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If They Killed Off A Main Character Who Would You Want It To Be?

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  • If They Killed Off A Main Character Who Would You Want It To Be?

    If they make Resident Evil 6, and we get the main lead characters back (Chris,Jill,Leon,Claire) , if one were to get killed off, who do you think it should be?

    I personaly think it should be Chris, but only if Wesker some how came back. I always thought it would be very dramatic if Chris died to kill Wesker, which I think should of happened in Resident Evil 5.

  • #2
    They need some new blood soon. Chris is approaching Barry's age in RE1. Its only inevitable that one of them will either die, or we'll (more likely) get a new set of characters.


    • #3
      Jill. RE needs less Jill.


      • #4
        Ive already stated my opinion that every existing Resident Evil character needs to die.

        If I had to choose one to kill especially, I would choose Jill. She's become walking fan service.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
          They need some new blood soon. Chris is approaching Barry's age in RE1. Its only inevitable that one of them will either die, or we'll (more likely) get a new set of characters.

          Somehow wrap up some of the lose ends and throw out the old cast. We need new and unlikely heroes, especially if we ever are supposed to return to the classic horror elements.

          Killing long lasting good guys is fun, but the current situation of the RE games means that they'd pretty much have to pull a Harry Mason on them... which wasn't really that exciting (although somewhat strangely emotional in one kinda way)

          Of course, with the current state of the series, here's one of two death scenarios I bet could happen;

          A. Chris dies saving the universe, but then he's not really dead after all. 'Cause it probably takes more than him smashing two plutonium rods together onboard a giant space station orbiting the surface of Mercury to kill him.

          B. Jill dies in some really stupid holy light scene where she mysteriously becomes the cure for a world of infected. Then tragic scene follows. Then followed by some weirdo personal last words by Chris... which may also mirror something he's said before.
          Last edited by Carnivol; 01-01-2010, 01:54 AM.


          • #6
            I'd actually be quite pleased if Capcom were to kill off a main character, most especially a protagonist. Capcom didn't have the balls to do it with Jill, despite the possibility there could have been a better (in my opinion) story for RE5 had they done so. Honestly, I'd be okay with any main character dying, even my favorites. I don't mind when my favorite characters die.

            Killing off Claire would have served as a nice progression for the storyline, but since I doubt we'll see Chris again, it wouldn't add anything now. And I doubt Chris and Jill are going anywhere, being that they are most likely retired as characters.

            Maybe, I guess, Ada? Ada is one of my favorite characters, but I've always envisioned her to be the perfect type of character to ultimately sacrifice herself. A cheap way of redeeming the character for having played both sides of the coin, especially in the eyes of Leon.

            Sherry would be an ideal choice, too, but only if Capcom chose to do something with her storyline that would make her death worth it.

            To be cruel, I want to say Leon, but it's not going to happen. I truly believe, without a doubt, the main players of the series are never going to die. Maybe by old age, but we wouldn't see that.
            Last edited by Bianca; 01-01-2010, 02:14 AM.


            • #7
              My vote goes to Chris, as his person grudge against Wesker has been settled. I can't think of how his story can progress without him being a generic character from here.

              There're still a couple of stuffs they can make out of Leon and Ada with her secret organization, and also make Claire help out by pulling the strings backstage (just like Leon did between RE2 and RE4) since she isn't a character who battle those stuffs head-on. Not sure about Jill but perhaps they can introduce a new antagonist for her or make a sub storyline about her body which have received dosage of the T-virus in the past.


              • #8
                All RE5 has shown me is that they simply won't do that. It would be too cliche now, and unexpected by fans to have someone major die without everyone not taking it seriously and believing its another Jill situation.

                The whole thing involving her death was just random as fuck and not foreshadowed at all. I honestly just hope they retire the old cast and get some new people, people who aren't all fucking Rambo'ed out from their numerous encounters with THE DEMONS. I really don't see a need to have the old cast killed off. Maybe toss in Chris as THE NEW PLAYER GUYS radio man or something. Hell, I still think RE5 woulda been amazing if you had Barry as your radio man
                Last edited by Dot50Cal; 01-01-2010, 02:27 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                  Jill. RE needs less Jill.

                  Both Jill and Chris are in their 30's. Wesker is 48, oh god, new set of characters is a comin.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
                    All RE5 has shown me is that they simply won't do that.
                    This. I just wish they'd bury the series and be done with it already. I'd love a 'spiritual successor' right about now.


                    • #11
                      Good grief, could there be anymore trendy dialogue in this thread? I know you all think its cool to quote people and type "THIS" like the sheep you are, but in all makes you all look like douchebags. On to the thread content we go...

                      I would accept a major character death, if it had a valid reason. So far all you have come up with is "Duuurrrr the main characters are getting old...old means you have to be killed off...duurrrrrrrr". Wrong. That logic is so flawed that I do not even know where to begin with it. Chris and Jill are basically done. You do not have to kill them because their story is over. I honestly do not think that after, what 10 years? 10 years of what they both have gone through that they should settle their score with Wesker and then be killed off.

                      There is no valid argument that anything good would come from killing either of them. Resident Evil 6 starts...JILL VALENTINE AND CHRIS REDFIELD FOUND DEAD...and go into what? What could that possibly have to do with anything? Segway into Claire being the star of another game and out for revenge? Fuck that noise, stab me in the eyes with needles before I have to put up with Claire again. Don't get me wrong, she's ok but it was pretty much made clear that shes not doing anything anymore.

                      There are other people you could kill off to make things interesting but it cannot be done off screen like so many thought had happened to Jill. It loses its impact. Also the death actually has to be related to whom the game will be about. Personally though they should just leave it as is and start anew with just about everything wrapped up. Oh and don't give me that song and dance bullshit that not everything is wrapped up. What isn't wrapped up? Ada and her boring organization? Who fucking cares. Sherry Birkin? Nobody cares about that either, hopefully she started to mutate thanks to the G-virus and Wesker put a fist through her heart Spencer-style.

                      While I am at it, what is this bullshit with everyone complaining that Jill is a "fan service"? So...any future heroines from now on...should be ugly and fat or you don't want to play? Be right back, contacting the makers of Bayonetta and telling them "Hey you have a great game coming out, but the douche bags at THIA won't play it because your female hero looks too good. Add about 50 lbs to her and make her face wrinkly and ugly". That is basically what you are saying. Anyone who is made to look attractive is pretty much just a fan service.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Darinl1979 View Post
                        Good grief, could there be anymore trendy dialogue in this thread? I know you all think its cool to quote people and type "THIS" like the sheep you are, but in all makes you all look like douchebags. On to the thread content we go...
                        THIS! I SHALL ACT LIKE THE SHEEP I AM!
                        Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 01-01-2010, 04:31 AM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
                          All RE5 has shown me is that they simply won't do that.
                          This. When Capcom showed the trailer with Jill's tombstone, even though I really like Jill, I was glad that Capcom has balls to kill one of the main and more popular character in the series for the sake of pushing the story and character's development forward. But no, in the end it appears that not only Capcom doesn't have balls to do it, they even can't properly use the "omg, she's dead!" storyline :/.

                          At this point, if someone in the series dies it would be really hard to take it seriously and without doubt. We have at least 3 important characters in the series now that were considered dead at one point but then turn out to be alive (two of them with additional super powerz!). :|
                          Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 01-01-2010, 05:06 AM.


                          • #14
                            Leon, Ada, Jill, and Chris.

                            They seem most likely to die, anyway, them being all involved with biohazard incidents more than any other character now (government agent, working for the Organization, being BSAA agents and all, respectively).

                            But, I do feel slight bias in me to keep Leon, just because I want him, along with Claire, to show some conclusion to Sherry's fate (hell, at least a note she's been doing good in college/with foster family, because we all know Capcom won't give her the story we all want her to be in, her having funny tainted blood and all). But then again, killing Leon (or any of the above mentioned characters I want to get killed off) would be a very bold move.

                            But I wouldn't want it to be an all-shock death. At least have a reason for them to die other than just to shock, because that kind of kills it, imo.
                            Last edited by Ray; 01-01-2010, 05:30 AM.


                            • #15
                              Ada should die

