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Lets talk about Resident Evil Afterlife (Spoiler)

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  • #46
    I have no problem paying my hard-earned wages to watch these "smelly pieces of excrement" because I had a good time, I enjoyed the film and personally, I would like the film series to continue. I don't see any reason why I wouldn't want them to. The people in the cinema seemed to enjoy it when they came out as well. I think it's a bit silly for people to get annoyed because other people are funding further production of the RE movie franchise. I mean, I've not posted on here before about people who fund the continuation of films franchises like Saw, for example.


    • #47
      XD - Obviousy deeming the film as the best this year was a joke. You pessimist are sickening. I completely agree with you Alexia, perhaps they dont know how to have fun. Some of you come off as so miserable, like you're going to die because of how bad the film sucks in your opinion.

      Your rants are entertaining.


      • #48
        wait wait wait .

        so ..


        jesus h lol


        • #49
          Originally posted by A-J View Post
          wait wait wait .

          so ..


          jesus h lol


          • #50
            Well, that was slightly annoying...


            And no, I will never, ever be happy. I've not felt joy since my birthday was ruined by watching Apocolypse. I was actually looking foward to that one as well...mostly because I had no idea what it was about and thought it would mesh with the game plot as well as the first movie. Hence my hatred of Anderson. He has robbed my life of glee.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
              Well, that was slightly annoying...

              Not seen it yet, but...

              ^Closest you'll ever come to me putting any serious thought into this subject.


              • #52
                I was thinking about this last night, but the more I think about it...the more it bugs me there wasn't more build up to the Jill cameo. Even a MENTION of her earlier in the film would have been better. With Alice documenting her days on video tape, we could have had her -while commenting that she hasn't seen anyone in however many days- questioning what became of Jill.


                • #53
                  Spoiiiiler tags, m'boy.



                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
                    To me, you have to go into the movies not really expecting Resident Evil, but rather an interpretation that uses elements of Resident Evil. There will always be people who like and dislike something that expands on something already in existence. Some find it an improvement and some see it as degenerate filth. I've always seen myself in the middle ground when it comes to the movies; I do not love them whole-heartedly, but I do actually like them for the most part.

                    And I'll say again that these movies are an interpretation of Resident Evil. I don't think Anderson lacks understanding of the games, but to him this is what Resident Evil is: Zombies, virus, small group of survivors, Umbrella Corporation, et cetera. If the first game was replicated flawlessly into cinema though, some people would still have problems with it. "OMG! The mansion wallpaper wasn't that shade of white! It was clearly egg shell with specks of ivory."

                    My ultimate point to what I'm saying is make up your own mind about the movie. If you want to see it, see it. If you think it looks stupid, then don't see it; however, you cannot ridicule something that you have not seen. You have seen clips of it through trailers, but not the actual movie. It's sort of like saying you hate a food based on the color...You won't know unless you actually try it.

                    Anyway, I thought the movie was average. I didn't really go in with the highest of hopes, but I did like the various homages to Resident Evil 5 scattered about. I thought the Wesker fight could have been a bit better, and I'll agree that the ending was a bit weak.

                    I thought it was better than Extinction and Apocalypse. And I would recommend going to see it if you have the ability to SEPARATE the game series from the movies. If you hate all the others, then don't waste your time.

                    Well said.

                    I enjoy the movies for what they are, but maybe I just go into them with the right expectations. If you go into a movie (or anything, really) "knowing" that you are going to hate, then nine times out of ten, you're going to hate it, because you've already predisposed yourself to that particular opinion. It's very difficult to give something a fair chance when you've already made your mind up about it.

                    In any case, I enjoyed the movie. I would never say that it was a good movie, mind you, but it was a fun excuse to turn my brain off for an hour and a half. I mean, I can understand someone not liking the films, but to complain about things like plot and character development when the games upon which the films are based have never exactly held high standards regarding either seems a little silly to me, but whatever.

                    I think the only thing that really disappointed me was that, of all the scenes they lifted straight out of The Matrix, there was no Burly Brawl-style battle royale between Wesker and the Alice clones. It seemed like the perfect set up. I mean, you've got Neo (Wesker) and hundreds of Agent Smiths (Alice clones, though there appeared to be far fewer in this movie than there actually were at the end of Extinction). I was really surprised that they didn't include something like that in the opening of the movie.

                    This was also the first movie I've seen in 3D since Avatar made it the next big thing. I never saw Avatar, either, so I don't really have a point of comparison, but I actually really liked a lot of the 3D effects they used in the movie, particularly the intro with the rain. I thought that was really cool. I also really liked the music in the movie, which is something that I was not expecting at all.

                    As for more story related stuff, I'll use spoiler tags.


                    Oh, and for the record, you can shoot coins from a shotgun. You can shoot just about anything you can stuff into the barrel, really. It's why law enforcement agencies use shotguns for a lot of their non-lethal ammunition. They'll fire bean bags, miniature tasers, etc. The military even has specialized grenade rounds that can be fired from a shotgun.
                    Last edited by Archelon; 09-11-2010, 02:26 PM.


                    • #55
                      Wow, what a steaming pile of crap of a movie. Better than the previous film, but that doesn't take much, does it? I still think Apocalypse was the most entertaining, as it at least maintained a similar atmosphere to the games.


                      Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
                      I would recommend going to see it if you have the ability to SEPARATE the game series from the movies.
                      I am able to do that, but it's frustrating when other people aren't. For example, I have a friend who loves the movies and just recently got around to playing RE3. He was completely shocked that Nicholai was a bad guy and that Carlos didn't die. My friend thought that was stupid, so I had to explain to him that they are separate storylines that don't overlap or connect at any point, and that the movies are based off of the games, not the other way around.
                      Last edited by Det. Beauregard; 09-11-2010, 04:59 PM.
                      Mass production? Ridiculous!


                      • #56
                        "Enjoy them for what they are"

                        "They're different from the games"

                        "They're fun popcorn movies"

                        "They're silly action movies"

                        ...I. Hate. The. Movies. I know they're not the games. I still dislike them as movies. Even as lame, cheesy B-movies, they're terrible. They try to be somewhere between a cheesy B-movie and an actual big budget action movie, and the gray area in between is just so full of fail that no matter what, I can't bring myself to enjoy them. I understand that people like them, and I couldn't care less. So why is my view so hard to understand for some people?

                        Terrible acting, terrible special effects and a stupid story ALL with the once-respected Resident Evil label. That's all I see.
                        Last edited by Vector; 09-11-2010, 05:42 PM.


                        • #57


                          Some movies are bad in a fun way. Resident Evil: Afterlife is not one of those films.
                          Buy the domain name and launch your business with a premium domain and a high quality logo.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                            Terrible acting, terrible special effects and a stupid story ALL with the once-respected Resident Evil label. That's all I see.
                            I understand your frustrations. Granted, I'm not as irate as you are about it, but the fact that the movies bring in people who want to be distracted for 90 minutes (as opposed to being told a good story for 90 minutes) does irk me. The movies are action-packed and overly cheesy, and I guarantee you that this leaks over to the games (e.g. RE4 and RE5). These "movie fans" want to play the games after they see the movies, and are disappointed when they discover that the (earlier) games actually require a well-developed frontal lobe and do not contain non-stop action. My hypothesis is that these "movie fans" are partly to blame for why RE4 and RE5 were so action-heavy and contained fewer puzzles than previous games.

                            You're right; the Resident Evil name used to carry quality with it. If the series continues in the vein of RE5, it will go downhill very fast.

                            I would be okay with a movie if it was done right. Less action, more horror, better acting, etc. Like perhaps a movie based off the events of the Remake, or maybe even Outbreak. But the weak link here is Anderson - he just doesn't understand the concept or atmosphere of the games. I'm assuming that Capcom has the rights to the RE movies, and they have no incentive to hire a different director to create an Alice-free storyline - the RE movies are a cash cow. And with this new one in 3D, even more money will be raked in.

                            It's sad to say, but I think this is the future of the series. The Wii-exclusive rail shooters are probably as close as we're gonna get to old-school Resident Evil in a long time.
                            Mass production? Ridiculous!


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                              So why is my view so hard to understand for some people?
                              I'm pretty sure it's not so much the fact that you don't like them as it is you were basically attacking people who liked them for liking them.

                              Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
                              I'm assuming that Capcom has the rights to the RE movies
                              Nope. Sony does.
                              Last edited by Archelon; 09-11-2010, 05:23 PM.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Archelon View Post
                                I'm pretty sure it's not so much the fact that you don't like them as it is you were basically attacking people who liked them for liking them.
                                Like I said, my issue is not with the people who like the movies(for whatever reason). Knock yourselves out. Turn your brain off for a couple hours and enjoy what's on the screen. My issue is with the people who complain about the movies and yet still pay to see them.

