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Shinji Mikami wants nothing to do with Resident Evil 6

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  • Shinji Mikami wants nothing to do with Resident Evil 6

    I don't know if you guys knew about this or not, but I figured I'd post it here incase you were interested.

    My thoughts? He wanted nothing to do with RE5, and I can't say I blame him. It really feels like he is frustrated with Capcom, and that Capcom wouldn't let him do what he wanted with the series. Remember, he wanted 3.5 the way it was, but Capcom made him change it. And I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same thing with 1.5. And Mikami wanted to keep RE4 a GameCube exclusive, and Capcom changed that on him too. Both 1.5 and 3.5 were in development by him, and Capcom gave him shit over it. He may have liked RE4, but I don't think that is the way he really wanted RE4 to be.

    The only thing is, I believe Mikami had said one time that even he didn't care for 1.5, but you know what, no matter what Capcom employees say about 1.5, I just don't see it being as bad as they say it is. But I wonder if Mikami really thought 1.5 was bad, and that he was just saying that to support Capcom's decision.

    I wanted nothing to do with RE5 either lol! It was the first RE game that I never bought or played, even once. It's not Resident Evil anymore. It is nothing but a corny-story full-blown action game.
    Last edited by RetroRain; 09-20-2010, 04:36 PM.
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  • #2
    Wasn't this the exact same response when he was asked about RE5 a few years ago?

    Shinji moved on from Capcom years ago, and nothing in his response screams frustration.

    Edit: btw, title is kind of misleading. Just sayin'.
    Last edited by Mr. Rod; 09-20-2010, 05:01 PM.


    • #3
      I believe it was Mikami's decision to scrap 1.5, but lets keep discussion of that to the 1.5 thread. I don't blame the guy, RE4 and 5 are my least favorite of the series because they just aren't RE games. People might have praised them but the thing is the people that did weren't the original fan base of the series! It succeeded in bringing new people to the franchise sure, but in turn it just alienated it's core fans. They just threw out the entire foundation of the series. I really hope with RE6 they fix their mistake, somehow i doubt it though, i predict it'll be more of the same action bullshit and that the only remnants of the original series will be played out in half assed budget rail shooters.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Logical Operand View Post
        Shinji Mikami wants nothing to do with Resident Evil 6
        Welp, this is one thing that Mr. Mikami and I have in common.


        • #5
          Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
          Welp, this is one thing that Mr. Mikami and I have in common.
          I believe me and you and maybe a few others are the only ones who don't want to see a RE6.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mr. Rod View Post
            Edit: btw, title is kind of misleading. Just sayin'.
            In what way is the thread title misleading? The title basically says what the link says.
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            • #7
              I really wouldn't mind a RE6 if it's done 'the right way,' veers away from the third-person action shooter genre, and has a storyline that is plausible and not a re-hash/the same characters over and over again. All of this is quite a longshot so I'm really not too enthralled by the idea of RE6.


              • #8
                Right, if RE6 was done "the right way", fine. But what are the odds of that? I bet it's going to be another action game. Personally, I would love for something in the style of 1.5, but I think RE6 would have to have an all-new cast. A returning character will never be as afraid as he/she was the first time. You need a new cast to keep things new and fresh.
                Last edited by RetroRain; 09-20-2010, 05:25 PM.
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                • #9
                  He said this same bs for RE5.

                  Seriously, a stupid, immature response to what RE5 did. This guy is ridiculous.
                  He can go continue his work on his RE/DS/DMC mix of a game (Shadows of the Damned), the game which seems to have trouble staying balanced and stabilized (why out of everything, only the girl is bright, glowing, and glossy? for example).

                  Although, I admit, I do at times wonder what he would come up with for RE6. As long as it's afar from the abombination known as RE4 (in terms of story, RE and partial gameplay elements), he's more than welcome to return to work on RE6, IMO.


                  • #10
                    The glowing girl looks kewl, that's all that matters. I love the style of Shinji's game but I won't be playing it. It's not my style.


                    • #11
                      But he doesn't work for Capcom anymore, it's not even his choice :p
                      Last edited by A-J; 09-21-2010, 10:49 AM.


                      • #12
                        He defnitly if not the god that some people make him look, he has been behaving in a inmature way lately (or atleast regarding to RE)


                        • #13
                          More like bitter, and I don't blame him. Do people who leave Capom usually end this way?


                          • #14
                            Actually, this whole fiasco with him started when RE4 was made non-exclusive.

                            I'm still waiting for that decapitation of your own head Shinji!!!


                            • #15
                              ^Visit the site of his new studio.

