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[Hidden-Palace]Biohazard Betas Released

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  • Originally posted by TheMortician View Post
    Guys.. the 1995-01-31 build is dated less than two months before release.. I don`t think thats suspicious that capcom already included the license ID of the later released retail game on it.. It was already sure that the game will definately released... and there was not much time left until the game would go what's the deal?
    The deal is that the leaked sample reads the disc ID from the exe whereas the first release of the final build does not.

    Only reprints displayed the ID properly...
    Apart from that I really don't see why this pre-release would be fake tough.

    The content of the disc looks legit, everything you'd expect from a build that is bridging the gap between the earlier Trial Edition and the final release is there...
    Not to mention the inclusion of the debug menu of which no traces (which would allow it to be fully unlocked) are left in the officially released builds...

    I don't think any of these three leaked builds is fake!
    Huge parts of the engine had to be rewritten in order to fake the V-Jump build, that's more than impossible...
    Plus where would the faker have gotten the real alpha build files necessary in order to create such a hack from?
    (If he had them he could just have sold the real deal instead of wasting years of hard work on creating an impossible hack)

    Where exactly the discs came from does not really matter to me. I am just thankful that I got a chance to play them!

    Jeez, why does every prototype appearance/release in the Resident Evil series have to cause such drama?
    Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-08-2011, 02:32 PM.


    • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
      The alphas are real. And the accusations he posted against us in the game suggestion topic in the RPD Dispatch are false.

      He's most likely been listening to someone who either has no real idea what they're talking about, just plain trying to slander us, or both.
      Nope I had a ex raw science employee perform a forensic scan on all the files.
      If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



      • Originally posted by TheMortician View Post
        Guys.. the 1995-01-31 build is dated less than two months before release.. I don`t think thats suspicious that capcom already included the license ID of the later released retail game on it.. It was already sure that the game will definately released... and there was not much time left until the game would go what's the deal?
        Beats me. You're absolutely correct about the final catalog number being present not really being an unusual thing. However, I see someone bring up a certain ISO (often referred to as v1.0) that's been floating around for a while with the main exe named NTSC.EXE instead of SLPS_002.22. (The whole v1.0 part mainly comes from a few minor changes in the psx.exe that prints v1.0 instead of BIOHAZARD, if memory serves me right)

        It's been floating around for like a decade now with a bit of an uncertain origin. No idea what the original source media was. Some suggests a first print of the main game ('s database has multiple entries for it, at least. But I've yet to bother checking my own stack up against their entries.) At least I've yet to be presented with a legit disc for it amongst the many BH1 discs that "should" be in the hands of members of the community. Either way... it could've been a review or master build of some sort, but masters always have the final IDs in place (assuming they bothered with a catalog ID on the exe instead of using a random filename pointed to with SYSTEM.CNF or just couldn't be arsed to stray away from PSX.EXE).

        Another probable origin of the disc being a typical hong kong silver. Those types of bootlegs are often full of oddly renamed files and altered labels.

        Sadly, misinformation, miscommunication, wishful thinking and google translator is like the number one source of fantastic cock ups in the RE community (not to mention the fantastic theories and "my friend told" stuff)


        • The ID has nothing to do with it.
          If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



          • Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
            The ID has nothing to do with it.
            Then what exactly is it that you think has been tampered with?
            There's no way to argue on it if we don't know what caught your attention...

            I mean you obviously have a pretty good reason to start questioning these images, so just let us know...
            Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-08-2011, 02:35 PM.


            • ^You might want to pop by your PM box. Just sayin' @Kevstah
              Last edited by Carnivol; 04-08-2011, 02:21 PM. Reason: Not in the mood for people stirrin' up shit without explaining themselves


              • All PM's regarding this subject will be ignored, if anything else is going to be said it has to viewable to everyone, it's the original source cd files that have been tampered with, it doesn't concern the 1st or 2nd leaker or a bottom feeder like me and the rest of the THIA members.
                If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                • Eeeerp! Try again; this time without a bunch of shit. Try answering in public then, since you clearly don't wanna try to explain your drama in PM.


                  • Has anyone ever thought... perhaps CAPCOM didn't really give nearly a fuck about certain things on an alpha that was never meant to be released? We don't even know what this drama is about, do we?
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • They don't and never have, if they did many warez sites would of been closed down by now.

                      Now back on the subject at hand firstly the .XAS audio track for the voices on the (04-10-1995) sample has been messed with in order to make it inaudible probably to remove the original Japanese VA? the data is still their though and be made out with a certain media player but it plays too fast.

                      All audio is missing from the .STR stream files due to the dumper not knowing how to dump ps1 discs properly or they removed it for whatever reason , files sizes are exactly as the same retail game that contain audio so you can simply do a file replacement with the ones from the retail game and they'll playback with audio.

                      The RCJC address is the same for every version

                      Want me to carry on?
                      Last edited by kevstah2004; 04-08-2011, 03:12 PM.
                      If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                      • Some very interesting stuff.
                        MAXIMUM The Video Game Magazine Issue 2 - 1995 (UK)

                        Guys.. the 1995-01-31 build is dated less than two months before release.. I don`t think thats suspicious that capcom already included the license ID of the later released retail game on it.. It was already sure that the game will definately released... and there was not much time left until the game would go what's the deal?
                        I agree.
                        Last edited by Carnivol; 04-08-2011, 03:15 PM. Reason: spoiler tags to just not break board format


                        • ^@Kevstah: Please do keep on going.

                          Still don't see where you get these amazing conspiracy theories of yours from, though (and this amazing drama urge)

                          And we're still shopping for translators to decipher this one;

                          Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
                          How must 1.5 cost you in 200X and when you plan to release it, yes the cats out the bag you horde all you stuff sell it on for a high price then once it no longer holds any value to yourself you leak it to fuckover the people that baught it from you. lol at you selling robert those fake re4 beta's.
                          Last edited by Carnivol; 04-08-2011, 03:24 PM. Reason: maybe your ex-Datel friends could help.


                          • Isn't it possible that Capcom themselves removed the Japanese audio for this specific preview?
                            The preview was given to western magazines so there wasn't much of a point in Japanese voiceacting anyways...

                            And for the Capcom intro missing the sound, couldn't it be the same case of avoiding unnecessary data on a preview demo?
                            Or just some kind of file/disc corruption?

                            Besides, what's the point (for the person these builds came from) to remove certain data from them?
                            (I understand that it's sometimes done to protect anonymity if there were employees named on the disc or something like that but that has just nothing to do with audio files)
                            Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-08-2011, 04:00 PM.


                            • They where only leaked because I got too close to exposing them ;-)
                              See in 2010 I tried recreating the backgrounds for these samples

                              then in 2011 it suddenly leaks they where laughing at us all these years, they've had these so called alphas since 2008 or even earlier they've had many years to modify them, the debug menu can clearly be seen in the bob video and can be recreated, I guess you've never seen ps1 trainer patches?, it's not as impossible as you've been led to believe, Enrico for example has done some ps1 programming. The above image is fake, lol

                              No space was saved by the removing of audio as the files are exactly the same size as the ones from the retail version .STR's.
                              Last edited by kevstah2004; 04-08-2011, 03:34 PM.
                              If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                              • My favourite cuba1976 video, thanks alot to the person who sent this to me.

                                Through a proxy I leaked information about the betas to Bioflames, the goal is to produce a smoking gun, proof of the existence of the 1.5 beta on The Horror is Alive.
                                See you in hell.

