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Why was Code Veronica on the dreamcast?

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  • Why was Code Veronica on the dreamcast?

    Was there a reason Capcom put it on DC and not PS1?

    On a side note: is Archives 2 coming out in US? Price?

  • #2
    If I recall it was in development for the PS1 at one time, but got scrapped in favor of the dreamcast. Maybe Capcom wanted it on newer tech, maybe Sega and Capcom made a deal or something, who knows.


    • #3
      Maybe at the time, like A-J said, it was newer tech and they wanted the vision to come as close as intended


      • #4
        The more important question is why Code : Veronica didn't get the numbered entry treatment, it's a much more franchise-forwarding game than Nemesis (based on a lot of people's opinions at least). Maybe Capcom had committed the third numbered entry to Sony ?
        Last edited by A-J; 09-11-2010, 01:28 PM.


        • #5
          As I recall they didn't give RE:CV a numbered entry because they wanted to portray RE on next gen as a "new direction" for the franchise.

          I'd say they did a good job, considering CV was what started the whole Wesker power/Chris vs. Wesker aura.
          Last edited by let me live; 09-11-2010, 01:56 PM.


          • #6
            The way I see it is that CV is "RE4." The Leon-starring RE4, to me, is a side story. Either that, or RE3 is actually RE 2.5, due to the timeline.
            Mass production? Ridiculous!


            • #7
              There are various suggested comments from the time. Stuff like Capcom considered the main series numerical at one stage to be PlayStation only, so didn't. Code Veronica started it's development BEFORE Nemesis and after RE2 a lot of that team worked on CV (which is partly true if you look at the credits of both games) but didn't know when it would release.

              There is also discussion that Sega provided support and money for Capcom to put the game on the console. Support is definently true, there are credits that support it in the game, as if money traded hands well that's unsure but possible. Aside from Shenmue it was also one of the earlier displayed games that really showed off a "wow" factor as far as the graphics went (game was announced in late 98, first images went up before the "Spring TGS" in early 1999, first video at that event - more at E3 99 a few months later) which I think was a big support to Capcom developing it.

              The simple truth was just brand and console expansion - in 1998-1999's financial year, Capcom began focusing on a more-multi format apporach, something that created the Framework system that Capcom actually uses now and focused on releasing titles for PlayStation 1 and 2, the N64, and the Dreamcast. Their other focus that year was to look into and build titles for online gameplay.

              Aside from CV Capcom supported the 64 for example by planning Zero for the console and released RE2 via Angel Studios, adding more PS1 titles (like Nemesis, Gun Survivor, Dino Crisis 1 & 2 etc.) as well as expanding brands across multiple formats. This is also why as we got into the 2000 they continued to re-release titles to newer formats (like RE2 & 3, Dino Crisis to the DC etc) and re-released CV to the PS2 in order to gain more sales.

              It's long been shown that Mikami's want to partner his work to one console, the Gamecube, in the early 2000's caused a lot of friction within Capcom management which was conflicted between the reviews and decent sales which they saw as being stuck when he wasn't really keen for multiformat. Mikami turned his ability to hit big sales by trying to allow the company to give him his own studio to develop stuff where and when he saw how, which was Clover. However only one of the games that came out of the studio actually got crtitical success, Okami, and while it still sold okay, it still suffered in sales compared to other mainstream and multiformat titles at the time, so it gave the Capcom management a chance to shutter the studio and write it off as a loss.

              The concept is now that they release on as many consoles as possible where able using the Framework system, and also try alternative IP sources for stand alone titles - so like how Monster Hunter sold on PS2, PSP and Wii, or Dead Rising saw a re-invented edition on the Wii as well. If Code Veronica was to be released today we'd be seeing it hit 360 and PS3 day and date.
              Last edited by Rombie; 09-12-2010, 01:29 AM.


              • #8
                ^Not sure about the release dates, but Capcom had quite a lot of stuff going on the NAOMI and the Dreamcast, so I guess it was pretty "natural" that they'd be going there with things "for now" (just like Capcom's got a lot of action going on the 360 this gen - for the sake of roughly comparing generations)

                Originally posted by a STARS member View Post
                I'd say they did a good job, considering CV was what started the whole Wesker power/Chris vs. Wesker aura.
                Actually, it's been a while since I played through the regular version of CV (or any version of CV for that matter). Though, I did go on a photoshoot early last year for the Versus Battle Mode news post, but if memory's not all tricky on me, most of the "Wesker is the Matrix" stuff came surfing in with CV:X (the most hilarious change is the encounter with Alexia between CV and CV:X/Complete)

                Looks familiar? (CV:X / Complete encounter)
                YouTube video:

                The original "fight" (could
                YouTube video:

                Wish I could've found a set of better copies (or maybe a side-by-side?)

                Also, I always found it hilarious how scenes like that which were realtime in the original version were FMVs in CV:X, was that the case on the Dreamcast version too? Code: Veronica just wasn't my cup of tea, so I've never felt like doing a solid version comparison - think CVXfreak's FAQ has a pretty solid coverage of all the New/Altered scenes, but don't remember right now if it also mentions the before/after or just the after.
                Last edited by Carnivol; 09-12-2010, 06:07 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Carnivol View Post

                  Though, I did go on a photoshoot early last year for the Versus Battle Mode news post, but if memory's not all tricky on me, most of the "Wesker is the Matrix" stuff came surfing in with CV:X (the most hilarious change is the encounter with Alexia between CV and CV:X/Complete)
                  Yeah, the 1st omgWesker haz super powas/CAT EYES impression Capcom gave to us was the lab scene in CV if I'm remembering correctly? That was left unchanged.

                  YouTube video:


                  • #10
                    I would almost like it better if Wesker would get his ass kicked just a little bit. It would show that Alexia is far more powerful than him, but that he is still too strong to be killed. It's obvious that if Chris could kill Alexia, Wesker (if given the right scenario) would have no trouble with the task, either.
                    Mass production? Ridiculous!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                      ^Not sure about the release dates, but Capcom had quite a lot of stuff going on the NAOMI and the Dreamcast, so I guess it was pretty "natural" that they'd be going there with things "for now" (just like Capcom's got a lot of action going on the 360 this gen - for the sake of roughly comparing generations)

                      Actually, it's been a while since I played through the regular version of CV (or any version of CV for that matter). Though, I did go on a photoshoot early last year for the Versus Battle Mode news post, but if memory's not all tricky on me, most of the "Wesker is the Matrix" stuff came surfing in with CV:X (the most hilarious change is the encounter with Alexia between CV and CV:X/Complete)

                      Looks familiar? (CV:X / Complete encounter)
                      YouTube video:

                      The original "fight" (could
                      YouTube video:

                      Wish I could've found a set of better copies (or maybe a side-by-side?)

                      Also, I always found it hilarious how scenes like that which were realtime in the original version were FMVs in CV:X, was that the case on the Dreamcast version too? Code: Veronica just wasn't my cup of tea, so I've never felt like doing a solid version comparison - think CVXfreak's FAQ has a pretty solid coverage of all the New/Altered scenes, but don't remember right now if it also mentions the before/after or just the after.

                      There's a side by side one. Have it saved on my YouTube account.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                        ^Not sure about the release dates, but Capcom had quite a lot of stuff going on the NAOMI and the Dreamcast, so I guess it was pretty "natural" that they'd be going there with things "for now" (just like Capcom's got a lot of action going on the 360 this gen - for the sake of roughly comparing generations)
                        Well yeah, as I said Capcom's focus really wanted to shift into multi-format as wide as possible at the time, which included a lot of projects for the then-upcoming-Dreamcast, and use of the NAOMI tech from Arcades made that quite smooth. There was a lot of SF ports to the console and of course the Marvel Vs. Capcom series.

                        I think it was because coming to the end of the PS1's lifespan as they saw it, they really didn't want to put all their eggs in the one basket and just back Sony again in case it didn't work... and to be quite honest, with the exception of SF EX3 and Onimusha, they didn't release much on the PS2 for the first year or so of it's life either. I remember that clearly surprised people at the time because they expected more ports and versions to appear on the console quite early in it's lifespan.

                        Capcom had a gamers day in December 99 in Vegas I think, I remember though at that point their enthusiasm for the Dreamcast had cooled somewhat and there was a lot of buzz around the PS2 by then, so they were focusing on development for it. It was all a bit of a flow on effect... they were excited by the DC late 98/early 99 for games that released mostly during 2000, and then the PS2 by late 99/early 2000 and those mostly released in 2001. Timing wise it worked well for their sales too... because admittedly I think those times were when both consoles really began to hit their strides in sales... of course PS2 never really died off unlike the DC though.

                        Wesker's return/cat eyes etc. was in the DC Code Veronica... there was some of the "power" thing kinda shown in the lab scene posted above which was in the original, but Wesker didn't look overly powerful in the Alexia sequence until they retconned it with Complete/X's version of events. Clearly the original was to explain somewhat that he was not human (anymore) and how he'd survived the Mansion Incident, but didn't really say anything in detail. That detail didn't happen of course until the release of Wesker's Report with Complete/5th Anniversary/X.
                        Last edited by Rombie; 09-12-2010, 08:26 PM.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                          ^Not sure about the release dates, but Capcom had quite a lot of stuff going on the NAOMI and the Dreamcast, so I guess it was pretty "natural" that they'd be going there with things "for now" (just like Capcom's got a lot of action going on the 360 this gen - for the sake of roughly comparing generations)

                          Actually, it's been a while since I played through the regular version of CV (or any version of CV for that matter). Though, I did go on a photoshoot early last year for the Versus Battle Mode news post, but if memory's not all tricky on me, most of the "Wesker is the Matrix" stuff came surfing in with CV:X (the most hilarious change is the encounter with Alexia between CV and CV:X/Complete)

                          Looks familiar? (CV:X / Complete encounter)
                          YouTube video:

                          The original "fight" (could
                          YouTube video:

                          Wish I could've found a set of better copies (or maybe a side-by-side?)

                          Also, I always found it hilarious how scenes like that which were realtime in the original version were FMVs in CV:X, was that the case on the Dreamcast version too? Code: Veronica just wasn't my cup of tea, so I've never felt like doing a solid version comparison - think CVXfreak's FAQ has a pretty solid coverage of all the New/Altered scenes, but don't remember right now if it also mentions the before/after or just the after.
                          The Dreamcast version of Code Veronica Complete had all real time video's.
                          My Head-Fi Page


                          • #14
                            Interesting. It'd almost be tempting to do to re-encodes of the FMVs for the PS2 then, since the PS2 ones are in horrible quality (even by PS2 MPEG2 encode standards)


                            • #15
                              ^ Not to mention the horrible load times and occassionally weird loading locations too.

                              As for re-incodes, could easily be done from ones from the Complete edition of CV on the Dreamcast which was released in Japan. But I don't know if the new scenes on the DC edition are real-time or pre-rendered either. Someone with a copy might know.

