Replay the Wii version.
I hated RE4 with a passion, I couldn't stand people talking about it because it just wasn't a good RE game.
So I was like hey, why don't I try out the RE4 Wii port I bought and NEVER put in my Wii.
A week later and after 40 fucking saves (yah 40+ saves), I'm at the final chapter. I enjoyed the playthrough.
Here's what I believe.
RE4 is a fun game, yes, it's a 'decent' RE game, it does have some horror elements.
The best horror element is the soundtrack. After that, the regenerators, I fucking hate when they breathe and you can hear them and have no idea where they are. The last horror element(s) were some areas such as the sewer and knight.
Some of the key points Capcom missed in RE4 was:
-Ganados are everywhere, there is a lack of variation. RE1/2/3 etc. had dogs, lickers, hunters. RE4 had regenerators in one part of the game and those sewer demons in only one part as well. You never saw them again....same with dogs. They were in the beginning, never the end.
-One giant map. RE4 has different areas, but you never BACKTRACK completely. RE1/2/3/0 had a giant ass map in which you can backtrack, although maybe not completely, you revisited the same areas over and over.
-Enemies dropping items. You don't need this shit, drop it Capcom.
-Typewriter needs ribbons. Otherwise you'll save 40 times like me. And I loved the fact in the old games you had limited saves and had to rush sometimes to save.
-Too much health/buying first aid sprays.
I also disagree with my previous 'too much ammo' argument because I noticed near the end I've run out of shotgun ammo lol.
tl;dr: RE4 is a pretty fun game although a decent RE game. It has it's flaws.
I hated RE4 with a passion, I couldn't stand people talking about it because it just wasn't a good RE game.
So I was like hey, why don't I try out the RE4 Wii port I bought and NEVER put in my Wii.
A week later and after 40 fucking saves (yah 40+ saves), I'm at the final chapter. I enjoyed the playthrough.
Here's what I believe.
RE4 is a fun game, yes, it's a 'decent' RE game, it does have some horror elements.
The best horror element is the soundtrack. After that, the regenerators, I fucking hate when they breathe and you can hear them and have no idea where they are. The last horror element(s) were some areas such as the sewer and knight.
Some of the key points Capcom missed in RE4 was:
-Ganados are everywhere, there is a lack of variation. RE1/2/3 etc. had dogs, lickers, hunters. RE4 had regenerators in one part of the game and those sewer demons in only one part as well. You never saw them again....same with dogs. They were in the beginning, never the end.
-One giant map. RE4 has different areas, but you never BACKTRACK completely. RE1/2/3/0 had a giant ass map in which you can backtrack, although maybe not completely, you revisited the same areas over and over.
-Enemies dropping items. You don't need this shit, drop it Capcom.
-Typewriter needs ribbons. Otherwise you'll save 40 times like me. And I loved the fact in the old games you had limited saves and had to rush sometimes to save.
-Too much health/buying first aid sprays.
I also disagree with my previous 'too much ammo' argument because I noticed near the end I've run out of shotgun ammo lol.
tl;dr: RE4 is a pretty fun game although a decent RE game. It has it's flaws.