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Lets talk about Resident Evil Afterlife (Spoiler)
Originally posted by Rombie View PostFor obvious and just reason... and considering you replied in direct comment to my original post, seemed fairly fucking obvious to include your name in it;
I saw the movie yesterday at a german cinema.
Beware of MASSIVE spoilers.
Things I liked:
- The soundtrack (half of it)
- Albert Wesker
- Umbrella corporation still powerful and main antagonist
- The big underground Umbrella HQ in Japan
- The white Umbrella laboratory onboard the Arcadia
- Weskers sunglasses and his RE5 outfit
- Wesker dodging bullets at superhuman speed
- The fight between Wesker, Chris and Claire (even though it looked almost the same as the fight between RE5 Wesker, RE5 Chris and Sheva... but maybe I liked it exactly for that reason)
- The Osprey-like spy planes
- Jill Valentine
- Wesker possibly escaping the detonation of his plane near the end of the movie via parachute
- Flying an airplane low enough to chop massive amounts of zombies to mincemeat utilizing the propeller = win
Because I LOVE the games, especially the old ones, there are some things I am not too sure about as well.
Things I disliked:
- Why was an executioner in Los Angeles? Where did it come from? Who build his axe? Why didn't the zombies in the streets attack him? I mean, those were the mindless zombies created by the T-Virus, not the mind controlled Majinis from RE5.
- What was it with the Majini-like Zombies which could run (the ones in the shower of the prison)? Those tentacles protruding from their mouths aren't a side effect of the T-Virus. Would Crimson Heads have fitted better maybe?
- Tentacles in Weskers mouth? Why?
- While I liked the fight between Wesker, Chris and Claire, the showdown as a whole was imho not as intense as it could have been.
- Despite the portrayal of Wesker was imho good almost all the time, I thought that something was missing. In the movie he was calm, self-controlled, gruesome and arrogant, but not all of his characteristics from the games were shown. He wasn't depicted as a brilliant scientist, a genius with superior intellect. I liked the character from the games also because of those attributes.
- Chris Redfield. I mean, that he wasn't ripped as the Chris from RE5 was a good thing, but somehow... I don't know how to explain it...
Things I wondered about:
- How did Alice survive the plane crash at the beginning of the movie, when she had lost her superhuman capabilities right before the crash?
- What kind of warhead did Umbrella use to purge their facilities in case of an emergency?
The cliffhanger at the end of the movie reminded me of the one at the end of God of War II.
The Wesker we saw in the movie was much younger than the one from the games, but I didn't think that this was a problem.
So, what antagonists are left for future films? Possibly Albert Wesker, Jill Valentine... and what about Alfred and Alexia Ashford, Dr. James Marcus and Ozwell E. Spencer? What do you think?Last edited by Erdbeerman; 09-19-2010, 12:22 PM.
Correction, people who haven't seen the movie yet are ready to rip into anyone that dares even watch it is ripping the community apart, and it's always the same people stirring shit up too, every time.
I saw it and i enjoyed it. I liked the previous movies but i wasn't so sure if i was going to like this one because they went with the 3D gimmick which i'm against and also drew elements from RE4/5 which i didn't like, but i was pleasantly surprised. I actually think it might be the best one so far.
Most of the critics and fans were ready to rip this apart before it even hit theaters and i understand that, all video game movies have that exact same response upon release, but honestly its easy to figure out. If you liked the previous movies you'll like this one, if you didn't then you won't. Simple.
I saw it and i enjoyed it. I liked the previous movies but i wasn't so sure if i was going to like this one because they went with the 3D gimmick which i'm against and also drew elements from RE4/5 which i didn't like, but i was pleasantly surprised. I actually think it might be the best one so far.
I saw the film, had a great time, will be buying it on blu-ray when it comes out and will watch the next one as well. And guess what I'm listening to? The Afterlife OST. If anyone else doesn't like it, tough. What I do in my free time is my business. If you don't like the film and don't want to support it, fine, then don't; but don't tell me what to do with my free time and money and criticize me for not doing what you'd like me to do.Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 09-19-2010, 04:00 PM.
Why are people still going on about this? You guys are not offending anybody by saying you liked the movie, so who gives a crap? More power to you if you liked it, just like you should be saying the same to me for not wanting to contribute money to a movie series that I find to be complete and utter genital bacteria. I don't like it, you guys love it, who gives a shit. If you honestly care and get offended that someone likes it or hates it, you really need to get your priorities fixed.
Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View PostCan't really agree that there's ever a "just reason" to attack anyone simply for going to see a film.
I may be a little biased… but since I played the character of Ricardo Irving in Resident Evil 5, i’d like to see him put me in the movie.
I’ve been a fan of the video games for years, I have been an actor my whole life, and this could be a huge break for me!
How cool would it be if the fans of Resident Evil 5 helped me. If you liked my role in Resident Evil 5 I would be honored if you could voice your support on the internet like many many have already done!
Feel free to check out my website and drop me a line! Thanks to all the fans!
Originally posted by rewak View PostCorrection, people who haven't seen the movie yet are ready to rip into anyone that dares even watch it is ripping the community apart, and it's always the same people stirring shit up too, every time.
I saw it and i enjoyed it. I liked the previous movies but i wasn't so sure if i was going to like this one because they went with the 3D gimmick which i'm against and also drew elements from RE4/5 which i didn't like, but i was pleasantly surprised. I actually think it might be the best one so far.
Most of the critics and fans were ready to rip this apart before it even hit theaters and i understand that, all video game movies have that exact same response upon release, but honestly its easy to figure out. If you liked the previous movies you'll like this one, if you didn't then you won't. Simple.Last edited by Inferno04; 09-22-2010, 06:25 PM.
Watched it last weekend on cinema, on 2D. I was expecting the worst really, or rather, I decided to have no expectations at all.
I hardly remembered what Extinction was about but the first thing that I noticed was how un-desertic the places they went looked. I remember at the beginning of the Extinction film they said the fresh water from the Earth had almost ran out and that was why it all happened in the desert. Did that change at the end of the film? I don't remember.
To be honest, I wasn't bored with the film, but a great film it was not. The screenplay as usual was dreadful and predictable, I knew precisely when which character was going to die, with the exception of Spoiler:
.Angel, which did take me unguarded
But the main problem with the screenplay was that it added absolutely NOTHING to the whole storyline of the RE movies. Chris and Claire's reunion was an absolute wasted opportunity, it could have been an emotional part in the movie, instead it was like, "we're brothers, cool, now let's fight zombies". It was basically a film about a) fights in the Umbrella lab (which I thought was the best part), b) fights in the prison c) fights in the ship. The secondary characters weren't even fleshed out so you could care a bit about them, just a pair of lines here and there and then they get zombie-eaten. Such a waste.
Another thing is the abuse of the Matrix-esque slow motion parts on the fight scenes. Do it 3 or 4 times and it is cool, but a WHOLE battle with that is boring.
I did like how Wesker was portrayed though, and I liked the Umbrella lab attack (even with the abuse of the slow motion), but apart from that... entertaining, but hardly makes you want to rewatch it.Last edited by delage; 09-25-2010, 03:59 PM.
RE Afterlife?
A movie which depicts a world where everything from plastic cups to underwear has an image of umbrella, which authors dont understand the meaning of "homage" when they throw in scenes from RE5 and Matrix without any actual meaning or reference. Where Chris´ and Claires reunion is so embarassing and against all possibilities and logic, with absolutely no build-up for any target group in the audience. Needless to say, I facepalmed through the entire 1.5 hours, cringed at every scene and laughed when the movie ended. It was utter and complete garbage with its only, factually only value being some scenes one would want to see for its 3D. Needless to say, that value is almost insignificant when we look at the big picture.
WHy would anyone be defending something which relies purely on visual effects and caters to casual, mainstream gamers who remember only a couple of names and scenes from the games theyve played (and thrown away), among the people who cant appreciate quality anyway?