Originally posted by Pikminister
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The Gamecube is not that much better though anyway, it makes those loud "clank" noises which I guess is the lens sliding back quick to read.
It's a number of things that do the Dreamcast versions for me;
- A 60Hz option in the game without having to resort to AR codes, something that doesn't matter in NTSC territory's.
- Higher resolution backgrounds.
- VMU health display.
- Controller with a better d-pad, I prefer playing the old RE's with a d-pad, shame the Gamecube's d-pad is so small and badly placed for awkward constant control. REmake and RE0 play great with analogue though, not surprising because they were made when analogue was already the standard for control.
- The extra game features, not much there, but still a welcome bonus.
- VGA support, I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet, but many Dreamcast games support VGA for a pseudo-HD display and RE2&3 both support it. Something I have yet to try though since I don't have a VGA lead/box, but I'm going to look into it soon.
Some people would say the FMV's as well, but they're not important to me unless the quality is really terrible, I've seen them all before.
