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RE 1.5 Images: What does this do?

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
    Incorrect. The RE2 Trial disk has these keycards but does not use them, they are a defunct item with no use. The Trial has S L D and P keys which it uses to open a variety of doors.

    The hallway's door for the basement if the office was accessable) is item 41 hex which is the D key. The press conference room on the trial is unlocked. Not to sound rude but I don't know where you are getting this misinformation.

    Yeah they key cards probably opened the doors in 1.5 since it was supposed to be a hightech police station.

    Well since the title screen is not using a font other than the basics, they probably didn't bother to include it since it was a copy that would more than likely stay within employees hands. And where did you get such a clear screenshot?
    I apologize for these false statements...

    All I did remember was that you could "use" (stand in front of the PC and try to use them from the inventory) them with the PC in the RPD hall and the memory of them unlocking the doors to the basement and the press room came from a Trial Edition hack which used modified RDT's to make various of the normally inaccessible rooms accessible.

    I have checked the RDT's in question myself and you are absolutely right...
    I just wrote what I had in memory and got things mixed up with that hacked Trial Edition I was playing some time ago.

    This is one of those moments where your memory fails upon you while you think of yourself as the ultimate source of knowledge...
    Last edited by Upaluppa; 07-02-2010, 11:18 AM. Reason: Just checked the RDT's to see for myself.


    • #32
      Originally posted by upaluppa
      All I did remember was that you could "use" (stand in front of the PC and try to use them from the inventory) them with the PC in the RPD hall and the memory of them unlocking the doors to the basement and the press room came from a Trial Edition hack which used modified RDT's to make various of the normally inaccessible rooms accessible.
      I didn't mean to offend you in anyway. Unfortunately with these kind of things you have to expect to be corrected. I'm always expecting it since people have advanced on the hacking knowledge.

      But this is one of the reasons I dislike hacked iso's. Fair enough you want to see the faulty rooms but if the rooms aren't working, donar RDT files could just mess things up. Could change flag statements and cause havok and the fact the donar stuff would just be retail. Its like trial rooms in retail. Bullets become gatlingguns. I prefer just setting it up to bypass these broken rooms.


      • #33
        @Enrico Marini:
        It's alright, you did not offend me!
        Seriously, I'd rather have my mistake corrected when I make one!

        I'll just bear in mind that it is always a bad idea to post about something without checking for some definitive proof.
        I'll do that next time I state something as a fact!

        Also that title screen was just my own alternation of the BH2 Trial Edition title screen.
        I had created it because there isn't any official screenshot of the title screen available...

        It was an exact replica, but since it could trick people into thinking that this was a real 1.5 screenshot and I had something to hide I have decided to remove it to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and discussions.

        @All others:
        If there's anything else to discuss about 1.5 let's get on with it, ok?
        Last edited by Upaluppa; 07-02-2010, 11:19 AM. Reason: Added an explanation for that 1.5 title screen picture.


        • #34
          Ah right. ^^;

          I'm sorry, I was caught into the moment of lots of info I love to share XD

          Anyway moving on!

          Alright! I just thought of another aspect. Some of the items, we know that most items used in RE1.5 are in the RE2. Like, for example, the Chemicals that are used for changing grenade ammo. Why would the game not wanna keep the chemicals in-game, I mean if Claire was wanting to change her ammo for the grenade launcher you better bet she would use chemicals to change them into acid rounds. Also, I don't get why they would wanna leave out the other SMG, even though the MAC11 is a good gun and all, but I think the other one, in this case the MP5, would be in the game but leftout, as well as the scarce of the Machine Gun Ammo, which is hardly seen in the game, but I recall years ago, playing the N64 version, I ran into the Culture Room of the Lab, instead of finding the machine gun, I find M.G Bullets and in the giant case, I swear to God, I saw what appeared to be a chemical bottle, that was blue. I tried to get it, but it kept saying that it was for storing chemicals.
          Last edited by RPD490; 07-02-2010, 12:15 PM.


          • #35
            Originally posted by RPD490 View Post
            Like, for example, the Chemicals that are used for changing grenade ammo. Why would the game not wanna keep the chemicals in-game, I mean if Claire was wanting to change her ammo for the grenade launcher you better bet she would use chemicals to change them into acid rounds. Also, I don't get why they would wanna leave out the other SMG, even though the MAC11 is a good gun and all
            I believe it was all about not wanting to add far too much content in the game.

            Mikami once made an analogy of 1.5's game ideas to ingredients, and the game itself to soup in a pot. Basically, there were too many ingredients in the pot that lead to a so-so taste in the soup. That's what Mikami said.

            When they restarted BIOHAZARD 2, they ditched some ingredients (including blood stained clothes, chemical mixing, etc) in favor of them being implemented in later/other BH soups. With the ingredients that they used for 1.5 along with the new ingredients for BH2 (Character damage limping, upgraded weapons, etc.), they put into the *new* BH2 soup, and it ended tasted a lot better for Capcom. The ditched ingredients were like salt and pepper, they weren't really needed.

            ...I hope that analogy is viable and understandable.

            Also, they wouldn't want too much to be in a single game, or they wouldn't come up with better stuff in the sequel.

            Since this is about nitpicking 1.5 images,

            What's this about Wesker and a "Nicolas" and a final boss here?

            Also Mods, can I have my user-name changed to OKeijiDragon please? I'm trying to establish a universal internet name for me. Thank you!
            Last edited by OKeijiDragon; 07-02-2010, 03:19 PM.
            If you have Twitter, follow me!. =P


            • #36
              If you look closely you can see a face. Plus the Golgotha looks like a monster seen on Metroid Prime.


              • #37
                There are 3 legitimate sources of images and video for the 1.5 title screen. Inflames image, goromacida video, PSM video.

                The second machine gun was an MC51, not an MP5. Big difference and a common mistake that always bugs me.

                The grenade changing chemicals in retail beta are probably not exactly the same things from 1.5. The original idea was probably brought over to retail beta, but I don't think they are the same items.

                The head in super golgotha's tail being Wesker thing I think refers to in one of the Archive books, it has the concept art with the original JP concept scribble on it and it mentions something like that. I have a scan, but it's not good enough quality and the JP scribble is too blurry and faded for me to make out.


                • #38
                  Oh Okay, that makes sense, I bet a fight with Golgotha would be awesome as hell. I can't understand how the MC51 look like the MP5 and during the cutscene on the B game where the police officer fights zombies with the gun clearly looks like the MP5 and at the intro of RE3, the R.P.D SPF Officers use MP5s.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by RPD490
                    I can't understand how the MC51 look like the MP5 and during the cutscene on the B game where the police officer fights zombies with the gun clearly looks like the MP5 and at the intro of RE3, the R.P.D SPF Officers use MP5s.
                    Both guns look quite similar in shape if you google them both. The easiest answer is simply they had to model a MP5 for Hunk and just recycled it. Since the RPD didn't have any MC51's for people to get hold of, and probably just pure lazyness. More props = more development time and there wasn't a real need for the MC51.

                    Remember, capcom loves to recycle. Like the fact that every wall map you pick up uses the ground floor RPD map as its texture but because of the screensize you can't make it out ingame.


                    • #40
                      Its just like in RE3, they have a Dummy Key of the Spade Key, why its there, I don't know.


                      • #41
                        A certain thing in games development called Place Holders. They hold the place of an item awaiting the final item. Could also have been to unlock doors in the RPD.


                        • #42
                          Yeah, anyway Moving on with the topic...I don't know what else to discuss. Need time to ponder.


                          • #43
                            I would wager the real reason they chose to not implement the MP5's they used in cut-scenes into the actual game (1.5, retail 2, and 3) is because of the fact the MP5 uses 9mm rounds. They probably believed that it would be too much of an issue in regards to the ammo and playstyle. Once a player picked up an MP5, they would no longer need to carry a handgun (possible arguable if the item was 2 spaces), and as a full-auto weapon it would eat through 9mm rounds pretty fast (otherwise you'd have to play conservative and tap the fire button to fire off a round or two at a time to not waste any, which defeats the purpose of implementing a full-auto weapon). So they'd need to add a lot more pickups for 9mm rounds than they wanted. Or they would have to make MP5 ammo be MP5 only, which I think they realized (yes, despite the fact Capcom often times makes choices that make no sense too) would make little sense having MP5 only rounds and handgun 9mm rounds separate.

                            That's probably why retail uses the Mac-11, since it uses .380 ACP rounds (as opposed to 1.5's M10 version, which can use 9mm rounds in addition to .45 rounds), the MC51 used 5.56mm rounds and RE3's assault rifle also used 5.56mm rounds. No conflicts with 9mm handgun rounds.


                            • #44
                              What about the M.G Ammo for the Retail Game? You can never find it.


                              • #45
                                Because the machine gun is a special weapon. Why don't you find the Flame Thrower ammo around in RE1 or 2 or sparkshot ammo? They exist in item form. The idea of RE was to be conservative with ammo so making you want not to use them unless needed. That and the fact that there's plenty of other weapon ammo would have ment you ended up with too much at the end of the game. Last time I played RE2, I think I ended up with 90 pistol rounds 30 odd shotgun, 20 magnum rounds killing most monsters. And no I didn't touch the Mac-11.

                                However they did get implemented in Ex Battle, well at least the Mac-11.

