Originally posted by Mr. Spencer
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Ice-T loves RE1 - Thinks newer RE games have become something different
I always feel this sense of worry and sometimes dread when I see your name as a latest reply on a topic I've posted in, haha. I should have worded that a little differently, though what I'm trying to say is that a lot of people on here seem to consider the new RE games (RE4 in particular) as survival horror, which to me implies that it's the same kind of horror they've come to enjoy from the series since 1996. What Ice-T is saying is that he pretty much realises that the series is not what it used to be, more or less. Hence my respect for the man just increased.
In actuality, RE4 is nothing more than an action shooter with horror elements.
Apologies for going off on a tangent there, my disdain for RE4 knows no bounds these days.
It wasn't the actual over-the-shoulder camera view that got me disliking it either, even though I am a fan of the fixed camera angles as they amplify the atmosphere and make you unaware of what lurks around that next corner. That view can work in a survival horror, as tipified by Dead Space. Yes you did a lot of shooting, but I believe it was more of a 'survival horror' than RE4/5 could ever hope to be.Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 02-23-2011, 07:48 AM.See you in hell.
Why do you hate RE4 so much? I don't know if I've seen anyone say it's survival horror, but clearly it's not. It only becomes a challenge if you play RE4 on professional. I enjoy RE4 (not RE5) but it will never be the same as the old series, but that doesn't mean it isn't a great game. It's just not what I expected from RE and it took me a long time to be able to separate the disappointment with the way the series has gone from my enjoyment of the game. Once I'd learned to do that, I wasn't letting my love for RE ruin my fun with RE4. I don't think I've seen anyone call RE4 survival horror though. I think I'd remember the post-bashing that would ensue.
I also like this quote from Richard Garriott:
I think that great games are great to play regardless of genre. Horror is hard to do and doesn't seem to have wide appeal, but look at how popular a game like Resident Evil is. It sold because it was great, not because it was horror.