I don't have ONE specific favorite. I can't, I musn't!
Though, my favorites are:
Original- Of course, I found it really awesome when I first played it (3 or 4).
Code Veronica/x- I found this to be, imo, the most epic game, with a really compelling story (minus the mindfuck of "WESKER, WTF I THOUGHT YOU DIED SEVERAL GAMES AGO! DOUBLE-WTF, POWERS!?!? FFFFUUUUUU...").
Survivor- The story, too, was really compelling. Minus the odd gameplay, even odder graphics, and just plain terrible dialogue/voice acting, it was a great game.
REmake- Pretty much changed my opinion on the original. It's like it was the Original, then it was like it wasn't. O_O
Dead Aim- Though the story was a little... on the "WUH!?!?" side (Morpheus changing genders, "WTF ELECTRICITY!?!?", and "WTF SPACE LASERS!?!?"), I found the gameplay really neat. Also the fact you have to shoot the zombies in the head for them to stay down permanently (I think) was awesome. I also liked Fong Ling as a character. Thoguh, if only the voice acting was different (especially Bruce's)
4- Although I absolutely, dreadfully HATED the storyline, it was very, very fun. The gameplay was really amazing (even if departed far away from a traditional RE feel). Wii version was amazing.
DSC- Other than the stupid retelling of the final-half of CV/x, I quite enjoyed this game. The graphics, voice acting, story (I personally liked 'O:J') were all awesome to me. If only the ending of Spoiler:
Games I atill like: 0, 2, 3... pretty much all of them, except Survivor 2, Gaiden, and the mobile games (as I haven't played them yet).
Though, my favorites are:
Original- Of course, I found it really awesome when I first played it (3 or 4).

Code Veronica/x- I found this to be, imo, the most epic game, with a really compelling story (minus the mindfuck of "WESKER, WTF I THOUGHT YOU DIED SEVERAL GAMES AGO! DOUBLE-WTF, POWERS!?!? FFFFUUUUUU...").
Survivor- The story, too, was really compelling. Minus the odd gameplay, even odder graphics, and just plain terrible dialogue/voice acting, it was a great game.
REmake- Pretty much changed my opinion on the original. It's like it was the Original, then it was like it wasn't. O_O
Dead Aim- Though the story was a little... on the "WUH!?!?" side (Morpheus changing genders, "WTF ELECTRICITY!?!?", and "WTF SPACE LASERS!?!?"), I found the gameplay really neat. Also the fact you have to shoot the zombies in the head for them to stay down permanently (I think) was awesome. I also liked Fong Ling as a character. Thoguh, if only the voice acting was different (especially Bruce's)
4- Although I absolutely, dreadfully HATED the storyline, it was very, very fun. The gameplay was really amazing (even if departed far away from a traditional RE feel). Wii version was amazing.
DSC- Other than the stupid retelling of the final-half of CV/x, I quite enjoyed this game. The graphics, voice acting, story (I personally liked 'O:J') were all awesome to me. If only the ending of Spoiler:
was canon. I liked it.
Games I atill like: 0, 2, 3... pretty much all of them, except Survivor 2, Gaiden, and the mobile games (as I haven't played them yet).