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Favorite title?

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  • #31
    I don't have ONE specific favorite. I can't, I musn't!

    Though, my favorites are:

    Original- Of course, I found it really awesome when I first played it (3 or 4).

    Code Veronica/x- I found this to be, imo, the most epic game, with a really compelling story (minus the mindfuck of "WESKER, WTF I THOUGHT YOU DIED SEVERAL GAMES AGO! DOUBLE-WTF, POWERS!?!? FFFFUUUUUU...").

    Survivor- The story, too, was really compelling. Minus the odd gameplay, even odder graphics, and just plain terrible dialogue/voice acting, it was a great game.

    REmake- Pretty much changed my opinion on the original. It's like it was the Original, then it was like it wasn't. O_O

    Dead Aim- Though the story was a little... on the "WUH!?!?" side (Morpheus changing genders, "WTF ELECTRICITY!?!?", and "WTF SPACE LASERS!?!?"), I found the gameplay really neat. Also the fact you have to shoot the zombies in the head for them to stay down permanently (I think) was awesome. I also liked Fong Ling as a character. Thoguh, if only the voice acting was different (especially Bruce's)

    4- Although I absolutely, dreadfully HATED the storyline, it was very, very fun. The gameplay was really amazing (even if departed far away from a traditional RE feel). Wii version was amazing.

    DSC- Other than the stupid retelling of the final-half of CV/x, I quite enjoyed this game. The graphics, voice acting, story (I personally liked 'O:J') were all awesome to me. If only the ending of Spoiler:
    was canon. I liked it.

    Games I atill like: 0, 2, 3... pretty much all of them, except Survivor 2, Gaiden, and the mobile games (as I haven't played them yet).


    • #32
      Survivor- The story, too, was really compelling. Minus the odd gameplay, even odder graphics, and just plain terrible dialogue/voice acting, it was a great game.
      I've always thought that Survivors story was the only redeeming feature of that game. If they had put as much effort into Survivor as they did, with say, Dead Aim then it could have been quite a decent game.


      • #33
        For me it had to be RE 2. I thought that the game was amazing. I was shocked when I found out that the game would not include any characters for the original game but think it is the best thing they could have done. I loved how there were 4 different scenarios and gave the game so much replay value.


        • #34
          I think Dead Aim was a fabulous game. I really have no major problems with it. The voice-acting wasn't as terrible as the actual quality of the recordings. The sound is so poor that all you hear is a distant echo, which almost makes the voices inaudible. The gameplay is spectacular, though, and I liked the storyline. Environments were definitely great, too. dat cruise ship.

          I wish they would port Dead Aim to the Wii, but the work it would take to add motion controls for the FPS segments is probably something Capcom isn't willing to do. :[ I still haven't bought the REmake and Zero ports for the Wii, but I'd grab Dead Aim in a heartbeat.


          • #35
            My favourite one is the original RE game for PSX. But I love the Remake, too. RE 4 and 5 are absolute bullshit.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Stand_Proud View Post
              My favourite one is the original RE game for PSX. But I love the Remake, too. RE 4 and 5 are absolute bullshit.
              Give me a valid reason why RE4 is "absolute bullshit". It's unfair and biased to say it's a bullshit game. It was very different to all other RE games but to say it's a bad game just seems a bit ignorant to me. Did you find something wrong with the gameplay?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                Just out of curiousity, I wonder if Gaiden is anyone's favourite title.
                Everyone wants a remake of RE2, so it would be just like Capcom to ignore the fans' cries and instead make a Gaiden remake!

                Originally posted by Grem View Post
                Det. Beauregard : It's funny because it's EXACTLY the same for me! Everything you described, I feel the same. (the only difference is that RE1 was my first RE game)

                There's no need to express myself on the matter, then. You made it for me! lol
                It's always good to know that others feel the same.

                Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
                I hate RE3 with a passion though.
                Why do you feel this way? I'm curious because aside from RE5, RE3 is probably my least favorite main series title. I thought the story was decent, but the gameplay simply wasn't as addicting as RE2's. I also felt that Capcom could have expanded on Raccoon City, creating many areas that were off the beaten path and optional (e.g. exploring an entire building only to find ammo and healing items), but instead they kept it pretty linear. Also, although everyone seems to love Nemesis so much, I found him annoying as hell.

                Originally posted by xdeadpan View Post
                I wish they would port Dead Aim to the Wii, but the work it would take to add motion controls for the FPS segments is probably something Capcom isn't willing to do. :[ I still haven't bought the REmake and Zero ports for the Wii, but I'd grab Dead Aim in a heartbeat.
                If they ported Dead Aim to the RE4 Wii engine, made the game much longer, and improved the voice acting so you could actually hear it, I would purchase it. Seriously, though, Dead Aim was really short - Separate Ways was like twice as long as it.
                Mass production? Ridiculous!


                • #38
                  Originally posted by jagger916 View Post
                  Why does everyone hate Gaiden? It was pretty good for a gameboy game.

                  Compared to what? There are so many better efforts than it. I'll use the shining example of Links Awakening (DX or regular) to show just how bad it actually was.

                  Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                  Give me a valid reason why RE4 is "absolute bullshit". It's unfair and biased to say it's a bullshit game. It was very different to all other RE games but to say it's a bad game just seems a bit ignorant to me. Did you find something wrong with the gameplay?
                  Well I did, I found that you could carry far too many weapons at once, almost one for every type, not to mention the rate at what ammo drops was far too common and meant you had as good as infinite ammo (plus the room to carry so much of it). The same goes for health items, you got way too many too often and could carry too many of them also. The enemies were not powerful enough to stand a chance against you, not even on Pro. Plus the game world froze everytime you did anything related to picking up or using or combining anything, killing any pressure. Story issues I thought were the least of the games problems.

                  I expected to dislike RE5 for the same reasons but they fixed most of the problems and I ended up loving it. Cannot carry as much, less ammo and health drops, cannot carry as much ammo/health per slot, enemies so easily kill you on harder difficulties, constant pressure due to real time menus and picking things up.

                  RE5 and REmake probably tied for second place for my favs of the series.
                  Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                  • #39
                    Seriously where does it all go?
                    Last edited by Karui; 01-08-2010, 03:17 PM.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                      I found that you could carry far too many weapons at once, almost one for every type, not to mention the rate at what ammo drops was far too common and meant you had as good as infinite ammo (plus the room to carry so much of it). The same goes for health items, you got way too many too often and could carry too many of them also. The enemies were not powerful enough to stand a chance against you, not even on Pro. Plus the game world froze everytime you did anything related to picking up or using or combining anything, killing any pressure. Story issues I thought were the least of the games problems.

                      I expected to dislike RE5 for the same reasons but they fixed most of the problems and I ended up loving it. Cannot carry as much, less ammo and health drops, cannot carry as much ammo/health per slot, enemies so easily kill you on harder difficulties, constant pressure due to real time menus and picking things up.
                      I agree that RE4 professional was not very hard; RE5 professional was much more difficult. I think a "super-hard" version of RE4 would have been nice; less ammo, tougher (and more) enemies, less healing items, etc. Switching weapons on the fly would have been nice, but I'll take the grid inventory system over quick weapon switching any day (it never really bothered me that much to manually switch weapons; you had to do it in all the old RE games).

                      Don't even get me started on RE5's inventory system... I don't like the "real-time tension." I disliked it in Outbreak and in RE5, as I like to examine items and spin them around and stuff, like the old RE games (weird, I know). Also, 9 pathetic slots simply wasn't enough room. I was used to RE4 where you had enough room pick up almost everything and sell it to the Merchant for big bucks. I would like RE5 way more than I do if there was a bonus mode where you could play the game with the grid inventory from RE4, or at least an extended inventory (with more than 9 slots).
                      Last edited by Det. Beauregard; 01-08-2010, 03:23 PM.
                      Mass production? Ridiculous!


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                        Well I did, I found that you could carry far too many weapons at once, almost one for every type, not to mention the rate at what ammo drops was far too common and meant you had as good as infinite ammo (plus the room to carry so much of it). The same goes for health items, you got way too many too often and could carry too many of them also. The enemies were not powerful enough to stand a chance against you, not even on Pro. Plus the game world froze everytime you did anything related to picking up or using or combining anything, killing any pressure. Story issues I thought were the least of the games problems.

                        I expected to dislike RE5 for the same reasons but they fixed most of the problems and I ended up loving it. Cannot carry as much, less ammo and health drops, cannot carry as much ammo/health per slot, enemies so easily kill you on harder difficulties, constant pressure due to real time menus and picking things up.

                        RE5 and REmake probably tied for second place for my favs of the series.
                        Explain to me how this makes RE4 a "bullshit game". I never said about it being a survival horror game, but as a game on its own it is a brilliant game. If it's such a bad game, explain all the excellent reviews and feedback it got at the time. A 96 on Meta Critic, GOTY at the 2005 Spike Awards. The gameplay innovated the Resident Evil series, and saying "the game had too much ammo - it's a shit game!" seems like grasping for straws. There was not too much ammo on Professional, it had a lot of tension and you were always immersed from one bunch of enemies to the next. Have you ever thought some people might have enjoyed not have to scratch about for ammo and enjoyed the more action-orientated gameplay? I have no problem if someone says they didn't enjoy the game, but I think it's stupid to say it's a "bullshit game" when quite clearly it re-invented the series, got a long list of awards, and is an overall fantastic and highly appraised game.

                        Again, the enemies in RE5 are not better than RE4. The only difference is on RE5 Pro, one hit or two can leave you in "Dying" status. They still behave the same, and the only difference is that later, they carry guns. I found Garradors to be more challenging than more or less any enemy in RE5.

                        I also agree about the inventory system. I much prefer the system of RE4 than RE5. RE5's system was annoying. The only benefit was being able to quickly switch between weapons. The big downside was that it made it necessary (unless you have someone to play with), to leave your health items and other things in the hands of an AI character who had the freedom to do whatever they wanted with it. Also unnecessarily wasted an inventory slot because the AI character had to have a weapon on them. This made it very frustrating when the AI partner decided to use a healing item at the completely wrong time or when it wasn't necessary. I like being able to control my inventory, not have the game do it for me.
                        Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 01-08-2010, 03:33 PM.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                          Explain to me how this makes RE4 a "bullshit game". I never said about it being a survival horror game, but as a game on its own it is a brilliant game.

                          I just explained why it is 'bullshit'. There was no balance to the game. If you were to turn on infinite ammo and health the game doesn't actually get much easier, the only difference would be you do not need pick up/use a health or ammo item every once in a while.

                          It got so much praise from the press because it was a genre changer, changing every 3rd person shooter since almost. Aside from the amazing way it improved third person shooters though it wasn't very well designed, in terms of balance.

                          Even though I didn't go into it there is still the story.

                          edit: You did control your inventory also, Sheva is not your inventory.
                          Last edited by Dracarys; 01-08-2010, 04:03 PM.
                          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                            I just explained why it is 'bullshit'. There was no balance to the game. If you were to turn on infinite ammo and health the game doesn't actually get much easier, the only difference would be you do not need pick up/use a health or ammo item every once in a while.

                            It got so much praise from the press because it was a genre changer, changing every 3rd person shooter since almost. Aside from the amazing way it improved third person shooters though it wasn't very well designed, in terms of balance.

                            Even though I didn't go into it there is still the story.

                            edit: You did control your inventory also, Sheva is not your inventory.
                            I think you just missed every point I made in my last post. Your points are moot and I think you're clutching for straws. The game made innovations, revived a stale series and brought a lot of new audiences to the series. I'm currently baffled how you can take such a good game and call it "bullshit", simply because you think there was a bit too much ammo in the game and you didn't like the inventory system. I could say exactly the same about RE5. I didn't like the inventory or the story, but I'm not so biased as to call it a "bullshit" game. It was a good game with flaws, but by no means an exceptional game.

                            And no, you're wrong. You had two inventories. Yours, and your AI partner. In order to be able to carry weapons, healing items, ammo, a lot of the time you had to utilize your AI partner to be able to take it all at once because you had no item boxes (similar to RE0). Only downside was, you had a dumbass AI partner who could use these items at random, when it wasn't needed, or didn't use it when it was needed. I recall one time Sheva had a green herb in her inventory, I was dying and she stood shooting Majini while I ended up dying. The entire AI system in RE5 made the game feel poor anyway. That is much more of a negative factor impacting a horror game than "a bit too much ammo".

                            Please elaborate on how RE4 didn't have balance, because I'm yet to see any valid reason as to why RE4 is "bullshit". Your preferred style of play doesn't really factor into it. You may not like how you had slightly more ammo than previous games. Professional gave you a lot less ammo on your first playthrough. A lot of action fans would have enjoyed blasting Ganados into shit. So again, give me a valid fact, not a personal opinion. Opinion doesn't factor into making a game bullshit.
                            Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 01-08-2010, 04:12 PM.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                              You had two inventories. Yours, and your AI partner. In order to be able to carry weapons, healing items, ammo, a lot of the time you had to utilize your AI partner to be able to take it all at once because you had no item boxes (similar to RE0). Only downside was, you had a dumbass AI partner who could use these items at random, when it wasn't needed, or didn't use it when it was needed. I recall one time Sheva had a green herb in her inventory, I was dying and she stood shooting Majini while I ended up dying. The entire AI system in RE5 made the game feel poor anyway. That is much more of a negative factor impacting a horror game than "a bit too much ammo".
                              I couldn't have said it better myself. The forced co-op aspect of RE5 really dragged the game down for me, as did the inventory.
                              Mass production? Ridiculous!


                              • #45
                                Co-op was one of the few things I actually did like about RE5. It added an incredible amount of replay value.

