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Trouble with Resident Evil 5 loading

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  • Trouble with Resident Evil 5 loading

    Hey guys....I got a problem with RE5.

    The game loads at first: the logos go by as normal and stuff....and then it stays black - the title screen never shows up. Anybody ever encounter this particular problem? (I'm able to access the Windows Live menus though - it functions and stuff - there's sound in the menus)

    My Specs (brother's Computer):
    Windows XP Pro x64 service pack 2
    Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 overclocked at 3.5ghz (4CPUs) and RAID 0
    8 gigs of DDR2 Memory
    Radeon HD 4890 overclocked (not factory overclocked - it's stable)
    Direct X 9.0c

    I installed this on my bro's computer so we could play co-op over LAN. It'd really suck if I can't get this to work.

  • #2
    I'd double check the graphics drivers for your card (update time) + make sure you're not force loading the DX10 version.

    Also, try to reinstall DirectX9.0c, as there were several revisions of it, so you might not have the latest.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
      I'd double check the graphics drivers for your card (update time) + make sure you're not force loading the DX10 version.

      Also, try to reinstall DirectX9.0c, as there were several revisions of it, so you might not have the latest.
      Wow. Coincidence. You just helped a friend of mine with the same prob. Thanks.


      • #4
        All else fails, ditch XP x64, its a terrible, terrible operating system.

