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[Hidden-Palace]Biohazard Betas Released

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  • No your way off the closet addresses I have to it in the (31-01-1996) sample is the walkthrough address and room modifier address.


    Debug Menu
    300B9CD4 00??
    00 = Off
    01 = On

    Access item chest anytime
    D00BC178 0000
    300BC178 0001

    300BC5AC 00??
    Off = 00
    On = 01

    STATUS_FLG (16) - Enable / Disable Inventory and Debug Menu.
    300C3001 00??

    Walkthrough Walls
    300C5120 BFDF


    "Walk Through Walls
    800C7158 BFDF

    Going by that logic the address should between 300C5 - 300C6 but then again it's missing more data so theres maybe more or less space between them, you've got to also take into account that the STATUS_FLG options don't follow any spacing it's jumbled all over the place around the other menus.

    I suggest trying to find the STATUS_FLG for pushing in the spider corridor, it should be the easiest one to find, then we can work from their.
    Last edited by kevstah2004; 04-08-2011, 06:53 AM.
    If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



    • Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
      No your way off the closet addresses I have to it in the (31-01-1996) sample is the walkthrough address and room modifier address.


      Debug Menu
      300B9CD4 00??
      00 = Off
      01 = On

      Access item chest anytime
      D00BC178 0000
      300BC178 0001

      300BC5AC 00??
      Off = 00
      On = 01

      STATUS_FLG (16) - Enable / Disable Inventory and Debug Menu.
      300C3001 00??

      Walkthrough Walls
      300C5120 BFDF


      "Walk Through Walls
      800C7158 BFDF

      Going by that logic the address should between 300C5 - 300C6 but then again it's missing more data so theres maybe more or less space between them, you've got to also take into account that the STATUS_FLG options don't follow any spacing it's jumbled all over the place around the other menus.

      I suggest trying to find the STATUS_FLG for pushing in the piano room or spider corridor.
      Now you've got me confused...
      My addresses are at 300C6000, actually...

      I am sure that they are the V-Jump counterpart to the 0C001380 pattern of the debug build you posted!
      I even compared the memory of both builds side by side and they match perfectly.
      These flags are in exactly the same order in both builds, it's just that they are at 300C3000 in the debug and at 300C6000 in the V-jump build.

      Anyways, for the pushing flag, I'll try looking for it in the V-Jump build now!
      The spider corridor is the only room with pushable objects in the V-Jump build as far as I know.
      You can't push the bookshelf in the piano room, it's part of the background instead of being a 3d object.
      Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-08-2011, 07:07 AM.


      • What STATUS_FLG's have you found so far then? i've only found these atm (31-01-1996) as you can see they follow no spacing order at all.

        STATUS_FLG (16)
        300C3001 00??

        00=Enable Inventory and Debug Menu "0"
        80=Disable Inventory and Debug Menu "1"

        STATUS_FLG (00)
        300C3003 00??

        00=Character rendering blur ON "0"
        80=Character rendering blur OFF "1"
        Last edited by kevstah2004; 04-08-2011, 07:11 AM.
        If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



        • Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
          What STATUS_FLG's have you found so far then? i've only found these atm (31-01-1996) as you can see they follow no spacing order at all.

          STATUS_FLG (16)
          300C3001 00??

          00=Enable Inventory and Debug Menu ON "0"
          80=Disable Inventory and Debug Menu "1"

          STATUS_FLG (00)
          300C3003 00??

          00=Character rendering blur ON "0"
          80=Character rendering blur OFF "1"
          STATUS_FLG (00) is more than just blur ON and OFF, try using some other values for it!
          In the debug sample you can turn on the black movie bars with it, replay the intro movie and access a "Collect Shotgun Yes/No" screen which crashes the game!

          Anyways, here's which flags I've found in the V-Jump build so far:

          Dining Room Event Flag
          300742CC 00??
          00 = Dining Room Events Off
          01 = Dining Room Events On

          Just the event modifiers I discovered earlier.
          I guess they too count as flags since they can be switched On/Off.

          Music Flag
          300A6288 00??
          00 = Music Off
          01 = Music On

          Text Scroll Flag
          300DBEEA 00??
          00 = Reload Text
          04 = Text Fully Loaded

          Hurt By Enemy Flag
          300C6E00 00??

          I don't know it's exact address, it only shows for a split second while you are being hurt by an enemy...
          It should be only a few bytes away from C6E00 tough!
          I'll try freezing the game while being hurt to find it!

          Unknown Flag
          300C69EC 00??

          No clue what exactly it does but it must be some hidden feature!
          A lot of stuff happens in the memory when you set it to 03, I am just not sure which effect it has on the game!

          You should try setting it to all kinds of values to see what happens!
          It seems to have different effects depending on what value you set it to!

          If only I knew what exactly it does...

          Unknown Flag 2
          300C680C 00??

          Similar to the one above, there seem to be multiple of these weird (unused?) flags in this memory area!
          Try setting random addresses to 01, 10, 80 etc. and you'll find tons of flags around here which have no visible effect on the game...

          Random Status Flag
          300C6000 00??
          03 = You Died Screen

          Rendering Flag
          300C6001 00??
          89 = Hide 3d Objects
          80 = Default
          40 = Black Background
          00 = Blurred 3d Rendering

          Onscreen Text Flag
          300C600B 00??
          00 = Hide Text
          01 = Display Text

          Gameplay Speed Flag
          300C600C 00??
          01 = Super Fast Game Speed
          02 = Default Game Speed
          03 = Super Slow Game Speed

          Enemy Counter Flag
          300C6012 00??
          00 = No Enemies
          01 = 1 Enemy
          02 = 2 Enemies

          Interesting thing I noted, this does not count the small spiders...

          Sample Mode Flag
          300C7024 00??
          00 = Doors Open
          01 = Doors Locked

          Controller Input Flag
          300074B8 00??
          00 = Disable Controller Input
          01 = Enable Controller Input

          Walk Through Walls (Your code, no credit to me...)
          800C7158 BFDF

          It's not much, I know...
          No clue which status flags they correspond to, I had no time to really play around with Flag View Mode to examine them in the debug build so far...
          Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-08-2011, 09:44 AM.


          • You guys are freaking nuts... please, keep up the great work!!!
            I'm a blackstar.


            • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
              You guys are freaking nuts... please, keep up the great work!!!
              It's an honor to hear this from you, MarkGrass!
              I guess we'll continue doing this until we completely ripped Biohazard's memory and debug menu apart!

              It's always a lot of fun to hack Resident Evil games, especially pre-releases!
              Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-08-2011, 09:41 AM.


              • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                It's an honor to hear this from you, MarkGrass!
                I guess we'll continue doing this until we completely ripped Biohazard's memory and debug menu apart!

                It's always a lot of fun to hack Resident Evil games, especially pre-releases!
                Yeah, MarkGrass also help me for "Silent Hill 1" files... MarkGrass Rulez!
                I'm looking for Resident Evil 3.5 (BioHazard 4 "Progenitor" and "Hallucination"-"Hookman" Version) or scans, articles! Resident Evil 1.5 release info =


                • I've decided to not make anymore codes till the full truth is exposed for everybody to see.
                  If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                  • Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
                    I've decided to not make anymore codes till the full truth is exposed for everybody to see.
                    What do you mean?


                    • What exactly it is we have here, be it a fan hack reverse engineer or a actual real alpha / beta, it's alot of trouble for a fan to make but not beyond impossible, both alpha releases if real have been tampered with pre-release, the biggest problem we have is the people in the so called scene don't even know what they have or how to correctly label it.
                      Last edited by kevstah2004; 04-08-2011, 11:59 AM.
                      If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                      • YouTube video:


                        • Well, 08/04 it's almost impossible to reproduce, it have many alpha backgrounds and the picture of alpha inventory, also 10/04 have the beta inventory the Flamethrower Fuel and other irreproducible things, 31/01 have inside the SLPS_02.22 file as the so called Japanese v1.0 version, but they differs in dimension, actually the 31/01 file is bigger.

                          I don't know why you think they can be fake


                          • The alphas are real. And the accusations he posted against us in the game suggestion topic in the RPD Dispatch are false.

                            Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                            I don't know why you think they can be fake
                            He's most likely been listening to someone who either has no real idea what they're talking about, just plain trying to slander us, or both.


                            • Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
                              I've decided to not make anymore codes till the full truth is exposed for everybody to see.
                              Why the sudden concern?
                              Did you discover something on/about the disc that made you question it's origin?

                              It is because of the disc ID, isn't it?
                              I know, it should not have any ID (especially not the final game's ID) assigned to it, yet it does...

                              Even the first batch of final Biohazard 1 discs released did not display the ID...
                              That's been bothering me ever since that image was released...

                              I assume you have some knowledge about things that went wrong in the "scene" of which I have no clue about, so a little more insight would be nice.
                              I mean even if it really is just an extensively hacked Trial Edition/Biohazard 1, whatever it still is nice to mess with the features it has to offer...
                              (If this is indeed a fan hack only someone like Dominion could've created it, which is unlikely, if you ask me)

                              I don't know what happened behind closed doors or who "Mr Anonymous" is who we have to credit for these builds...
                              I just hope we don't have another "Curator Incident" at bay...

                              I guess I'll shift my focus on the Biohazard 2 Trial Edition until whatever happened is settled.

                              I just saw the post in the RPD Dispatch but I'm going to keep my mouth shut on this...
                              Robert did not seem all that fussed about the release of the images, so I don't think he was really f*cked over by whoever it was he got them from...
                              Well, this really is none of my concern, after things have settled down I'll come back...
                              Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-08-2011, 01:24 PM.


                              • Guys.. the 1995-01-31 build is dated less than two months before release.. I don`t think thats suspicious that capcom already included the license ID of the later released retail game on it.. It was already sure that the game will definately released... and there was not much time left until the game would go what's the deal?

