In a few ways, the situation with Tricell following Biohazard 5 more closely resembles the situation which the Umbrella Corporation was in immediately after the Mansion Incident, as well as Raccoon City. The entire background and epilogue of the game's storyline is in the BSAA Remote Desktop and Adam's "Experience Kijuju" blog. So, they are not "promotional nonsense", to quote.
Background; the BSAA Remote Desktop focuses on a level 6 intelligence analyst of the BSAA named 'Ryan'. That's basically it for starters.
(translations by Prime Blue)
Right off the bat, Ryan sets up the entire game in one day;
1) suspects Plagas
2) promotes observation and investigation of Kijuju
3) requests the West African branch to send in Reynard Fisher
Further setup for the game.
1) Reynard reports back to Ryan, having detected signs of Las Plagas.
2) Ryan informs the West African branch, and awaits more evidence to finally push the planning for an operation forward
1) Ryan vouches for the importance of Kijuju while the rest of the BSAA is dismissive. He predicts everything correctly, such as the existence of evolved Plaga (Type 2 & Type 3)
1) Reynard manages to catch Ricardo Irving in the middle of a transaction and takes a photo and sends it to Ryan.
2) Ryan basically ejaculates in his pants, as this is the hard (lol) evidence required in order to launch a proper investigation.
3) this is the entire set-up for Irving's EXISTENCE in Biohazard 5.
1) this report details the entire reason Chris is the main character in Biohazard 5. He was conducting his own investigation and wound up with a connection to Irving. As such, he insists on taking part in the investigation Ryan is setting up.
2) did I mention that anyone who thinks this is "promotional nonsense" right now is pretty narrow-minded?
1) M. Suzuki really gets involved here. She is the sender of the virus.
1) Chris bears the fruit of his investigation. He pin-points the exact building where Irving carries out his transactions in Kijuju, as well as the buyers and the date of his latest transaction (where he is scheduled to sell Popokarimu).
2) at some point, M. Suzuki reports this to Irving, which is how he anticipates the BSAA's entire presence in Kijuju and manages to lead them straight into death, as guinea pigs against the Type 2 Plagas. Still just promotional nonsense?
1) the background on Sheva being chosen as Chris's partner.
2) M. Suzuki also requests to become his partner (in order to fuck up the operation on his end) but is denied by Ryan due to her lack of experience. Yes. Ryan just saved Chris Redfield's life.
1) two days before the operation. Ryan realizes that he and the West African branch do not see eye-to-eye. Ryan sees the operation as a potential stage for bioterrorism, while the West African branch only sees it as a simple arrest. Again, Ryan is the one, single figure who vouches for the severity and importance of it. Because Chris and Sheva are under the same assumption as the West African branch, Ryan takes matters into his own hands and requests M. Suzuki (in reality a Tricell agent) to inform them about the (high) possibility of bioterrorism. She doesn't, pretty clearly in order to try and have them die by virtue of not expecting shit.
Ryan finally realizes, and he is murdered by Suzuki for his trouble. She then deletes his entire hard drive, erasing all evidence of the operation and its planning.
Sound familiar?

In closing, Tricell is essentially free of responsibility for the bioterrorism in Kijuju. If the BSAA does manage to cough up evidence (which will be hard to procure since Ryan, the man behind the operation, is dead and all of his data deleted. And the Kijuju Autonomous Region was carpet bombed by the BSAA. Oops.) then, at the very least, only the pharmaceuticals division of Tricell will be persecuted since each division of Tricell is basically a completely separate company. Maybe the world has gotten more common sense since the days of Umbrella, who got themselves adjourned for 5 years before they had their own data used as evidence.
Hate to burst any bubbles too, but Biohazard 5 takes place in 2009 whether anyone likes it or not.

(Biohazard 5 Kaitai Shinsho ~ Biohazard CHRONICLE)

(Inside of Biohazard: The Darkside Chronicles ~ Chronicle of the Darkside Chronicles)

(Biohazard Archives II ~ Chronological Table)
Background; the BSAA Remote Desktop focuses on a level 6 intelligence analyst of the BSAA named 'Ryan'. That's basically it for starters.
(translations by Prime Blue)
Originally posted by Report_090213
1) suspects Plagas
2) promotes observation and investigation of Kijuju
3) requests the West African branch to send in Reynard Fisher
Originally posted by Report_090216
1) Reynard reports back to Ryan, having detected signs of Las Plagas.
2) Ryan informs the West African branch, and awaits more evidence to finally push the planning for an operation forward
Originally posted by Report_090217
Originally posted by Report_090220
2) Ryan basically ejaculates in his pants, as this is the hard (lol) evidence required in order to launch a proper investigation.
3) this is the entire set-up for Irving's EXISTENCE in Biohazard 5.
Originally posted by Report_090223
2) did I mention that anyone who thinks this is "promotional nonsense" right now is pretty narrow-minded?
Originally posted by Report_090224
Originally posted by Report_090225
2) at some point, M. Suzuki reports this to Irving, which is how he anticipates the BSAA's entire presence in Kijuju and manages to lead them straight into death, as guinea pigs against the Type 2 Plagas. Still just promotional nonsense?
Originally posted by Report_090226
2) M. Suzuki also requests to become his partner (in order to fuck up the operation on his end) but is denied by Ryan due to her lack of experience. Yes. Ryan just saved Chris Redfield's life.
Originally posted by Report_090303
Originally posted by Report_090308
Originally posted by Report_090309
Sound familiar?

In closing, Tricell is essentially free of responsibility for the bioterrorism in Kijuju. If the BSAA does manage to cough up evidence (which will be hard to procure since Ryan, the man behind the operation, is dead and all of his data deleted. And the Kijuju Autonomous Region was carpet bombed by the BSAA. Oops.) then, at the very least, only the pharmaceuticals division of Tricell will be persecuted since each division of Tricell is basically a completely separate company. Maybe the world has gotten more common sense since the days of Umbrella, who got themselves adjourned for 5 years before they had their own data used as evidence.
Hate to burst any bubbles too, but Biohazard 5 takes place in 2009 whether anyone likes it or not.

(Biohazard 5 Kaitai Shinsho ~ Biohazard CHRONICLE)

(Inside of Biohazard: The Darkside Chronicles ~ Chronicle of the Darkside Chronicles)

(Biohazard Archives II ~ Chronological Table)
