wesker, apparently without a master plagas, controlled the Majini.

                    As to why he might create one...think about it. He needed Krauser because he needed Krauser's skills. Having him as a blind zeolot didn't do him any good. He had plenty of those. A Control Plagas, if he could control it and the host, would mean Krasuer would not only be stronger and nastier than before but also controlable. And he'd retain the skills Saddler needed him for. Win/win for Saddler. Obviously, not making him a blind zelot means Krasuer did still have free will, and therefore there was a risk of betrayal, but Saddler didn't need him for two long...and since he had control Plagas made for Salazar and Mendez having a third done wouldn't be too difficult.


                    • #11
                      How do you know he couldn't control Mendez and Salazar? They had a certain level of free will but we have no way to know if they could be controlled or not
                      They had modified subordinate Plagas, which are essentially Plagas which cannot be controlled and which can't control others. A mixture of the subordinate and control Plagas. They did not have control Plagas.
                      PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                        How do you know he couldn't control Mendez and Salazar? They had a certain level of free will but we have no way to know if they could be controlled or not. Remember, he intended to have Ashley betray her father and Leon become his bodyguard. Neither willingly, yet he was certain that once the Plagas hatched there opinion would change. We also saw rabble rousing in RE5, which suggests that at least one side effect of Plagas infection is the subject becomes more suceptible to commands from certain people. It might explain how Wesker, apparently without a master plagas, controlled the Majini.

                        As to why he might create one...think about it. He needed Krauser because he needed Krauser's skills. Having him as a blind zeolot didn't do him any good. He had plenty of those. A Control Plagas, if he could control it and the host, would mean Krasuer would not only be stronger and nastier than before but also controlable. And he'd retain the skills Saddler needed him for. Win/win for Saddler. Obviously, not making him a blind zelot means Krasuer did still have free will, and therefore there was a risk of betrayal, but Saddler didn't need him for two long...and since he had control Plagas made for Salazar and Mendez having a third done wouldn't be too difficult.
                        Because if Krauser had a control plaga inside him then he would have the very thing inside his body that Wesker had sent him to collect in the first place. Hence he could just drop what he was doing and flee.

                        Did he need Krauser's skills though? Once he kidnapped Ashley what else would he specifically need him for? Krauser himself says that Saddler didn't fully let him in the loop after he got Ashley for him. He was just another soldier. Rather than let him running loose, a regular subbordinate plaga would have made the most sense.

                        Going back to Darkside for a moment, Krauser's arm looked pretty visibly nasty to me. Krauser knew the injury meant the end for him and his military career. Wesker has obviously done something to him so that he appears fully fighting fit by the time RE4 comes round. This would also explain why Krauser seems to idolize him so.
                        "I've got 100 cows."
                        "Well I've got 104 friends."


                        • #13
                          He was just another soldier.
                          An exceptionally skilled soldier.

                          Rather than let him running loose, a regular subbordinate plaga would have made the most sense.
                          Then he would just be another Ganado... not a brilliant idea.
                          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                          • #14
                            Oh, come on News Bot, tell us! D: This is cruel...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                              An exceptionally skilled soldier.

                              Then he would just be another Ganado... not a brilliant idea.
                              Krauser may be skilled but he was just a grunt for Saddler, nothing more.

                              Which is exactly what he was turning Leon into to be his bodyguard so it seems a perfectly reasonable idea to me.
                              Last edited by TheBatMan; 12-21-2009, 05:40 AM.
                              "I've got 100 cows."
                              "Well I've got 104 friends."

