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Tricell isn't quite dead. (Mansion Incident / Raccoon City Redux)

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  • #91
    It was quite funny when they changed to the new ReH and it removed all the security on their site. Previous members were unbanned, and they couldn't physically ban anyone. DaMa tried to make out he'd done it intentionally so we could make up (I'd already found out it was a site issue and not a gesture of goodwill so I just lold and went along with it). You could read their entire mod forum. I remember reading your ban topic Stu, and they thought you might be a troll but weren't sure, but they banned you just incase because they ' wouldn't be losing much'.

    I still remember DaMas video he made me saying he really appreciated my help on the site, thanking me and saying I was his friend. Then he banned me and called me a bitch because he blamed me for Capcom exiling reH over that RE5 Spoiler business. Creepy
    Last edited by Alexia_Ashford; 03-17-2011, 04:38 PM.


    • #92
      He's the Zenith guy, doesn't really care much about the series anymore when he realized that his empire of dirt is not getting any attention. Now he's a PC enthusiast!


      • #93
        What is this thread!?

        First of all, let's not speak ill of Temp when he's not around. I still want him to be around, even though he doesn't seem to be anymore

        Anyway, regarding the whole 2008/2009 thing;
        I thought this subject was pretty much covered several times... I mean, it doesn't take a genius to get that Resident Evil 5 was designed to have a "contemporary" setting, taking place in the "now" upon its release. Being initially set to be released sometime during the second half of 2008, it ultimately got pushed back to early 2009. External content properly reflects this change, the game itself does however do a terrible job at mirroring this (in fact, I'd be surprised if anything changed at all).

        Why the game doesn't properly reflect this? Who knows? Most likely; Designs were locked down and/or no one really cared.

        Anyway, try not to kill eachother. ;D


        • #94
          Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
          What is this thread!?

          First of all, let's not speak ill of Temp when he's not around. I still want him to be around, even though he doesn't seem to be anymore
          Same here actually. It's always a shame when the more interesting characters leave the community.


          • #95
            Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
            I remember reading your ban topic Stu, and they thought you might be a troll but weren't sure, but they banned you just incase because they ' wouldn't be losing much'.
            On my first post on popupHorror Temp said i was S*unders hahaha, being my first RE forum i didn't have a clue what he was on about!

            But yeah when i found this place and Biohaze i jacked it in completely. Being under "Nazi rule" is such a cliche, but it was so apt for that site.





            • #96
              I'm sorry, but the CAPS LOCK thread is in another castle.


              • #97
                This went from being an interesting topic to the most retarded topic, then to being the greatest topic on THIA.

                Also Paul, thanks for taking a bullet for me and diverting attention away from the Natural Disasters thread.
                Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 03-17-2011, 10:24 PM.
                See you in hell.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by TheBatMan View Post
                  What ever happened to him? Or is that a can of worms I shouldn't open?

                  If people want to ignore the supplemental materials then by all means ignore them, just don't come on here and label them as mere 'promotional nonsense' when as its already been stated some people work pretty hard trying to get answers to questions people have wanted to know for a long time from hard to come by sources.

                  How would you feel for example if you've worked bloody hard to translate a significant portion of Archives 2 to present to the community only for people to dismiss it without even reading it because 'Jill's age is wrong'?

                  I acknowledged there is some interesting stuff for fans to read, just it shouldn't take precedence over the actual games.
                  Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by KylieDog View Post
                    I acknowledged there is some interesting stuff for fans to read, just it shouldn't take precedence over the actual games.
                    Even though the fellow here has added me to the ignore list, I'll still say; the games can be wrong. A lot. I'm sure Prime Blue can fill in on this one from all of the dumb shit present in the games. Marcus' dying 10 years early, 'Barkin', the Alexander/Nosferatu date, "Ingrid Hannah", master Plaga, NE-T virus, Marcus wanting to present the t-virus to Umbrella, "secret military agency", mother/founder/primogenitor virus, misplaced/completely irrelevant names attached to files, do I really need to go on because we could be here for a while? Supplemental material does take precedence over the games when it's clear they're incorrect.

                    Fun-fact; the games can be wrong. They are not gospel, especially the English versions. This is why supplemental material is essential. You can't make very much sense out of the series otherwise. Somehow a mistaken digit overrides countless sources. SMH.

                    And thanks for the comparisons to Temp. Much appreciated. I suppose that's what happens the moment you try and contribute something related to the games on a community focused on them.
                    Last edited by News Bot; 03-17-2011, 11:14 PM.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • OMG why is this still going on LOL the games as well as supplemental material could both be wrong it's all typos and mistranslations until the game and material become one cohesive entity its all up in the air sheesh
                      "Admit it, you're going to miss this ass" - Chloe Frazer


                      • Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
                        I'm sorry, but the CAPS LOCK thread is in another castle.
                        hahaha brilliant!

                        Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                        I suppose that's what happens the moment you try and contribute something related to the games on a community focused on them.
                        To bust out the date meme you went for...cry more.


                        • Originally posted by Stu View Post
                          hahaha brilliant!
                          It's a shame though, there was a good community back in reH back in the old days. But DaMa (and Temp with influence) really started to take it down hill when a lot of effort went into the site by many of its members. I remember taking a chunk out of my own time on the site's graphics in one of the last versions before reH was no more, it was some good effort too. It pretty much died out and the members either migrated to another site or just lost interest entirely. Still, I remember the laughs when DaMa finally lost it in his head and went all Patrick Bateman on me via MSN. Good times. But this is going furhter off-topic now and this old story can be for another time


                          • Originally posted by Stu View Post
                            hahaha brilliant!

                            To bust out the date meme you went for...cry more.
                            Just here to troll then? Good ol' Stu.

                            OMG why is this still going on LOL the games as well as supplemental material could both be wrong it's all typos and mistranslations until the game and material become one cohesive entity its all up in the air sheesh
                            You're right about that, however it just so happens that there are more sources to work with in supplemental material, and all of them happen to say the same thing. Are they all wrong? That would just be silly. Carnivol explained it perfectly, but I see he's been ignored.

                            Originally posted by Carnivol
                            Anyway, regarding the whole 2008/2009 thing;
                            I thought this subject was pretty much covered several times... I mean, it doesn't take a genius to get that Resident Evil 5 was designed to have a "contemporary" setting, taking place in the "now" upon its release. Being initially set to be released sometime during the second half of 2008, it ultimately got pushed back to early 2009. External content properly reflects this change, the game itself does however do a terrible job at mirroring this (in fact, I'd be surprised if anything changed at all).

                            Why the game doesn't properly reflect this? Who knows? Most likely; Designs were locked down and/or no one really cared.
                            This topic isn't about ages or Temp. I'm starting to fail in seeing the point in even posting shit here, not very many seem to care.
                            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                            • JUST here to troll? Seems i've been talking with others on your thread, you must've noticed it, hence your little moans? Cry even more.

                              Do us a favour though, don't give it the whole "Why do i bother posting?!" spiel when everyone knows it's how you fuel your ego, your arrogance in the past towards anyone who would disagree with your findings is testament to that.
                              Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
                              It's a shame though, there was a good community back in reH back in the old days.
                              See, i completely disagree. When i would just lurk (the good old days some may say! haha) it always appeared to me it was a close-knit bunch of friends, far from a community. Yama and Dot were the ones to truly forge a community out of this ragtag bunch in my opinion.
                              Last edited by Stu; 03-18-2011, 07:26 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Stu View Post
                                See, i completely disagree. When i would just lurk (the good old days some may say! haha) it always appeared to me it was a close-knit bunch of friends, far from a community. Yama and Dot were the ones to truly forge a community out of this ragtag bunch in my opinion.
                                I have to probably agree there. It was quite a small group of friends when looking it at that way, when it was coming to when Resident Evil 4 was released, than a big sense in term of what a community is. It still had some of the best people you could enjoy talking and have a good laugh together though (I still talk to some of them today and quite a few are on here now).
                                It's crazy when you do think how long ago that was in some senses, it makes you feel old

