So the MAXIMUM coverage of this specific sample build is fake too!? 
Oh those conspiracies...
I wonder when the aliens will show up on this forum...
Look, I'm sorry but seriously, this whole fake alpha build story just seems unbelievable to me.
I mean if it were real, just why in the world would anyone cause such a mess?
Where's the point in doing that?
You don't want to tell me that drx, the famous prototype collector is either another victim of a huge prank or part of the group behind the prank, do you?
He was involved in the release, you know...
And he acknowledged that image I posted with the Alpha 0.02 Preview disc from Capcom on it if I remember correctly...

Oh those conspiracies...
I wonder when the aliens will show up on this forum...
Look, I'm sorry but seriously, this whole fake alpha build story just seems unbelievable to me.
I mean if it were real, just why in the world would anyone cause such a mess?
Where's the point in doing that?
You don't want to tell me that drx, the famous prototype collector is either another victim of a huge prank or part of the group behind the prank, do you?
He was involved in the release, you know...
And he acknowledged that image I posted with the Alpha 0.02 Preview disc from Capcom on it if I remember correctly...