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Resident Evil: Raccoon City (rumored)

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  • #46
    Originally posted by nicksena17 View Post
    yes, zombies would be cool to have again i hope it is outbreak 3 it seems like im one of the few who like the outbreak series. I just think its cool how the levels add more to the areas from previous RE's
    I feel pretty much same way.

    I'd personally prefer the over-the-shoulder view. The fixed camera angles are too much of an annoyance. But that's just me.


    • #47
      I think I found the two zombies... (actually, a REVIL visitor did it):


      • #48
        The AI is alot of fun to play with on Normal or Easy difficulties. The mistake they did is that they appear to dumb them down more than they should have once you're on Very Hard.

        As for the game, I would love it if it had the same stealth elements as Outbreak and RE2 (as much as I remember avoiding all lickers in it). Being able to avoid fights if you are skilled enough is one of the reasons I liked RE so much.


        • #49
          This game could turn out to be one highly addictive, fun game. It could also turn out to be garbage, but I prefer to see the sample of t-virus half full (Oh me). Like a few others, I was also not a huge fan of the outbreak series, mostly because I had no internet connection which basically took away 90% of the games value in my opinion. Outbreak was simply ahead of it's time.

          I mean, now that most people are connected to the internet and you have tons of co-op games, online friends, etc...the time is perfect for them to take another swing with the possible "outbreak" formula.
          Last edited by REmaster; 11-29-2010, 03:43 PM.
          "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
          Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


          • #50
            Not long now until the VGA reveal. Hopefully it'll be a reasonable detailed to hint on what's to come.


            • #51
              Originally posted by REmaster View Post
              This game could turn out to be one highly addictive, fun game. It could also turn out to be garbage, but I prefer to see the sample of t-virus half full (Oh me). Like a few others, I was also not a huge fan of the outbreak series, mostly because I had no internet connection which basically took away 90% of the games value in my opinion. Outbreak was simply ahead of it's time.

              I mean, now that most people are connected to the internet and you have tons of co-op games, online friends, etc...the time is perfect for them to take another swing with the possible "outbreak" formula.
              It's not necessarily a case of the game being ahead of it's time, but that fact that it was released on the wrong console. I've said this before, I believe the game would have done allot better on the Xbox since XBL was already really well established by mid 2003.

              I remember hearing a rumour back in the day that the only reason Capcom didn't release it on the Xbox was because they would have had to use the voice chat feature and they said it would have ruined the atmosphere of the game. Sounds more like an excuse though, Monster Hunter 3 on PS3 anyone?
              Last edited by Vixtro; 11-30-2010, 04:27 AM.


              • #52
                As someone who didn't get to play online due to having dial up at the time and highlight of the game's online mode I still enjoyed playing the Outbreak games offline solo with AI partners turned off. The game is actually harder when you enable AI's in the higher difficulty levels...

                So I myself would like another Outbreak. I didn't bother with the Japanese servers since I read horror stories about how people got banned just for being American, and/or the overdraft fees on their cards. Let's just say I've already had many overdraft fees with Chase, and as a result I cannot even create an account there anymore.


                • #53
                  The AI can be very helpful on VH, or at least more self reliant than a squirrel, it happens. When you play on Normal, they are fun. The only thing I dislike is that they are always goal oriented on all difficulties, which I guess is to help keep things moving along. So once you've reached a certain goalmark, they just stay there. There's no luring them back anywhere else.
                  Last edited by The_15th; 11-30-2010, 05:03 PM.


                  • #54
                    I would've loved playing Outbreak (and File #2) if it wasn't for those loading times. Waiting 15 seconds to go through a door is a really good way to kill the fun factor.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by leftshoe18 View Post
                      I would've loved playing Outbreak (and File #2) if it wasn't for those loading times. Waiting 15 seconds to go through a door is a really good way to kill the fun factor.
                      I agreed with that; I'd still be playing Outbreak, and File 2 in my PS2, if it wasn't for these long loading times.


                      • #56
                        There was nothing factual about the Outbreak on Xbox rumor. I don't think.

                        Besides, what does a game that came out relatively recently on a next-gen system (that was designed from the ground up for online play) have to do with what happened waay back in 2003 (before a lot of the online issues were properly ironed-out)?

                        Ppl seem to think that they will use Outbreak's template to make this new game. When in all probability, they will use as inspiration games that came out more recently (and that were a huge hit with online-shooter fanatics).
                        Stuff to remember: Avoid forums if you're having a bad day.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Vixtro View Post
                          It's not necessarily a case of the game being ahead of it's time, but that fact that it was released on the wrong console. I've said this before, I believe the game would have done allot better on the Xbox since XBL was already really well established by mid 2003.

                          I remember hearing a rumour back in the day that the only reason Capcom didn't release it on the Xbox was because they would have had to use the voice chat feature and they said it would have ruined the atmosphere of the game. Sounds more like an excuse though, Monster Hunter 3 on PS3 anyone?
                          Good point, too bad I never owned an Xbox lol. I think the chat feature would have been awesome, I mean who doesn't want to listen to your friends screaming after you take all their ammo and abandon them Such a shame.

                          Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
                          Ppl seem to think that they will use Outbreak's template to make this new game. When in all probability, they will use as inspiration games that came out more recently (and that were a huge hit with online-shooter fanatics).
                          *cough* Socom *cough*
                          Last edited by REmaster; 12-01-2010, 12:26 PM.
                          "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                          Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by chris_survivor View Post
                            I agreed with that; I'd still be playing Outbreak, and File 2 in my PS2, if it wasn't for these long loading times.
                            Do you have the old fat PS2 or a slim one? If you have a fat one, have you ever thought of maybe buying up an old 20-40gb ide hdd for cheap and looking for the ps2 format software online? The HDD reduces load times to a more respectable level (similar to, or just a tad longer than the classic game load screens if I remember right). I know it may not be worth it just for OB, but if you got like 10-20$ or an old ide drive lying around (I think any will work, but I'd probably look for an old sony one just in case) and really would like to play OB and the load times are the issue, it could help.

                            If you have a slim one, I don't know if an external usb hdd would work or not. Would have to look that up.

                            And if you used an hdd with it already and it is still too long, then don't worry about it. XD


                            • #59
                              Yeah I wold look into a HDD for the PS2 as well if you have the older model.

                              Now for the Outbreak AI, I usually play the game on Lone Wolf as managing and keeping track of the stupid AI can become very tedious.

                              I remember in the one level where you fight Thanatos you have to find this canister of some sorts (that is near the area where he fights the soldiers) and it was gone when I went looking. I had to go around the entire map looking for the stupid AI only to find the AI person had died and became a Zombie..... Well I still won that level, but that's why I play on my own. Fricking AI taking key items and wandering away.
                              My Head-Fi Page


                              • #60
                                I tried Outbreak #2 with AI. It seemed in the Zoo there was a cart you need two people to push, yet the AI would never help me so I couldn't go into that are of the map.

