Did I miss anything?
Guess not...
Just why does every thread about an unreleased game have to end in a flaming war or a spam chain?
Whatever, time to get back on topic!
We have tried to get access to the locked room with the mirror (the one before the wardrobe) but all attempts to enter it failed...
We did manage to unlock the door, but going through it always resulted in a freeze...
Nothing new to say about co-op Jill so far, but we are still working on it!
Guess not...
Just why does every thread about an unreleased game have to end in a flaming war or a spam chain?
Whatever, time to get back on topic!
We have tried to get access to the locked room with the mirror (the one before the wardrobe) but all attempts to enter it failed...
We did manage to unlock the door, but going through it always resulted in a freeze...
Nothing new to say about co-op Jill so far, but we are still working on it!