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What's your favourite RE title?

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  • #16
    Resident Evil 1 (original).

    I just love the whole atmosphere of the game having first played it sometime in late 96 - early 97, being stuck in a creepy mansion not knowing what lurks within the different rooms and hallways. The backgrounds were simplistic and not too overly detailed like in Resident Evil 2. Also while many people hated the cheesy voice acting, I loved it and felt it added to the atmosphere.

    How Capcom thought having RE1.5 play too much like the first game would've been a good thing in my eyes. The first game was perfect in every way.


    • #17
      LOL I'm that 1 Outbreak voter.


      • #18
        My fav is split between RE3 and REmake.

        REmake totally nailed the traditional horror aspect, RE3 did a different feeling of horror with the tension of Nemesis chasing you and being too powerful vs your equipment during early appearances.

        I voted for RE3 due to things like a better minigame, ammo mixing giving more choices and the story having various changes or events that keep repeat playthroughs fresher and uknown for longer, I prefer that to the duplicated scenarios RE1 and 2 use.
        Last edited by Dracarys; 10-21-2010, 07:52 PM.
        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


        • #19
          Remake was the only one I felt was scary. It had so much ambiance.


          • #20
            Code Veronica - The story and characters were so well developed. Im with the other guy, how in the world did you forget about CV/X?? ....
            Last edited by 5 Minutes; 10-22-2010, 01:44 AM.


            • #21
              Originally posted by The_15th View Post
              LOL I'm that 1 Outbreak voter.
              Nothing wrong with Outbreak. I like it better than RE3. I think it was limited to too small of an audience though and without the HDD it was a pain in the ass to play. I don't think you can even install it on PS3 yet. Release it on PC damn it.

              After RE1 original, the game I replay the most is probably CV. A great, real sequel.. Not like RE3.. (or 1.9 or whatever it really is).


              • #22
                I vote for Resident EVil for GC.


                • #23
                  Resident Evil 2 for me, Leon and Claire are just so pefect in this game, friggin amazing still to this day.


                  • #24
                    I should think it would be quite obvious what my favorite Resident Evil is...Think carefully now as you see my screen name.

                    I've always been partial to CODE: Veronica namely because of the Ashfords, Wesker, and Chris. It has pretty much all the main characters I like in it.

                    I think Resident Evil (Remake) and Resident Evil Zero are my next favorites. I don't quite understand why so many people dislike Resident Evil Zero; I do notice that it is one of the ones that is probably the least realistic...A man singing can make leeches do his bidding...A man brought back to life because a leech entered his body...Yeah, it does push the limits of Sci-Fi Horror, but I think I'm partial to it because it was the first Resident Evil I ever played.

                    I also do not see the appeal of Resident Evil 3 or the Outbreak series. I hate the Outbreak games with unholy passion. The characters are annoying, the plot is boring, and I just don't like the structure of the game. To each his own though.



                    • #25
                      1° Resident Evil 1 - Remake on GC
                      2° Resident Evil 2

                      Maybe first, Resident Evil 3.5
                      I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


                      • #26
                        A good secondary question would be: Which game did you play first?


                        • #27
                          I alays wondered how people can have CV as a fav in the series. Is it because it was the PS2s only real RE game? I mean the story was good but it has the the worst gameplay, game design and replay value in the series.
                          Last edited by Dracarys; 10-22-2010, 04:19 PM.
                          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                            I alays wondered how people can have CV as a fav in the series. Is it because it was the PS2s only real RE game? I mean the story was good but it has the the worst gameplay, game design and replay value in the series.
                            I disagree. I’ve actually played CVX more than any other game in the series. Perhaps it doesn’t have high replay value for the average gamer but, personally, I found myself replaying it hundreds of times simply because the storyline was entrancing, the atmospheres made me shiver, the characters felt real, and I thought there was a believable sense of fear throughout the environments.

                            CVX, to me, was the first Resident Evil game that really felt like it was going somewhere in terms of plot. It was first game in the main series to take you out of Raccoon City, and the setting worked, for me. There was progression by moving the storyline away from Raccoon City and, back then, the reunion of Claire and Chris, followed by Chris’ promise they’d destroy Umbrella, really setup a great impending chapter for the series. Sadly, this didn’t go anywhere—but, amazingly, I still find myself smiling whenever I watch the last cutscene in the game, because it reminds me of all the potential the series had for Umbrella’s finale. The same goes for Wesker’s “revival.” I know that’s still somewhat of a controversy within the fandom but, again—at the time—it felt appropriate to where the storyline may have been going, and the inclusion of the Wesker Report DVD with the PS2 port really introduced some insight into the larger picture of the series. It alluded to Sherry’s future, it alluded to Wesker’s plans—and, while the DVD’s contents hold little value in today’s RE canon, it gave us a lot back then.

                            Looking back, especially when you measure the time between CVX’s release and RE4’s release, there were so many ideas being formulated about the series’ storyline, and it was definitely the highlight of my time spent within the RE community.

                            Yes, most people can agree CVX’s storyline is good, but I always saw it as so much more It’s easily the most intricate, complex plot in the series, and it has themes that are deep, tragic and haunting. It’s about both the destruction and creation of family, and it showcases two wildly different scenarios of siblinghood: the extreme between Alexia and Alfred, and the subtle loyalty between Claire and Chris. In addition, there’s Steve, whose relationship with his father serves as a wonderful addition to the family theme and also provides Steve, as a character, an honest piece of sympathy that I—personally—very rarely feel in the Resident Evil series. Beyond this, the game is layered with depth that explores the history of Umbrella and the plot is built with elements from multiple decades. It’s more than just the “present”—it’s about the past, too, and those points in the plot are extremely important to everything that happens within the game.

                            As far as game design goes, I understand that, in quite a few aspects, it was a step back from the developments made in RE3, but I was never bothered by any of this, because I sincerely loved every part of CVX’s environments. They may not be as vibrant as the previous games, but the environments are still memorable, and the bleak, dreary coloring actually works in the game’s favor, I believe. The atmosphere itself is incredible, and that’s partially thanks to what I perceive as the best soundtrack in the series. The music in CVX is incredible. It’s intense and beautiful, and—as I’ve said in many other threads—it really seems to capture not only the mood, but the history of the Ashfords. You really get a sense of who they are simply from the soundtrack in the game.

                            Now, I understand a lot of criticism comes from the mechanics of the game: the backtracking, the switch between Claire and Chris, the widespread settings. But, even the very first time I played the game, I never had a single issue with any of this. The game is long and it takes time, but that’s what I love about it. You can’t finish it quickly and without any thought. It’s a journey, really, and I always contributed that to how the game really sucks you in and drains you, emotionally, from its rich storytelling.

                            As far as the switch between Claire and Chris: Many people admit they had trouble with that part, because, when the switch occurred, they were carrying too many weapons as Claire and therefore the Chris part was essentially unplayable. That never happened with me. And, I’m not judging anyone’s personal habits when playing a game in the series, but I always thought that was somewhat humorous, because there was really no reason to carry more than two weapons at once in CVX, at least in my experience. The first time I played, I was carrying the BOW gun and Claire’s handgun (along with Alfred’s rifle, which was unplanned since I didn’t know he was going to drop it before the boss battle with Nosferatu). When I gained control of Chris, he had the Glock, and I had the AK-47 or whatever still in my inventory box, and those two weapons—along with everything else still loitering in the box—served me just fine throughout Chris’ gameplay.

                            I’m not going to excuse the fact the game did, admittedly, fail to prepare you for the switch. It’s completely understandable if someone became frustrated with that. But, I’d like to think players would learn their lesson the first time around and could at least look past that sloppy mechanic in future gameplays. If it really bothers someone that much and makes the game, as a whole, “unplayable,” I think they are missing out.

                            It’s also worth mentioning that, prior to CVX, I was never a big fan of any of the mini-games in the series. I liked the HUNK/Tofu extras in RE2, but the other mini-game never did much, for me, and I never found myself enjoying RE3’s Mercenaries. CVX’s battle game is still really fun, to me, and Wesker’s knife-only certainly presented an unavoidable challenge that, when I finally accomplished, I felt so damn proud. (But not as proud as when I actually earned the rocket launcher in the main game, after playing the game without any saves, first aid sprays or deaths—now, THAT made me feel invincible.)

                            Also, as far as anyone finding CVX as their favorite because it was “it was the PS2s only real RE game”—well, I can’t answer for anyone else, but that’s definitely not why I like it. The system has absolutely nothing to do with my love for the game, and I have no idea why it would for anyone else, either. In fact, I’ve played the GameCube port more, just out of the convenience (since all the other games were eventually ported on the GC, too, and it just felt nice to not have to switch systems or memory cards).


                            CODE: Veronica does have flaws. I don’t think anyone can argue that. But, in the long-run, I feel those flaws are so minuscule compared to what an amazing experience the game gives you.

                            Of course, this is all my opinion, and I understand if people feel otherwise. It’s not my intention to tell people they are “wrong” for not liking the game. But, I think a lot of us who do hail CVX as their favorite hold similar sentiments.

                            After CVX, RE2 is easily my second favorite, and REmake is close behind. I agree with what many have said here about REmake. It’s an incredible game, and I absolutely love it. In some ways, it feels like the pinnacle of the series, in terms of its development and creation. Even the small aspects of the game—the amazing sound effects just in the inventory menu!—really stand out, to me. Sigh! Already feels nostalgic.
                            Last edited by Bianca; 10-24-2010, 12:26 AM.


                            • #29
                              I didn't like CV cause it reused the same locales too much. I never finished it. Then I saw you had to replay the same stuff using Chris and that made me want to finish it even less. That's the thing I disliked about RE2 also. I expected Claire's disc to contain entirely new locations, it was all the same stuff! I was so peeved! I enjoyed the game anyway, of course, but I didn't understand why it warranted 2 discs. And etc, it's what I hate about OB too, they trashed so many locales instead of giving us the whole thing. I can never get enough new environments to explore.

                              My dream RE game is classic cameras and gameplay and 7 discs full of different places to go through.
                              Last edited by The_15th; 10-22-2010, 09:37 PM.


                              • #30
                                I vote RE 1 because of the nostalgia value, it was the first RE game I played.

                                My other favorites in order:

                                RE 4
                                RE 2

