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Anyone else go back to the classics from time to time?

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  • #31
    Here is my list:

    RE1 = My favourite title, I play it very often, especially the Director's Cut version. I love it so much! *_*

    RE2 = I play it very often, the easiest game of the series in my opinion, so much fun.

    RE3 = Nemesis scares me so I don't play it so often. I'm currently playing it again.

    RECV = I played it two weeks ago, my second favorite title. *_*

    RE4 = Played it a few days ago, but only one chapter.

    RE5 = Played it twice. I like it but it makes me feel quite dizzy. Is it just me or the game shakes too much?

    Remake = One of my favorites, but I don't play it too much.

    RE0 = Finished twice. I like it but I must confess it doesn't call my interest too much because of a few plot elements I don't agree with.

    Outbreaks = I suck at the Outbreaks. Played them once only.
    Survivor = It's been a long time since I've played it for the last time.
    Survivor 2 = Played it once.
    Dead Aim = Same as above.
    Follow us on Twitter: @residentevildb


    • #32
      I might as well post my list, too:

      RE1=One of my favorite titles. Haven't played it lately, but I still have the urge too.

      RE2=Another favorite. I've played and beaten this a few month's back. I could just jump into this game and play it non-stop.

      RE3=Also currently playing this. Scared the hell outta me as a child. Hated those fast walking zombies, and of course, the Nemesis with his damn rocket launcher.

      RECV=Haven't played this in a good while, but I always found this game to be quite difficult. Possibly the hardest game to complete next to RE1.

      REmake=Great game. Still play this as often as possible. Lisa Trevor scared the crap outta me in this game.

      RE0=Just started playing this again. Still loving the Leech zombies. I only beat this game once, but that's because I never played throughout consistently. I like this game more than many.

      RE4=Another awesome game. It's been a while since I've actually played through it, but sometimes I'll play it for Mercenaries, or to watch the epic cut-scenes, which I really liked. This game is very good at keeping your interest, no matter how many times you've beaten it.

      RE5=Still play this game as often as possible. Haven't played it for a few weeks, but that's because the damn tribe was roughing me up a bit too much. I suck at this game, but I still love it. I've only beaten it once, but thank goodness for Chapter Select.

      Umbrella Chronicles=Changed my outlook on rail-shooters entirely. Thoroughly enjoyed this game. I've completed everything in it, and it was great to use Wesker for a few chapters. Great game.

      Darkside Chronicles=Same as UC, pretty much. I still play this game very often. The way they painted the story for RE2/CV was odd, but those weren't much of a big deal to me. And blue-eyed Wesker FTW!!

      Dead Aim=I must admit, this game was quite entertaining. Morpheus's transformation was very weird. Thought he was a woman. I think this game had a good plot, though. Haven't played it in yrs.

      Outbreak 1/2=I'm terrible when it comes to Outbreak. However, Axeman was a great addition. It's been a while since I've played this.

      Survivor=Can't recall the last time I played this. I finished quite a few times, though. The game wasn't very long, but I liked it. Ark was cool.

      Survivor 2=Never finished it. Also haven't played this for a while, either.

      That's my list!


      • #33
        Wow, I totally forgot the shooters!

        Umbrella Chronicles = I played it a lot when I bought it but it's been a while since the last time I've played it again.

        Darkside Chronicles = I've been playing this game very often because I just bought it very recently.

        Last edited by Red Queen; 06-28-2010, 07:31 PM.
        Follow us on Twitter: @residentevildb


        • #34
          RE 1: I've beaten this game more than 50 times (including DS and PSP versions). This game introduced RE to the world and myself and I'm currently doing a play-through on my PSP.
          RE 2: This was my favorite in the series for a long time (until REmake came out). There's so much to do in terms of replay value with the alternate scenarios and bonus games.
          RE 3: I've always liked this game, but it I haven't played it much since the dodging mechanic (in my opinion) was flawed and made combat difficult sometimes.
          RE Code Veronica: This game is long and tedious. The gameplay feels clunky, which shouldn't happen considering the older games are more playable. I was glad to play as Chris again, though.
          RE 0: I played this through a couple of times. I loved the two-characters thing that they did and the lack of item boxes added some realism. It was an overall enjoyable game, but far from great.
          REmake: I've beat this about 10 times. This is my favorite game in the series.
          RE 4: I loved that Resident Evil finally changed things up in the gameplay department with this installment. I think they could have done something a little more frightening and less action-oriented, but other than that this is an amazing game.
          RE 5: I enjoyed playing as Chris again, but this game made me miss zombies. Wesker turned into some sort of Matrix-y guy which looked cool and all, but I don't think it really fit into Resident Evil. Again, it's too action-oriented with very little horror elements at all.
          RE Lost in Nightmares: This did the horror elements in a way that I would like to see Resident Evil do again in the future. This was a great combination of the new action-oriented Resident Evils with the older horror elements of the series.


          • #35
            I've just recently decided to play Resident Evil: Outbreak and Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 just for the sake of nostalgia.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Apocalypse View Post
              I've just recently decided to play Resident Evil: Outbreak and Resident Evil: Outbreak File #2 just for the sake of nostalgia.
              Been meaning to do that myself too! For some reason I never do... Man, I miss the online so much. Some good people I knew were there....wonder where they are and what they're up to.


              • #37
                Originally posted by MeanBob View Post
                Been meaning to do that myself too! For some reason I never do... Man, I miss the online so much. Some good people I knew were there....wonder where they are and what they're up to.
                Good for you MeanBob.

                I don't ever play the Outbreak games online though.


                • #38
                  Have less and less time to play the old ones, so I'll mention when I played the games last.

                  RE1: early 2007 on DS
                  RE2: All 4 scenarios a couple of years ago. Still do a Leon A every now and then.
                  RE3: Still play Mad Jackal every now and then, haven't played the main game since 08.
                  RE:CV: Finished it about 3 times in my life. Last was in 08 for the RPD dispatch.
                  REmake: Love it. Try and do a play though every year.
                  RE0: I think I've finished it twice. Probably won't play it for a long while...
                  RE4: Haven't played it since 2006. Don't hate it, but not my favourite game ever either.
                  RE5: Haven't played it since about April 2009. Really didn't click with me.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by TheSelfishGene View Post
                    Have less and less time to play the old ones, so I'll mention when I played the games last.

                    RE1: early 2007 on DS
                    RE2: All 4 scenarios a couple of years ago. Still do a Leon A every now and then.
                    RE3: Still play Mad Jackal every now and then, haven't played the main game since 08.
                    RE:CV: Finished it about 3 times in my life. Last was in 08 for the RPD dispatch.
                    REmake: Love it. Try and do a play though every year.
                    RE0: I think I've finished it twice. Probably won't play it for a long while...
                    RE4: Haven't played it since 2006. Don't hate it, but not my favourite game ever either.
                    RE5: Haven't played it since about April 2009. Really didn't click with me.
                    What about the side RE games (such as Outbreak, Gun Survivor, etc)? or don't you have them?


                    • #40
                      I want in on this list business:

                      RE1 - I play probably once a year, I own many different versions, the last I played was the Sega Saturn version.

                      RE2 - Havent touched the PSX original in years, but I play mostly Leon B every other month or so on my Gamecube. I not long ago acquired the Dreamcast version so I'll be playing on that from now on.

                      RE3 - My fave RE, was played allot on the PSX, then Gamecube and now Dreamcast.

                      REC:V - Not especially fond of the gameplay in this one, played the Dreamcast version a few times, only play the Gamecube X version now though.

                      REmake - A great one this, probably my most played after RE3, still not played anywhere near as much as RE3.

                      RE0 - The last of the classic RE games, I don't play this one much but still a bloody great title and have beaten a good amount of times, very underrated!

                      RE4 - Played through the game once when I first got it back in 2005, never touched it again. ENOUGH SAID.

                      RE5 - Played through it offline once and then only online after that, was fun for a week or 2, but I haven't played the game since I put it down.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Apocalypse View Post
                        What about the side RE games (such as Outbreak, Gun Survivor, etc)? or don't you have them?
                        Own them all.

                        Survivor - Last played it maybe 2003?
                        Survivor 2 - I think in 2003.
                        Dead Aim - About 2006
                        Outbreak - 2005
                        Outbreak file 2 - 2005
                        UC - 2009
                        DSC - 2010
                        Gaiden - I own it, but have never played it.
                        Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 07-01-2010, 06:49 PM.


                        • #42
                          Gaiden has a nice story, too bad it is not canon and the game is kind of annoying. I like it though, played once and that was enough. The ending is intriguing. I wish Barry could be in a future RE title, I'm a huge fan of Barry and I was so happy when I learned he would be in Gaiden. Again, too bad it could not be canon.

                          Does anyone here still play the Code Veronica from Dreamcast? I still have my Dreamcast but the plug socket is broken.
                          Follow us on Twitter: @residentevildb


                          • #43
                            Resident Evil 1 - I usually play the Director's Cut, but I'm playing it at the moment.
                            Resident Evil 2 - Most played game ever. Also my favourite.
                            Resident Evil 3 - Haven't played this in a long, long time. I was never that fond of it for some reason.
                            Resident Evil: Survivor - Played it when I bought it again recently. Gonna replay it again soon. Fun game. Handgun D for the win!
                            Resident Evil: CODE Veronica - Haven't played in several years. As with others it just annoys the hell outta me.
                            Resident Evil: Gun Survivor 2 - Haven't played it in so very long. But I did recently buy a new copy...
                            Outbreak File #1 - Played a few months ago.
                            Outbreak File #2 - Played quite recently. It kicked my ass. I was sad.
                            Resident Evil Dead Aim - I've never actually beaten this one...must get around to it.
                            Resident Evil 4 - Played it last a couple of years ago, on the Wii, to see the new Seperate Paths stuff. Haven't touched it since.
                            Resident Evil 5 - I play occasionally with my wife. She enjoys playing games, but only two player, and I can't touch RE5 without someone else playing...need to buy the two new scenarios and play them.


                            • #44
                              Resident Evil 1 - Usually play the PC version though not done a full run in a while.
                              Resident Evil 2 - Always running this now and again though not for a full play
                              Resident Evil 3 - Last year. Pistolling Mr nemesis
                              Resident Evil: Survivor - Haven't played it since 2007 but wanted to recently but due to lightguns not working on LCD tvs, couldn't get interested. Love the Jap Gun I think it was D?
                              Resident Evil: CODE Veronica - Played this last year up to after the X wesker scene using mr knife.
                              Resident Evil: Gun Survivor 2 - August 2006. Can't remember if I completed it.
                              Outbreak File #1 - Christmas 2006. Boring with no online
                              Outbreak File #2 - Christmas 2007, texture dumping xD
                              Resident Evil Dead Aim - Played August 2006 once.
                              Resident Evil 4 - Played 10x or so recently played a 20mins of it.
                              Resident Evil 5 - Played it twice to get s rank on veteran. Last played March 2009


                              • #45
                                I would like to play the oldies. I have 1, 2, and 3 on PS1 disk so I'll dig them out and pop them in my PS3 once my leg heals.

