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  • RE_Becca

    So if anyone's ever read anyone of my posts, it's pretty clear that I'm a fan of Rebecca Chambers. And with the new DLC coming out, I was trying to get myself excited by writing a little fanfiction. Anyways... so I'm trying to keep it as true as possible so, while researching Rebecca, I found another Rebecca Chambers, an Australian pianist. I found this to be a funny coincidence because in zero, Rebecca can't play the piano at all. And the time line works out that the pianist was popular not too long before RE_Zero was being made.

    I don't think I'm the first one to post this, (just google Rebecca Chambers' name and it comes up) but still, I'm curious if there have been any other weird coincidence like this.

  • #2
    I also caught wind of the fact that Rebecca Chambers is also the name of a true-blue Aussie pianist myself.

    Good luck on your Rebecca Chambers fic.


    • #3
      Well, I seem to recall there was also a porn star by the same name, but that may have been a rumour. A funny rumour, but rumour all the same.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Beef_jerky_yo View Post
        because in zero, Rebecca can't play the piano at all.
        However she's able to play the piano in RE(make) when you play with Chris...
        Maybe she had a musician's block?

        Nice info anyway.

        "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


        • #5
          One thing I always find amusing about people writing fanficion is that they try to "research" a character, yet nothing they write is really going to be true. Good luck anyway. If you want information about her, go to Project Umbrella or simply replay the games over again.
          Are you tired, Rebecca?


          • #6
            One of these days, I'm gonna create a thread for every single character in Resident Evil history.

            Would that be okay, mods?


            • #7
              Why not just roll it into one?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                One thing I always find amusing about people writing fanficion is that they try to "research" a character, yet nothing they write is really going to be true. Good luck anyway. If you want information about her, go to Project Umbrella or simply replay the games over again.
                I know exactly what you mean, but I'm just trying to keep it believable. The worst fanfics get facts wrong. If I want to introduce Rebecca's hometown, I want to make sure there isn't already a cannon hometown.

                My fic is Sheva/Rebecca, which I know will never happen. But if it isn't going to happen, I want it to not happen the right way. (if that makes any sense.)

