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Best Resident Evil ports?

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  • #31
    ^The fault is probably within how things are ripped when you use the DX3D grabber (or any other tool that rips stuff from a system's video memory). A lot of games, on several platforms, applies various effects to graphical data before putting it into memory. Color palettes, scaling/rotation, filtering, etc., which means that the assets you grab with those tools are not necessarily the original 1:1 assets from the game itself, but rather the post-processed ones.

    RE2 N64 probably runs in hi-res when there aren't many objects on screen (I've never actually bothered with checking this myself), it probably also pre-scales/enlarges the backgrounds when it does this as a means for ensuring further crispyness of the background (as using the regular texture handling on the N64 to upscale the background render would've probably ended up as blurry ass, compared to how things look when it either operates with a 1:1 input or a downscale)


    • #32
      Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
      Well either way the game does bump up the resolution when no enemies present, which is what I was looking at.
      Yes, I think that could still be true. I might look at the game sometime to see if there actually is a resolution change with the amount of models in a room (you can easily judge from the presence of severer jaggies).

      Also, it seems the music in the N64 version is of the highest quality. This is an excerpt from an old Chris Hülsbeck interview (German magazine TOTAL! 8/99, page 62-64):

      TOTAL!: Is there a loss in sound quality when porting Resident Evil 2 over from the PlayStation or can we expect new features?

      Chris Hülsbeck: On the contrary, in my opinion, the sound got better than on the PSX because we reworked the instrument set from the ground up. As the samples for a track or a level do not have to fit into 512 KByte but instead are played directly from the ROM, we could make them longer and include them with a higher sample rate. And the loop points inside the samples can be chosen freely in our system, in contrast to the PSX where everything has to be within the limits of 28 sample values. That's why our samples don't sound so "wobbly".
      The GameCube version was based on the PlayStation Dual Shock Version and has prerecorded music, so I guess the samples have the same quality as both PlayStation versions (just that the additional encoding as a prerecorded track results in a slight loss of quality).


      • #33
        Resident Evil 4 for Gamecube was the best version of RE4 in my opinion. it was fine the way it was when it first came out: didn't get downgraded in a port, despite it having more shit to it. and motion only made that game so much easier. it completely defeated the difficulty even more with motion control. and i don't like RE being easy.

        pretty much every version of the game i played first, is the one i prefer, like the code: veronica on DC and RE2 on N64. i don't necessarily care if one version did have more content than the other, i just know i never had that much of an exciting experience when say if i was playing code veronica x on PS2. yes, more scenes, but countless times i already played it before on DC.
        Last edited by Branden_Lucero; 07-19-2010, 01:34 PM.
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        • #34
          Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
          The Cube version of RE2 does have the best in-game character models but the GCN's low res backgrounds look blurry compared to other versions. IMO the DC version has the best of both worlds in that department.
          That explains why I noticed the backgrounds seem to look a little bit messy when I came home with it and tried it out.


          • #35
            Originally posted by MeanBob View Post
            That explains why I noticed the backgrounds seem to look a little bit messy when I came home with it and tried it out.
            It's because the backgrounds are actually small and low-res. It's like when you take a small .jpg image and you resize it to look bigger than it originally was. You lose some quality in the process. That's basically what's going on with those blurry bg's in the Cube version of RE2.
            Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


            • #36
              Just updated the list a little bit. We need more opinions! It's best to do it so that we can all hunt down those versions of the games that we want!


              Originally posted by Prime Blue View Post
              C:VX is best on GameCube: It has the highest quality movie encodes and it doesn't have the graphical shortcomings of the PlayStation 2 port.
              That's the first I've heard of that honestly. I've had the Dreamcast version a LONG time ago, when it came out and didn't get the PS2 version til much later. What are its graphical flaws?


              • #37
                DS port of the original is the best because of the additional modes and junk.
                Wii ports of 0 and remake are cool cuz you don't have to switch any discs!
                I like the N64 port of 2 because of the added features.
                Wii port of 4 is the best because it has everything in it.


                • #38
                  Here are my two cents:

                  RE 0: Wii. I hate disk swapping... Plus multiple controller options is nice to have.
                  RE Original: I'll have to choose the NDS version.
                  REmake: Same as RE0.
                  RE2: PC. The gallery, all the extra scenarios and nice graphics. Shame GC's version didn't have all the extras from all the other RE2's, it would be epic.
                  RE3: Gamecube. PC was a chore to play properly. Haven't played it on Dreamcast.
                  RE CV(X): Dreamcast. I loved the VMU display.
                  RE4: I'll have to say Wii. PC might have mods, but all the extras were on Wii's version, plus Wiimote controls were amazing, and you have the option to use your GC controller either.
                  RE5: X360. Played it on PS3. Couldn't get used to PS3's controller. Still it's pretty much the same, except for the "slight" (at least to me) graphical differences that you can see on a feature here on THIA.

                  This is from someone who's not into extreme technical aspects of the ports, there are more qualified people than me, but I wanted to contribute.

                  "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                  • #39
                    Well my preferred system for playing the bulk of RE games would have the be GC. I got the collection for it and although most are two discs the games follow a familliar control that feels consistant and everything goes by smoothly. Small price to pay these days.

                    Now if I have to go with just ports. I look more into content rather than minor differences in graphics or gameplay. RE2 on N64. RE1 on DS. RE5 Gold Edition on ps3 has all content on the disc too if I recall right but DLC works fine too I guess. RE4 wii edition has all the content yet cutscenes for the ps2 bonus outfits should have been made if they were going to stick with having the cutscenes for the first set of outfits. Code Veronica X on GC runs pretty smoothly as opposed to the PS2 version although that like RE4 is all on a single disc whereas the GC version has two.

                    Haven't had any of the games for PC since mine is a piece of **** ***** *** and ****** with a ********* and a *** **** on top!


                    • #40
                      Guys, I noticed that the PC version of Resident Evil 2 had more scenarios than the PSOne version. What about other platforms?
                      Last edited by ashkan; 09-07-2010, 11:11 AM.


                      • #41
                        I could be wrong...but I'm pretty sure it just has Scenario's A & B for both characters, plus Tofu and Hunk.


                        • #42
                          The PC version was a straight port of the Dreamcast version yes ?

                          It had the battle mode that they added in to the Dual Shock re-release of the PS1, plus it had all those galleries of concept art that I don't think were present in any of the PS1 releases either


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by A-J View Post
                            The PC version was a straight port of the Dreamcast version yes ?
                            The other way round, which pretty much makes the Dreamcast versions of RE2&3 the definitive console versions. The VMU health display is also quite handy and a feature unique to the 3 RE games on Dreamcast.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Vixtro View Post
                              The other way round, which pretty much makes the Dreamcast versions of RE2&3 the definitive console versions. The VMU health display is also quite handy and a feature unique to the 3 RE games on Dreamcast.
                              Amen. I might add the Dreamcast and Saturn are my two favorite consoles.

                              This is my opinion about best ports:

                              Resident Evil (original) Platform: Sega Saturn
                              Resident Evil 2 Platform: Sega Dreamcast
                              Resident Evil 3 Platform: Nintendo Gamecube
                              Resident Evil Code Veronica Platform: Playstation 2 <-- Extreme battle mode.


                              • #45
                                Not necessarily the best or superior, but my personal preferences:

                                RE1 Director's Cut PSN download. You can play the original or the more exciting Arrange Mode. It's presented in a wider screen without stretching. I think it looks better and plays smoother than the original disc based versions.
                                And I prefer the Japanese Biohazard version, uncensored and slightly easier, with more frequent head explosions.

                                I was slightly disappointed with the GC version of RE2. I think the PS version has better background graphics. Again the PSN download version is my favorite (and thankfully includes Extreme Battle).

                                When RE3 was released on GC it quickly became my preferred version. It's the best looking one (that I own). However, when replaying the PSN download, I was surprised had how nice that looked too. I'm much better at the PS version, maybe because I'm so used to the controller.

                                I loved the original GC release of RE4 but stopped playing it as soon as the PS2 port came out, because of the additional content. Nowadays I play the Wii version with a GC controller, for the best of both worlds.
                                My only minor annoyance with the Wii version is that the red laser gun-sight seems thinner or weaker (?) than the PS2 version. When aiming at a target from a distance, I sometimes loose sight of the red dot/beam completely.
                                I still love the PS2 version. I think it looks pretty good and I don't think it deserves its reputation as a crappy port but the Wii version is probably the best overall.

