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Favorite title?

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  • #16
    Det. Beauregard : It's funny because it's EXACTLY the same for me! Everything you described, I feel the same. (the only difference is that RE1 was my first RE game)

    There's no need to express myself on the matter, then. You made it for me! lol
    Last edited by Grem; 01-07-2010, 03:30 PM.


    • #17
      resident evil 3 !!!!!!!!!
      Resident Evil 3 was the best Resident Evil game. It had the best sound effect, the best music, the best gameplay, and I actually think it looked better than Code Veronica. The fixed camera angles really added to the horror aspect. Resident Evil 4-5 are good, but will never be as good as the originals

      And for the music : Absolutely chilling theme. When the songs for the RE games were made they were made with the intention to make the listeners afraid, lose hope, and become hesitant.

      This song accomplishes all 3 and more. The composer's for these games were simply brilliant, they did for the RE games what Nobuo Uematsu did for Final Fantasy, make them epic.


      • #18
        This is probably the 98th time this thread has been created, but my favorite is RE2.


        • #19
          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
          This is probably the 98th time this thread has been created, but my favorite is RE2.

          Every thread here has been done at least twice.

          My favorite is probably RE2 and Dead Aim. Thats right I said it. Dead Aim.


          • #20
            Resident Evil 2. For me it's the best along the series. Gameplay, story, extras, FMV (at the time they we're great!)...
            Then REmake. Resident Evil reaching levels of perfection.

            Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
            Edit: Just out of curiousity, I wonder if Gaiden is anyone's favourite title.
            It's not my favorite but I do have a place in my heart for it. Maybe it's because it was a bitch to beat, because the worst enemy you'll face in this game is...

            THE MUSIC!

            It really messes with your head, those 8 bit tunes really can make you crazy . And it had Mr. Barry Burton leading. And Leon. With green blood (plot twist! )

            "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


            • #21
              Why does everyone hate Gaiden? It was pretty good for a gameboy game.


              • #22
                Originally posted by jagger916 View Post
                Why does everyone hate Gaiden? It was pretty good for a gameboy game.
                I don't. I just think that the music is evil.

                "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                • #23
                  Said it a million times before, but it's CODE: Veronica X. Storyline, music, characters--it's all perfect, to me.


                  • #24
                    My favorite RE game is definitely Gaiden, it's so much filled with WIN!

                    The battle system was awesome, I believe they should make another one but on the main
                    consoles with the same battle system. Best on the RE universe!


                    Enough with the jokes.

                    My actual favorite game of all time is RE2.

                    It contains my favorite enemies like the "Licker" & "G". It had great atmosphere, great
                    sceneries to explore, etc. I played hours upon hours of this game. My first experience
                    on the game was when I got it for PC, the Platinum edition, which contained all sorts
                    of extra features like the sketches, 3D models, etc.

                    The music was just amazing, especially G's Malformation theme in the elevator.

                    The game did so much for me, that I always spent doing speed runs with both
                    characters in order to keep it fresh and entertaining. It was also the first RE
                    game to beat without saving and beating it under 2 hours. I was completely
                    addicted to it and was the push that got me into the series.

                    Back then this game was responsible for myself getting into any PC games with
                    the dreaded keyboard and also got me more in-depth with other horror oriented

                    P.S. Gaiden was a bitch to beat though.
                    Last edited by Kaneco; 01-07-2010, 06:00 PM.


                    • #25
                      RE1 PSX.Nothing beats it.


                      • #26
                        Resident Evil 2.

                        It was my first horror game I ever played and to me is the scariest of the series... Licker's through the glass, zombies grabbing at you through the windows, Mr.X busting through the wall. I needed to take breaks after each of those, because they scared me so much.


                        • #27
                          RE2 was my intro to Resident Evil. I was 8 and it scared me so much it gave me nightmares. I quit playing until the zero chapter came out for Gamecube. I never quit since.


                          • #28
                            Definately RE3. Nemesis really did make that game, he'll I even he'll I even have a scar on my finger thanks to him lol (lol that sounds kinda rude). I thought it was great how you could get different cut scenes depending on what yu do in the game, nicholai is a great example of this. RE2 is a close second for me as I love how you got two different disks for each character, I especially liked the fact that what you do in one scenario effects the other, for example if leon takes the machine gun from the police station then claire won't be able to find it etc. Also on a side note I loved RE Dead Aim! I though it was very refreshing from the usual re gameplay and it was very fun to play and I did love the story,
                            Last edited by I_Am_Nemesis; 01-07-2010, 07:54 PM.


                            • #29
                              The original and the best with RE2 coming in second because of it's bigger environment, I hate RE3 with a passion though.
                              Remake was ok but I felt it went a bit overboard with it's dark lighting it doesn't have the effect on me that the original did and I prefer the VA and music in the original too.
                              If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                                Every thread here has been done at least twice.

                                My favorite is probably RE2 and Dead Aim. Thats right I said it. Dead Aim.
                                Oh crap, I forgot about Dead Aim! I love that one too. That would be my number 3, actually. Awesome game.

