Originally posted by ValentineLover
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Resident Evil 5: 2008 or 2009?
According to chapter 2 here: http://www.the-horror.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6769 is 2 years after Jills 'death' also.Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
My, my, the thick plottens.
Say, out of curiosity, do we have a solid date for when the 2006 encounter with Wesker happened? We know from the file in RE5 that Jill was supposedly declared dead on the 23rd of November (what'd they put on her tombstone?), and that this was after 3 months of searching and no findings (meaning we're at least likely to be looking at August - which also the BH5 manual at least agrees with). But do we know any exact dates from anywhere?
But Chris first heard rumours about Jill still being alive prior to the events of RE5 which could easily mean 2008.
Plus that link you posted also specifically mentions the situation is similar to an outbreak in a quiet village FIVE years ago.
Also people keep going on about the 2002 TALOS typo in the manual's timeline. A small typo in a timeline full of dates is an easy mistake to make and even easier one to miss. Yet a big prologue section at the front of the manual that says 2009... in massive letters is not so subtle is it? You'd think someone would have noticed that if it was a mistake."I've got 100 cows."
"Well I've got 104 friends."
Originally posted by TheBatMan View PostBut Chris first heard rumours about Jill still being alive prior to the events of RE5 which could easily mean 2008.
Plus that link you posted also specifically mentions the situation is similar to an outbreak in a quiet village FIVE years ago.
We're pretty much dancing on the shift between the years now
RE4 was indeed 2004 (was that in autumn?) - so second half 2008 would indeed be insufficient or five years. Two years for Jill's disappearance does however indeed leave something like Q3 2008 to at least leave Q1 2009 open. But the age of all chars, as presented in Mercenaries, is indeed el impossible for 2009. I like pointing at the in-game content first, before going elsewhere to fill the holes... which I guess makes it interesting to see how things are presented in Lost in Nightmare and Desperate Escape (and if there'll be additional files and such in them).
Anyway, curse Capcom for being so ambiguous about certain things in-game.
Characters ages is a bit vague though when it comes to RE. I mean Wesker is 38 in RE1 yet is still 38 by CVX which is the very end of December. I realise its perfectly possible that his birthday could be between Dec 29-31 but its unlikely. More like Capcom just being plain lazy.
Also, correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't Jill's grave say she was born in 1974 which would mean she couldn't be 33 in RE5 anyway if it was set in either 2008 or 2009 so there's yet another mistake.
To be honest both sides are being pretty stubborn with their views so I don't think we are gonna get a definitive answer on this. Let's just wait for Gold Edition to come out and hopefully clarify.
If pro-2008 people want to have it set it 2008 then by all means fine...you are just wrong, ha ha!"I've got 100 cows."
"Well I've got 104 friends."
Originally posted by Canas Renvall View PostShe couldn't have been born in '74, that directly contradicts REmake/RE1, where she's 23. If that takes place mid-1998, she'd have to be born in '75. Ten years after 1998 is 2008.Though like Carnivol said, it's really teetering on the borderline.
"I've got 100 cows."
"Well I've got 104 friends."
Originally posted by TheBatMan View PostCharacters ages is a bit vague though when it comes to RE. I mean Wesker is 38 in RE1 yet is still 38 by CVX which is the very end of December. I realise its perfectly possible that his birthday could be between Dec 29-31 but its unlikely. More like Capcom just being plain lazy.
Or is there something I'm missing and he's actually a 1959?
Originally posted by TheBatMan View PostAlso, correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't Jill's grave say she was born in 1974 which would mean she couldn't be 33 in RE5 anyway if it was set in either 2008 or 2009 so there's yet another mistake.Originally posted by Canas Renvall View PostShe couldn't have been born in '74, that directly contradicts REmake/RE1, where she's 23. If that takes place mid-1998, she'd have to be born in '75. Ten years after 1998 is 2008.Though like Carnivol said, it's really teetering on the borderline.
For her to still be 23 in RE1, and born in '74, she'd have to have a birthday sometime in the later half of the year. Which means that her 33 age listed in Mercs in RE5 would have to be lifted from a similar time in 2008 - from before she turns 34. Someone's age is pretty much always only increased when they've actually reached a specific age, on the day, while various non-sacred events (in lack of a better term) are usually in writing and documentation allowed to be more vague and open for approximates. (See stuff like how school vs age of consent is handled)
Originally posted by Canas Renvall View PostSee, this is another problem: in-game evidence in one game directly contesting in-game evidence in another game. Carnivol, what's your policy on that?
Originally posted by TheSelfishGeneIs 2009 mentioned in the Japanese manual?
Originally posted by TheBatMan View PostCharacters ages is a bit vague though when it comes to RE. I mean Wesker is 38 in RE1 yet is still 38 by CVX which is the very end of December. I realise its perfectly possible that his birthday could be between Dec 29-31 but its unlikely. More like Capcom just being plain lazy.
Also, correct me if i'm wrong but doesn't Jill's grave say she was born in 1974 which would mean she couldn't be 33 in RE5 anyway if it was set in either 2008 or 2009 so there's yet another mistake.
Wesker was born in 1960, so by RE1/CV he already had a birthday that year (so his Birthday is between Jan - July), so in CV he would still be 38 because he doesn't turn 39 until 1999.
Jills birthday is between Oct 1st and December 31st since she was still 23 in RE3, which means RE5 took place before she turned 34 in 2008. No mistakes anywhere you and Canas Renvall are just forgetting people don't instantly have a birthday the moment a new year starts or ends.
I'm pretty certain RE5 takes place around late May/June 2008.
The town majini that were infected was the field test for Type 2 plagas, a file specifically states the BSAA would be a test for them to engage. This is important since obviously type 2 Plagas would have been created before the Type 3.
The Type 3 were given to the tribal villagers, the date of the village youth diary lists April for when they were infected, so if it takes place early 2009 like some people say that would mean they degenerated into savages and for almost a year no one noticed? They weren't like we see them before infection, someone would have noticed in all that time. Not to mention that would mean Tricell waited almost a year before fully testing Type 2 Plagas also, something that seems very doubtful since they would want test data ASAP and they wouldn't plan a year ahead for the BSAA in the hopes they investgate the area, they would have done something else sooner.
Another file 'Regarding the Mutant Organism Found in the Facilities' dated in May says they were doing test loading for the Uroboros virus into missiles, so if Uroboros was complete at this time in May why would Wesker wait until early 2009 to do anything?
The file also talks about a leak of Uroboros infecting creatures and creating the Reapers, however it ends with the author unsure what it is and wanting one for study. Given when Chris/Sheva encounter them they are still loose in the missile area it leads to a conclusion that the note was wrote only a few weeks prior to RE5 at most, since is very unlikely the Reapers were allowed to roam free in the area for 9 months or so, not to mention no additional files on the Reapers like if they were studied or used as bio-weapons, wasn't time for any of this before RE5 takes place.
So looking at the events in these files, plus birthdays. May/June 2008 is my guess. Is that story thing that was translated also that states 2 years.Last edited by Dracarys; 01-31-2010, 09:10 PM.Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."
Originally posted by Carnivol View PostMy, my, the thick plottens.
Say, out of curiosity, do we have a solid date for when the 2006 encounter with Wesker happened? We know from the file in RE5 that Jill was supposedly declared dead on the 23rd of November (what'd they put on her tombstone?), and that this was after 3 months of searching and no findings (meaning we're at least likely to be looking at August - which also the BH5 manual at least agrees with). But do we know any exact dates from anywhere?
If I recall right Jill does say in the latest Gold Edition trailer:
"Hard to believe that was eight years ago. Guess I am geting older".
Well you're not that old Jill....
But eight years after RE1 (or 'Raccoon City' in general) give or take a month
So ummmmmmm can't say.Last edited by Smiley; 01-31-2010, 11:24 PM.