Hi there! Does anybody know about the original demo of Biohazard, the one that has the Yawn in the shed just before the gardens? Was that ever released anywhere? I'd love to have it for my collection. Thanks!
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Biohazard Demo
I own the 10 (or 15 minute version, but can't remember which one it is) minute demo for Biohazard. I believe it had this area where yawn slithers out at the end (if you make it in time that is), otherwise once 15 minutes is up you go to a black screen then back to the main menu.
I'll dig it out and play the demo again and let you guys know.Last edited by Zombie_X; 05-07-2010, 08:06 PM.
I'm pretty sure mine had the snake, at least from what I remember, but it's been ages.
I found my CD but now I need my NTSC-J PS1 to play it!!
I remembered with the use Jill code it had the retail area from the above post, but Chris's mission had the snake. Gotta play it to find out...Last edited by Zombie_X; 05-09-2010, 04:56 PM.
I'm back and you guys are correct. It's not on the demo, though I swear that I saw it on there before!! I'll explore it with AR cheats some more later.
Currently I used the "All Doors Open" code to access the shed area and it's the same as retail. I have other codes as well for room jumping and I'll try those out as well.