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Jun Takeuchi: Resident Evil must target 'Mass Audience' not (small) Hardcore market

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Enetirnel View Post
    And to Inferno, in regards to the Final Fantasy comment - they've been dumbed down as so many people complained they were too hard to understand, too hard to find a way around and crap unless you had played through some of the other ones.

    Sadly, I wish a good portion of the casual market would fuck off when it starts greatly impacted previously good franchises that had a good amount of detail and depth to the design and plot.
    I feel the same. D= I mean as good as the early ones were, I think Square's finest moments were VI, VII and VIII.

    I understand wanting to pander to the casual market, it makes money, and money is all these companies really care about...But it really is affecting huge franchises far too much...Hopefully it will come back to bite them in the ass. Longtime fans won't give a fuck anymore and the 'casual' market will lose interest.

    This is why I consider Valve one of the only well worth it major companies anymore. They may be so lagged that they have their own TIME scale, but they really are self-aware, and aware of their audience.
    Last edited by Inferno04; 10-04-2010, 12:32 AM.


    • #32
      Note to Jun: You're not Mikami-san. Just. Stop.

      Note to CAPCOM bigwigs: When both you're 'hardcore' & 'casual' fans completely ditch your already-souled-out, bloated & overrated franchise, I hope what Jun publically stated is still fresh in your minds.

      Keep it simple, people! Even when RE went mainstream, we knew. They don't have to remind the public how big their yearly profit margins are growing.
      I'm a blackstar.


      • #33
        Originally posted by REmaster View Post
        I would say RE4 sealed the deal. CV got bad reviews because it didn't have anything new other than cleaner graphics and updated camera control. They poured abunch of money into RE0 and it failed horribly which almost killed the production of RE4, but they released it anyways and obviously it did so well that the franchise was a superpower once more.
        Resident Evil Zero was a failure? I thought it was great. hmm oh well

        and yes I agree with the others that the Movie's made it fucking shit for everyone else who liked the games. I remember a stupid girl at work saying how much she loved the movies, I was stupid enough to ask "why?" And she said "oh I love Milla blah blah they are soo well made and scary".... I wanted to shoot her in the head I asked her about the games and she didn't even know there were any!! WHAT THE FUCK This is what Capcom have done to this once amazing series.

        Dumb people are what makes a company change, that and $$$$$$$$$


        • #34
          I see nothing wrong with people being fans of the movies and being oblivious to the game series.


          • #35
            I suppose there isn't. It's just a little disheartening, what with the movies not really doing the games justice. Nor the games really being suited to people who've only seen the movie, since you don't tend to have super powers (Leon non-withstanding).


            • #36
              Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
              I suppose there isn't. It's just a little disheartening, what with the movies not really doing the games justice. Nor the games really being suited to people who've only seen the movie, since you don't tend to have super powers (Leon non-withstanding).
              Do people just conveniently forget the ridiculous stuff Chris managed to pull off in RE5? Seriously.

              I'm sure someone will take this as me being some sort of Leon apologist, but come on. Almost every character in the series has performed some kind of death- or physics-defying act at some point. It's not just Leon.

              Pretty much every character in the series would be labeled "superhuman" in the real world.


              • #37
                The main difference is that Leon does it a lot more. Chris knocks out a boulder and somehow breathes sulphur, Claire dodges a gattling gun and defies physics to catch a gun she dropped. Leon also learns to breath sulphur, flips through the lazers, grapples against gravity, manages to mostly ignore a parasite in his chest so he can throw out smart arsed comments, rides a jetski through a tiny tunnel ahead of a wall of water, in Degeneration he ignores getting slammed fifty plus feet into a concrete wall that should have shattered his spine...etc. It wasn't that Leon did this shit that annoys me, it was more that he did it so much.


                • #38
                  Fair enough.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                    I wanted to shoot her in the head
                    Forwarded to Jack Thompson.


                    • #40
                      ^ Too bad Jack Thompson's so disbarred he can't practice the law of gravity.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                        Resident Evil Zero was a failure? I thought it was great. hmm oh well
                        I don't know if RE Zero was a financial failure or not, but I thought the game itself was a failure. It was just there for the sake of making another RE game. The story was horrible, and the fact that all of that happened a day before the mansion incident, with Rebecca Chambers seemed very farfetched. But since RE Zero took place before RE1, I like to pretend that it never happened. Because you can literally still have the series without it. I felt that by the time you got to the end of the game, all that puzzle solving, hard work and back-and-forthing you did was for nothing. That fire that blocked the elevator by the tipped-over train, all of sudden not being there didn't help. I mean, really? I did all of that hard work just so I could go back to the beginning because the fire wasn't there anymore? There was nothing satisfying by completing the game. And the whole story with the leeches, I simply didn't buy it. If Marcus contaminated the mansion with leeches, then you would have seen the leeches in the mansion. RE Zero was nothing but an add-on, and the funny thing is, it felt like an add-on.
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                        • #42
                          Capcom will have the last laugh when we're all sitting infront of our TV's playing 1.5 over RE6 when that day comes.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
                            Capcom will have the last laugh when we're all sitting infront of our TV's playing 1.5 over RE6 when that day comes.
                            ...If that's the case, we would have the last laugh.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Logical Operand View Post
                              And the whole story with the leeches, I simply didn't buy it. If Marcus contaminated the mansion with leeches, then you would have seen the leeches in the mansion. RE Zero was nothing but an add-on, and the funny thing is, it felt like an add-on.
                              My main problem with the game is that there wasn't even a real story there.
                              The whole game is about Rebecca and Billy going from place A to place B (unaware of where the hell they even are or where are they heading) and Marcus watching them on video and mumbling some random shit to his leeches in the background. Only few minutes before the game ends Becca & Billy meet Marcus ("Who are you?", says Rebecca ), where he summarizes them his life's story (2 minutes cutscene), mocks them and then mutates and becomes a final boss. That's like... House of the Dead level of storytelling :/.


                              • #45
                                I have to agree - Zero had some really weak storytelling. However, the creepiness of the Training Facility and Laboratory under the church make for some of the coolest environments of the series.

                                Still, the weakest of the five main "classic" games.
                                Mass production? Ridiculous!

