Originally posted by Jill's Boob
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I don't think Jill serving in Delta force at a unnaturally young age is as far fetched as zombies, a killer virus, and a corporate conspiracy. At least, that is what I chose to believe, tee hee. But I think. . .hasn't this been rectonned or something? I"m sure News Bot has mentioned that fact before.
But, generally speaking about this thread (and not naming any names), if anyone honestly believes that Shinji Mikami "preferred" 1.5 to RE2, or "preferred" RE 3.5 to RE4, then you clearly have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Mikami was the one who decided to can 1.5, and Mikami is the one who settled on RE4's final direction. Not Capcom. He has personally stated in several interviews over the years about these things. It's not exactly rare knowledge.
I remember when RE4 was originally revealed in Game Informer(along with Suda's Killer 7), Mikami stated directly that he took the reigns of director for RE4 because him and the team were completely unhappy with it's previous versions. Mikami was the one who chose the more actiony survival horror route RE4 went down--whether you like it or not. Why Mikami says he wants nothing to do with RE5, or RE6, has absolutely nothing to do with the gameplay style, or the less focus of horror, but inferior level design and lack of polishing.
I think anyone with a level head knows that RE5, while possibly having a "better" story than 4's( 5's is serviceable at best), it's gameplay and polish level is so vastly inferior to 4. THAT is what Mikami is referring to. That's what he means when he says it would make him "mad" to play it and find something he thinks is terrible game design. Hell, there were a couple sections of RE5 that had me personally pissed off(mainly, the turret El Gigante fight. Talk about total BS) because of what I thought was pretty inferior design in comparison to RE4. We'll never know the kind of game Mikami would have made RE5 if he had made it, but I think we can be sure he would have certainly pushed RE4's concepts much further than what Capcom did.
RE4 was one of the best games ever made. RE5. . .not so much. Imagine how you would feel playing a sequel to a game you made that fails on so many levels to do anything new, or even better for the most part, than the game you directed. RE5 felt so half-baked, it's really not even funny. I think Mikami would piss blood if he played RE5.
Anyways, that's my two cents.