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AMAZING Lost in Nightmares EASTER EGG

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Stu View Post
    Yeah i'd agree with that actually, is definitely a great way of testing the waters.


    • #17
      It's sucks if your looking for those emblems/coin things... luckily you can change it back and forth...


      • #18
        Originally posted by Logical Operand View Post
        Even if it is an easter egg, it just goes to show you that Capcom could always make a future title with the old-style if they wanted to.
        Why would they want to? That goes against the business goal of maximizing profits. You think static camera angles appeal to the widest audience?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
          Why would they want to? That goes against the business goal of maximizing profits. You think static camera angles appeal to the widest audience?
          It doesn't matter. They'll do what they want, and if the fans demand is strong enough for it, they would probably do it. Take a look at Megaman 9. Who would have thought that Capcom would go back to the old style? And Megaman 9 sold quite well.

          And who is to say that static camera angles don't appeal to the widest audience? People play games for fun and originality. To say that a game wouldn't appeal well to the widest audience because of its camera is ridiculous.
          Last edited by RetroRain; 02-20-2010, 03:45 PM.
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          • #20
            ^For someone with the word "logical" as part of your name, you should be able to grasp something simple.

            First of all, I'm not talking about Mega-Man or any other plain old "game." We're discussing Resident Evil games and the static camera angles involved with the RE franchise.

            Look at the sales for the series post-RE3...they were declining. RECV, REmake, and RE0 all sold good-but-not-great. (Yes, I know REmake and RE0 were limited to the Gamecube.) RE4 reinvigorated the series and sales, because it did away with static camera angles and tank controls. RE4 sold quite a lot, due in part to the (somewhat) free-roaming and the mobile camera. Which is why RE5 followed suit, and is closing in on the bid to be the top-selling RE entry. Personally, I think that REmake is the finest RE game and RE4 is one of the worst, but the sales data indicates a different choice from consumers.

            Just look at what appeals to the "widest audience:" FPS shooters. Hence RE4 and RE5 went the action route. RE4 brought in a new audience, which RE5 capitalized on. RE5 brought in an even bigger audience.

            Going back to the static camera angles and tank-controls of RE classic is not a good business decision. Now of course there are old school RE fans that would pick up a retro title, but the sales wouldn't be great.

            You should just be thankful for the easter egg in LIN. Because that's most likely as far as it will get. RE0 tried to go with the classic feel and it's at the bottom of the sales list.

            Ultimately though, Who knows what Capcom has in store for the visual style/camera perspective in RE6.
            Last edited by Jill's Boob; 02-20-2010, 04:18 PM.


            • #21
              So where can we see the pics? :/ I'm sorry I don't have all of thia memorised. I want to show a few buddies.

              Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
              Why would they want to? That goes against the business goal of maximizing profits. You think static camera angles appeal to the widest audience?
              It's an option, they can leave the default at over the shoulder and offer static cam for those of us who want it.
              Last edited by The_15th; 02-20-2010, 05:53 PM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Logical Operand View Post
                It doesn't matter. They'll do what they want, and if the fans demand is strong enough for it, they would probably do it.
                If Capcom gave a shit about the fan's "demands", then we'd have a very different storyline than we do now. They don't. It's all about the benjis.

                Originally posted by Logical Operand View Post
                And who is to say that static camera angles don't appeal to the widest audience?
                Compare the sales of the games now compared to the games with the old statics. That is to say.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Logical Operand View Post
                  It doesn't matter. They'll do what they want, and if the fans demand is strong enough for it, they would probably do it. Take a look at Megaman 9. Who would have thought that Capcom would go back to the old style? And Megaman 9 sold quite well.

                  And who is to say that static camera angles don't appeal to the widest audience? People play games for fun and originality. To say that a game wouldn't appeal well to the widest audience because of its camera is ridiculous.
                  You're seriously comparing sales data from an Xbox/PSN title to a retail game?

                  . . .oh wait, I'm. . .I'm having deja vu. You really don't have any new points to bring to the argument, do you?

                  Now, to at least give you a point, I could see Capcom putting out a very traditional-esqe Biohazard title on XBLA/PSN. That market is ripe for niche kind of games, but RE6? Barring any possiblity of traditional remakes on the Wii, I don't understand why some fans can't get it through their heads that that style of camera is gone from the main games forever. It's simply not intutative enough to control to casual gamers. Not to mention the original static angles and "tank" controls were designed specifically around the original Playstation hardware. Very Archaic 3D.

                  And besides, even though you can play LIN in static camera angle, it's not like it actually works combat wise. It's just a easter egg. A cool one too, but that's all it is. RE6 can take more inspiration from the classic games and the original intentions of "survival horror" that fans crave and want, without going back to crappy camera angles and tank controls rather easily. Although that depends on just where they really want to take the serious in the future.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by valentinesdead? View Post
                    I don't understand why some fans can't get it through their heads that that style of camera is gone from the main games forever.
                    No offense, but that statement sounds really ignorant. You have no PROOF that Capcom would not go that route again, even if the sales for free-camera were excellent. Capcom will do what they want. It's all about testing the market, and trying new things, and sometimes going back to old things. There is NOTHING to DISCOUNT the possibility. What are you able to read Capcom's minds or something?

                    I understand that these newer games with the free camera are bringing in sales. I get that. Now, had you said, it is "highly unlikely", fine. But to say that the static camera angles are NEVER going to come back sounds very ignorant.
                    Last edited by RetroRain; 02-21-2010, 06:23 PM.
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                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Jill's Boob View Post
                      Just look at what appeals to the "widest audience:" FPS shooters. Hence RE4 and RE5 went the action route. RE4 brought in a new audience, which RE5 capitalized on. RE5 brought in an even bigger audience.

                      Going back to the static camera angles and tank-controls of RE classic is not a good business decision. Now of course there are old school RE fans that would pick up a retro title, but the sales wouldn't be great.

                      You should just be thankful for the easter egg in LIN. Because that's most likely as far as it will get. RE0 tried to go with the classic feel and it's at the bottom of the sales list.

                      Ultimately though, Who knows what Capcom has in store for the visual style/camera perspective in RE6.
                      Very much agree with this. The tank controls and static, fixed camera are nice, but for the old school games. And after playing a few moments co-op with the static angles, I have to say they would not go well if it was a full game. Re6 might continue on with the co-op trend, because it seems like everything is having co-op these days. That is where the money is. I watched my brother playing Dante's Inferno, and even that will be getting co-op around April (not full game, but a battle arena type deal).

                      As JB said: we dont know what they will do for future games, but returning to the old school style seems like the series would be taking a step back. Only time will tell.
                      Are you tired, Rebecca?


                      • #26
                        Didn't the 2nd iteration of Resident Evil 4 have camera angle but went over the shoulder during aiming.

                        Checked the old video, yes it did.
               The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium
                        Review and contributor for


                        • #27
                          i honestly think that the original style camera was the best. and i know someone will probably quote me or some shit but don't. im just fuckin speakn my mind. i think they should just go back to the way they had it. with zombies. not fuggn crazies.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by PHAT NINJA878 View Post
                            i honestly think that the original style camera was the best. and i know someone will probably quote me or some shit but don't. im just fuckin speakn my mind. i think they should just go back to the way they had it. with zombies. not fuggn crazies.
                            I'm quoting you simply because of your amusing choice of vocabulary, using "fucking" then deciding to edit yourself by saying "fuggn".

                            I would like to see the zombies return with the current camera style, but make the characters a bit more realisitc. Have them fumble a weapon, have reloads take more than a split second, have them move slower the more injured they are like in the older games...give it a better sense of terror.
                            Are you tired, Rebecca?


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                              I'm quoting you simply because of your amusing choice of vocabulary, using "fucking" then deciding to edit yourself by saying "fuggn".

                              I would like to see the zombies return with the current camera style, but make the characters a bit more realisitc. Have them fumble a weapon, have reloads take more than a split second, have them move slower the more injured they are like in the older games...give it a better sense of terror.
                              i sometimes like fuggn saying fuggn.


                              • #30
                                I don't want a RE6. No 'hanks, I say. RE5 wrapped up the series' main storyline the best it could.

                                ...unless RE6 is about Ada. Or 'The Organization.' Or both! But that's another thread for another day.
                                Last edited by Vector; 02-21-2010, 09:16 PM.

