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dark biohazard 2010/2011 thread

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  • dark biohazard 2010/2011 thread

    well I guess I'm gonna say it. Dominion seems to be so hard at work he did not have time to talk this year.

    still cannot wait

  • #2
    Will never ever be released complete.


    • #3
      While my powers to see the future aren't nearly as potent as Prime's, I gotta admit, I'm clueless. I haven't heard anything in several months, and assume something has changed. Dominion has been around at least a couple of times, though, so I'm not without some small glimmer of hope in the situation.


      • #4
        yep, when it's's done. Just hope that it won't just fade away it looks like he put a lot into it already.


        • #5
          Yeah, Dominion is definitely around. He's never shown Online on my msn list, but his status message changes a lot and it has contained references to recent stuff, so he's apparently still using msn and "around", but none of us have heard from him.

          I don't expect anything from him either at this point when counting his previous mod track records. But who knows, maybe we'll all be surprised eventually. I wouldn't hold my breath though.


          • #6
            Well, I believe there is still a chance. Given thatat least part of the reason the others mods were scrapped was partially frustration at being unable to do something, and now he can do pretty much everything in the game, I do believe it might still be completed. But I'm not gonna hold my breath at this point either.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Prime Blue View Post
              Will never ever be released complete.
              Your great enthusiasm fills me with joy.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Vixtro View Post
                Your great enthusiasm fills me with joy.
                You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that an over-ambitious fan game will never come out. It's a known fact that the overwhelming majority of Internet projects are given up on sometime after they are announced. People love to create a fuzz over a bit of concept work, but when it comes to putting everything into reality from start to finish, they quickly lose interest and give up.


                • #9
                  Its a shame if thats the case.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Prime Blue View Post
                    You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that an over-ambitious fan game will never come out. It's a known fact that the overwhelming majority of Internet projects are given up on sometime after they are announced. People love to create a fuzz over a bit of concept work, but when it comes to putting everything into reality from start to finish, they quickly lose interest and give up.
                    Well, I'd disagree that it's just a bit of concept work. While there was still a lot to do, I also know that quite a lot had already ben done. I also seem to recall there was a couple of years worth of work in there. Still, the recent silence is certainly concerning. I'm simply not ready to say it's totally dead, because they're isn't a reason it can't be restarted at any time. If it has stopped and he hasn't simply been working on his own for the last few months.


                    • #11
                      I absolutely love Dark Biohazard, and I want it more than any other single game. Another concern I have, along with its apparently cancellation, is the viability of the technology behind Dark Biohazard. Dominion, who posted on DB's zoomblog site, already noted that Resident Evil 2 (PC) was not compatible with contemporary Nvidia cards, pointing out that DB (and Resident Evil 2 for the PC, which was required to run DB) could not be run using Nvidia cards. It also concerns me that DB was (or is?) being developed under Windows XP, which is not a contemporary OS. I was very late in updating to Vista, and only in the last couples months have I updated to Windows 7, but DB needs to stay contemporary. The longer they take to develop DB, using Resident Evil 2 for the PC, the more technology will continue to progress far beyond the tech used by Resident Evil 2 for the PC, and the less and less compatible DB will be with current hardwar and software. I am hoping that DB will ditch the RE2 (PC) requirement and be released as a stand alone. I am also hoping that Dark Biohazard, if it has not been cancelled, will be revived and retitled to Resident Evil 2/Biohazard 2. I always thought the best title for Dominion's mod would simply be Resident Evil 2. Since it serves the same purpose, albeit it is an alternative sequel. I also wonder if C2keo is still involved in the project, assuming it is even still an interest for Dominion and not scrapped, and nobody seems to have heard from C2keo or been able to ask him. To put it in perspective, the fervency for which I want DB, is comparable to the fervency for which many others around the community want Resident Evil 1.5, DB is my Resident Evil 1.5, so yes I want it quite badly. I hope a way for it to work on current tech can be found and of course I hope it has not been cancelled, even if rebooted (in which case, I hope Dominion changes the title to Biohazard 2). I always thought that Biohazard 2 would make a great title for a the project and that the title screen for Biohazard 2 over at the Bioflames website would make a great title screen for Dominion's project. For the title screen I'm talking about, see
                      Last edited by Shugotenshi; 12-05-2010, 01:56 PM. Reason: grammatical correction and added link


                      • #12
                        RE2 has no more problems with Windows 7 as it does with Windows XP. I have an Xp machine and a 7 machine both running RE2 with Nvidia Cards perfectly fine. The 8 series seems to have no problems with RE2 where as the 5 series and 6 series had issues (though setting the graphics card to an ATI one in the options corrected issues but makes the game run a tad slower). Never had a 7 series so I can't comment. So I wouldn't worry about what OS he is developing it for (unless you are running vista, then god help you).
                        Last edited by Enrico Marini; 12-05-2010, 02:44 PM.


                        • #13
                          On this, see

                          Also note that Windows 8 or later will have been released by the time DB does become available for download. Windows 8 ~ 2012, and I'm sure DB will not be released earlier than 2012.


                          • #14
                            Yes I'm well aware of Nvidia issues with RE2 but as I've said, my 5700 had issues, 6800 Gt had issues but my 8800GTX and 8400GT do not have issues. Dominion did not comment on which Nvidia cards he has had issues with. I swear by ATI Cards for RE2 but the two 8 series I have work as fine as an ATI card.

                            As for Windows 8, who knows what will work. Who knows if they have a windows 7 compatability mode. Who knows if Capcom will re release RE2 compatible with windows 8?


                            • #15
                              And I'm getting off topic. What some folks in this thread, including myself, want, is a confirmation that DB is not dead, or at least news if it has been reborn as a different project (which would be in line with what Dominion has done in the past). I'm assuming that like me, none of you have C2keo to talk with.

